Tfw after marathoning a show and trying to discuss it with Sup Forums for the first time

>tfw after marathoning a show and trying to discuss it with Sup Forums for the first time

What show? I'll talk to you.

Your pic better not be related. That show was awful and should never be talked about ever again.

Getter Robo Armageddon

Second best GR.

I hope you're not implying Shin VS Neo is better

I did it with Nanoha and I ended up turning the threads into a live watch for the other seasons. I should've been banned.

It isn't

>tfw 0 replies
You literally can't discuss old anime in Sup Forums.

Kotoura a cute.

Not really

Should have gone to /m/, they talk about they talk about the Getters everyday

i'm not OP

I'm not even talking about mecha, Sup Forums is full of casuals.

Not him, but it is.
Probably the most generic show I have ever watched

No user, that was the answer to

>Your pic better not be related

Thank god.

>never get around to watching a show until awhile after it aired
>the threads are complete garbage

Fucking tripfags.

I did this for GuP. Didn't know a thing about tanks even after watching it. Started writing shit for the GuP general and now I am trying to get everyone in that thread to go gay. I am the worst. Also I tend to lewd things too much for people here when I start talking about a SoL series that I was too late to start.

your not supposed to watch the shows lol

just save the pics

If image is related, the threads were garbage to begin with.