How does Sup Forums feel about Kyoko Otonashi?

How does Sup Forums feel about Kyoko Otonashi?

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Was more wishy washy than most harem MC's today

I liked her.
She was hella indecisive and a quite spiteful with misunderstandings but watching her and godai get closer was really fulfilling.

I love her. I love Maison Ikkoku. Got great memories tied to it.

She was a prude. Series should have been 80 episodes shorter.

There was literally no reason why she shouldn't have picked the tennis coach guy

I can't believe that she has to be cucked by a middle schooler just to set her feelings straight.

Soichiro best wing man.


Yamagi was my favourite character. It made me kinda sad that she got the bittersweet ending but it was the only logical outcome really.

I don't know. Why don't you ask them? This is Sup Forums by the way.

I hated her first.
Then, she singlehandedly delivered character development to Kyoko and set a career to Godai to strive on.

I hated her during the time in the school because she was getting godai into shit all the time, but after that she became so fucking based it's unreal.

How does this make you feel?

Like there's a hole in my life the shape of a crumbling apartment complex.

The scene in episode 80-something where she turns down Mitaka after six years of stringing him along and being as ambiguous with her feelings as she could be was honestly the single most painful scene for me in any anime.

I'm glad he ended up with a girl who actually loved him, poor bastard deserves it.

>you will never have a cute lovestory

>not this

>Sup Forums

>watched this
>hated at first, but learn to love it at the end
>all those 80's themed music
>aesthetic as fuck

>watched Orange Road
>official dropped at ep17
Jesus. Only this and SDF Macross were the shows I truly enjoyed.
Should I watch more?

>that one cut of the city with the train crossing the bridge on the river

I like it when she exorcises.

I still think she's shit. Typical Takahashi practice to introduce a new char when she can't do stuff with the old ones anymore. Godai already had another love interest in Kozue. Yamagi didn't have any significant relationships with the rest of the cast either.

I'm surprised she's still getting porn of her released.

>Godai already had another love interest in Kozue.
Man the whole Kozue thing was weird.
She just vanishes one day then like 40 episodes later reappears and suddenly it's all about getting married and shit.
I wasn't even confused, just didn't see the point of it.

I think Yagami was a much better character than Kozue because she was more aggressive and determined, Kozue was just the easy option for godai, Yagami was like a battle.

I might just have a thing for wayward girls though.

A lot of Takahashi's works have characters drop out once she runs out of things for them to do. Kozue's actually lucky she made it back; a lot of others never appeared again. Dr. Ono from Ranma disappeared quietly.

It's very linear in that sense, it just goes from character block to character block. I kinda like it because it keeps things direct and simple. Feels like there's always progress.

Should have been true to her feelings MUCH earlier, would have resulted in a lot less filler episodes.

One of the few Takahashi works with a satisfying ending, at least.

>not watching old anime for the filler

I almost never felt like there was filler or lack of progress.
Not sure how because it was so long but I never noticed any.

The filler wasn't formulaic, like the vast majority of shows that run too long, that's why it was bearable and didn't really feel like ~100 episodes.

Old anime used to handle filler really well - they were actually enjoyable. That's why all those older shows are really comfy.

I agree, Maison Ikkoku can have comedic filler while still being dramatic from the chapters of the manga at the same time.

I also want to mention that I watched the English dub and it's not that bad.

I remember by around episode 30 or 40 or whatever that I completely stopped caring if godai and kyoko got together and just started rooting for them to fuck everything up like all other tenants were doing, which honestly made me enjoy the show more.

anyways it's been long enough since I watched it that I feel like I should read the manga, how different is it from the anime?

Dunno the details but general rule of thumb is that older manga to anime adaptations were really high quality i.e. the animation crew actually tries to improve the essence of the manga like clarifying some scenes or changing shots to make them more emotionally stirring.

Maybe it's because I'm old but I really think modern Japanese animation is a far cry from how it used to be done. The older crews were just downright better.

This was awesome

Can't wait for more

That episode where Godai had a cat named Kyoko was cute.

Thanks to this thread started downloading this series again, so I'm gonna have a pretty comfy Christmas watching this.

Don't forget to download the entire soundtrack and OVAs
Listening to Fantasy and Cinema makes me want to end it

And the movie. Such a great series overall.

i actually thought i misclicked Sup Forums for a moment

There's a movie??? FUck