Yummy yummy Sup Forums! I just sat down a nice big bowl of natto in front of you're waifu! How does she respond?

Yummy yummy Sup Forums! I just sat down a nice big bowl of natto in front of you're waifu! How does she respond?

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wtf is that cum?


She's so into it we have sweaty natto-lubed sex after.

I feel sick just looking at it.

I'm so weeb I enjoy natto tamago gohan

rotten soy beans

you madman

japanese are bad at food

Fermented* soy beans. Supposedly it's really good, but I don't know if you can buy it outside of Japan.

You can buy it at Asian food stores. Most of them, anyway. Most people who aren't Nips will hate it though

joke's on you, my waifu fucking loves natto

9/10 taste, user.
Sorry, had to deduct a point for the extra dimension

She'll swallow it down with a refreshing beverage.

Is it a genetic thing or just an acquired taste?

Seems like characters in manga or anime either love it or hate it

Acquired taste. A lot of nips don't like it either, but they think it's healthy. It's pretty gross, the texture is weird, too.

I didn't like it at first so it definitely can be an acquired taste. Could be a genetic thing too idk

Thank goodness for Pixiv.

Fermented foods in general are an acquired taste, just like blue cheeses and stuff like that.

It tastes like rotten coffee grounds, and the texture is slimy. It's awful and I hate it.

She doesn't like sticky food.

You nailed the taste, though.


It taste good if you mix it with soy sauce or ketchup.

neba neba

>like the flavor
>hate the sticky slimy feel
This guy knows his foods, the egg makes everything more slippery and easier to eat.

>natto with ketchup
Stop posting on Sup Forums Souma.

>who arent nips
tfw your country make a shit load of these too.

Are you supposed to eat it hot or cold?

Either really

Depends. Most people take it from the fridge and put it on hot rice so it all works out.

Did someone say natto?

Natto is the secret of Japanese longevity along with daily anime stimulation

> once had this idea to mix natto with condensed milk to make it more palatable
> worst idea ever
> was like eating wood glue mixed with fermented beans in a sweet and sour sauce

I'm not sure if she even eats

She drinks coolant and mechanical lubricant.

And leeks, but she eats those for fun.

you're all plebs, it tastes great with a raw egg mixed in with good soy sauce.

She will send you back to wherever you came from with a big fat co/ck/ in your butt

Damn I need to more buy natto

It actually looks pretty tasty I think.

It is. It's just pungent and really messy to eat.

I don't think my waifu eats food so nothing.

I just cannot wrap my head around what the consistency of natto is like. Are the beans like edamame (kind of firm but not chewy)? Is the stringy shit like melted cheese? Does the stringy stuff dissolve in your mouth or does it just clump up?

>eating soy anything as a man
Literally just begging for the gyno

Its more like cobwebs.
Best with the little mustard packets that come inside the package.

Seeing as she's one of the most talented chefs in the world, I'm sure my waifu would be able to appreciate natto.

I actually like it myself, though when I order it in a Japanese restaurant they always seemed shocked a white dude is asking for it. I think it's tasty in the same way that some of the more pungent and stinky cheeses are tasty.

Is the anime for this any good?

Does natto taste better than durian?

I'm a gook that hates durian


Durian actually has a sweet flavor if you can get past the rotten corpse smell. Natto actually tastes as bad as it smells.

That stuff is so gross I can't even watch people eat it without almost gagging.

It look good.

Contributing with another meme food to quell all the weak western stomachs ITT

If you get it fresh and eat it as just the beans, it tastes like normal refried beans. Very ordinary. There are sauces and spices and other things to add to give it some flavor.
Still doesn't fix the texture, which is exactly that of a lumpy loogie in your mouth.

Do you even 50's middle-class American cuisine?

>mfw I know its taste and can talk about how tasty natto is


No, most people here have had it seems like

I refuse to believe that people genuinely enjoyed savory Jello salads. It's like aspic, but now with a sickly sweet binder.

Also scrapple.


I love blue cheeses. But I definitely hate natto. The texture alone is enough to make me gag.

Why is Jap food so disgusting looking?

because digusting food are healthy

Why do people think it's disgusting? It's just beans, they taste good.

It looks like beans covered in really thick bull semen and melted cheese.

Nutritious. If you were really hungry you'd ask for a second serving.

Shut the fuck up, Yamada.

bleu cheese is fucking vile

>Hating durian
But it's amazing

Why japanese food is so disgusting?

It seems ridiculous but it somehow grows on you.

If you've read the manga there's no reason not watch.

They never eat anything other than fish and wild plants.

Once you learn how to season it to your taste and handle it without getting yourself dirty, it's not bad at all.
The slime makes it (mechanically) difficult to handle and eat, which helps with portion control if you eat it on its own. If you use it as a topping (say, for rice), it's a good way to add vegetable protein to your breakfast.

Get on my level.

It's not omelette on top

Is that peanuts with cheese?

Nah blue cheese and gorgonzola kick ass. Limburger on the hard is horrible.

On the other hand*
Man swype really stroked out there.

>newly cooked rice
>raw egg

a perfect breakfast

Limburger is fucking tasty you cheese-pleb.

Throw some rehydrated shitakes in there while you're at it, why don't you.


She punches you in the face and kicks you in the groin.

Why not just eat normal beans? If you wanted sticky consistency, then mash it in some rice.

Is that eggfruit, or durian?

>Beans on rice
>Beans on bread


It just make the durian more chew-able/last in the mouth longer.

Durian is love. Durian is life.

>not swallowing your durians whole


that's revolting

Natto is small time.


>Shiokara (塩辛?) is a food in Japanese cuisine made from various marine animals that consists of small pieces of meat in a brown viscous paste of the animal's heavily salted, fermented viscera.

>tfw have to drink soy milk or else my intestines explode

>That pic

>Oh, how bad could it b—

my god

Can't be worse than Surströmming


This is a very incorrect statement

Pleb detected

>When you pull down her panties


Sounds like you've had some freaky partners.

You need to be over 18 to be in this website


>pussy ass finns can't even stand the smell of surströmming