Why does Sup Forums hate us?
Why does Sup Forums hate us?
Everyone hates us
because they're not white
because you lack our superior European intellect, skin colour and racial temperament
there are no white people on Sup Forums
>le 56% man tries to claim that if he isn't white, nobody is
>oh We got blue eyes and brunettes,
>Rainbows and rednecks,
>Good thing we’re in the land of the free
>We got Scottish Jewish,
>Christian Buddhist,
>And that’s just the branches of my family tree
>Here I stand in these genes,
>All kinds of blood in this here stream
>The many dreams that have been chased,
>Well I wear ‘em on my face
>There’s so many cloths from which I’m cut,
>Just call me an all American mutt
Not white enough
Stop feeding le 56% meme and the prevalence of it will drop.
Just let them post it and have their fun. Do you really care if a bunch of Yuropoors think you're not white? They don't know Jack-shit.
>Do you really care if a bunch of Yuropoors think you're not white?
A little bit, yeah.
All other boards hate us
The weak fear the strong. Sup Forums is an unstoppable power on the internet and this site. Think of it as how everyone hates the US.
>caring about other boards
they hate us caus they ain't us
Because we're all faggots
Those that tell the truth will be hated in a world of lies. Everybody hates us.
I need more of these pics
You are yanks.
Sup Forums never does anything important either, also completely full of weak faggots, have there ever done anything other than talked about how smart they think they are? How fucking goofy
Anyone else see how Sup Forums is having a small uprising? The mods are banning and deleting any comment that contains the word nigger or kike. Also reddit is getting mad
When is Reddit not getting mad?
Muslims are turning Europe into New middle East, so why is this Amerimutt phrase s popular.
European women are being raped right now by niggers and sand niggers. You can't even walk through a public location without the threat of being blown up. Card are on fire. Entire neighborhoods are no man's land. Mattresses lay in your streets while chimps degrade and write on your monuments. 3rd world designate which of your streets should be shat on
All that and you're calling one of the last places pure white men have not been overrun, mixed.
They don't know the jq and so they are subverted by them
>Everyone hates the truth
ftfy. Look at us, we know the truth and hate everyone.
The pushback will come in the form of whites moving into rural areas and making them great while urban centres continue to become more and more corrupted by human skaven.
Sup Forums is the roastie containment zone of Sup Forums. They are all about collecting cultural experiences. Sup Forumss take onthis is pretty much unless you were invited as an honorable guest to the country take ur tourist dollars and shove them up your cunt.
Sup Forums are the tourists taking photos in front of a beautiful statue.
Sup Forums is the local sitting in the cafe across from the statue looking out the window thinking it would look alot better without a bunch of tacky faggots standing in front of it.
Americans are loud, obnoxious, rude, arrogant, unintelligent, monolingual, and create terror and war all around the world. Why would any group not hate you?
what about the pony fuckers? are they are greatest ally?
Sup Forums is where retards go to pretend to be smart. Sup Forums is where smart people go to pretend to be retards.
>caring about other boards
>on Sup Forums
/mlp/ likes us
>Hides behind his meme flag to bash America
What sort of yuropoor country are you from if you're too ashamed to even reveal it, achmed?
pol shits on every other board on this site
i see shitty polacks bringing in race iq bullshit in the most brass and unrelated ways possible in a discussion on a thread. I WAS ON PHUCKIN CK AND SOME FUCKER THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO TALK ABOUT THE GODDA,M KIKES IN A THREAD ABOUT EGGGDSSZZZZZZZ
thank you for proving my point
Because they are aids infected gay retarded nigger faggots and we hate their kind
Kek fuggin saved fren
Because they ain't us
>Reddit spacing
Pick one
tbhwyf Sup Forums does leak a fucking ton, it's going to leak even more on the other board with flags.
>Sup Forums leaks
>not that 95% of people are racist and will show it when anonymous
why do i see infographics that i've seen on here being reposted then?
Its called bait, you might be surprised but some people like to derail threads with content that is sure to make people respond, what better way then post something political?
Only reddiors care about reddit spacing because they know how redditors post on reddit.
Kek it's kinda of hard no to.
So many of those infographics weren't even created here. Side note: Sup Forums is a pretty nice board usually. My guess the majority of shitty meme spammers are from the cancerous discords.
There is like not even any point in shitting on Europe anymore desu
could care less
they're still first to get the rope
>The weak fear the strong. Sup Forums is an unstoppable power on the internet and this site. Think of it as how everyone hates the US.
They know we are more well-travelled than them...
Int is a bunch of low IQ incels, stop caring what they think ya poofter.
>rootless cosmopolitans
Who gives a flying fuck Sup Forums is literally a bunch of generals disguised as a board where faggots speak to each other about their own irrelevant faggot politics, and almost 90% of them are hardcore leftist retards who invade Sup Forums to shill their free healthcare, socialism is awesome bullshit
Sup Forums is like Belgium pretty much a non-board
"The further a society drifts from truth the more it will Hate those who speak it" - George Orwell