It's me again

It's me again.
I've decided to post here once a year for fun.

Other urls found in this thread:

You a bitch

Fuck off you twat

The gentlemen with the Mountain Dew colored ID is correct. OP you are indeed a female canine.

How do you feel about niggers and jews?

What are you British?

Dont like 'em
Meh. Not as clever as they'd like to seem

>Medic pack
where is the golden benis mister merchant :DDDD

Timestamp with all of your jew gold mountain jew, or gtfo

and who are you?

Who are you and what do you do?

I've got gold too, it's nothing special.

send me ur vegana pic

who are you again?

Gold is kept in the vault my friends
That guy. From that thread

wow , i feel enligthed now
but for real , just give me a short explanation , is he a jew or somethign?

Are you the one that studied with the Rothchild chick?

If you arez yur last thread was great.

what thread mountain jew

Can you throw a fellow white man some gold so i can multiply it with my 160 iq?

you that old banker guy from awhile back?

Is this you?
If so then how do you think has the political landscape in the world changed over the year. Any word about Trump?
What was that Rothschild helicopter thing about? Have you heard anything?


ah the Swiss Jew that posts about financial happenings from time to time. Does it smell bad being a jew?

Any chance of joining America as a state.

nice thread op, at least tell us a joke or something

You have to go back.

Share some insider trade dd

Not a banker exactly
>If so then how do you think has the political landscape in the world changed over the year.
Oh boy. What a wild ride it's been.
It seems the insiders of US politics are trying their best to either consolidate their positions with Trump, others are waging an all-out war. I dont really get involved in politics much. From what Ive heard it seems that everything is an upside down mess over there and nobody knows which way the wind is blowing for sure.
>What was that Rothschild helicopter thing about?
Hard to say to be honest. If I were to guess is that someone from the newer families is trying to send a message to the entire system.

I like you.
What's the craziest and true thing that you can claim and we'd still be skeptical of?
>think what Sup Forums says when the holocaust actually happened as a reference

What's the overall feeling about developments in Austria and Germany? Can the powers that be accommodate a rising right?

>buy my gold goyim
lmao this guy

Did you or people related to you upgrade private dooms day shelters in the last year or would you enter a public nuclar bunker if there was nuclear war

>What's the craziest and true thing that you can claim and we'd still be skeptical of?
>we'd be skeptical of
Haha. Honestly not sure. You guys really go off the deep end with the conspiracies sometimes.
>Can the powers that be accommodate a rising right?
The narrative will get tortured and twisted somewhere in the process to accomodate the economic elite. Politicians dont really have a choice. Nonetheless they know that they fucked up badly during the refugee crisis. Something has got to give.

What was their rationale for importing the refugees anyway? I suspect that they're simply desperate to keep the current economic model of endless growth knowing, and were trying to avert demographic collapse?

Does the BIS and its affiliates really have global immunity to pretty much do what they want?

Stahhhhp it ...

You were here last week!

Are you that millionaire Swiss guy. You know the one who posted this? How did you get your money? You said "to beat the Jew you need to become the Jew", well I thought you were kind of interesting. I can find it, but you posted your Bank account and it had something like 72 million francs in there.

if you had only 5 grand to invest in gold or silver how would/should someone do it?

Yeah that's true. I just got done coaxing information off someone off the deep end on another thread and it's pretty out there. Went from Tesla to blood type powers before thread got shoah'd. Interesting lore though. Can't believe they've yet to make a good movie out of this stuff.

Perhaps that's the wrong question since it would need a deep understanding of Sup Forums's psyche. No one quite understands, not even Sup Forumsacks themselves.

How about for the sake of understanding... Do you know who's out there looking to understand how this drunken bar fight of the internet managed to gain so much influence over popular culture and the course of modern discourse?

Mr. Freeze ... you're no longer in this spirit realm.
The Ghost of Christmas past has come to claim you.
Go the fuck to bed, also. 3 million is not a lot of money. Maybe in 1922.

Op is a faggot. Everyone in 2018 is also a degenerate faggot.

what can i invest myself in for a comfortable future?

Thread's going to die if you don't respond a bit faster, my friend.

>would you enter a public nuclar bunker if there was nuclear war
Most estates have those here (since the cold war) and in an ideal situation we'd go there. But in the theoretical scenario of an unexpected nuke of course you likely might not have a choice but go to literally the closest one you can find.
All of that is incredibly unlikely though. Especially here.
>I suspect that they're simply desperate to keep the current economic model of endless growth knowing, and were trying to avert demographic collapse?
Pretty much this. But there are others that are nauseatingly obsessed with it beyond this simple explanation. Not politicians but donors with special interests and their affiliates that keep pressuring certain political groups.

>Jews trying to steal gold from the Swiss

I hate when people live up to the stereotypes I have about them.

Stating the obvious there though. But is he an unrepentant, consummate, and indiscriminate cocksucking faggot? That is the real question.

I doubt you would be posting here at almost 3am if you had that much gold.

That's what they told you at Uni in the 90's user.
Slap yourself silly

Might be true, but then that brings us back to the
>Eternal Boomer

>thinks gold has upside
haha piker

What is happening to the vip pedophile rings? What is with all the disinfo around them lately? What is with the intense shilling here?

Fuck off LARP

Is 5 Guys overrated or worth it?

I think it's hilarious.
>be jew
>sneking into switzerland
>looking for opening like holes in swiss cheese
>they know
>sets off explosives in mountains
>jew buried in rocks instead of gold

Sup Forums has the numbers to create trends. Trends are a commodity. If you are the one directing them, you can profit.
>this is what we should be using Sup Forums for

>Store up your treasures in Heaven, user

>Do you know who's out there looking to understand how this drunken bar fight of the internet managed to gain so much influence over popular culture and the course of modern discourse?
I dont know exactly. What I can tell you though is that I'm sure this site, like many others, has been monitored on a continual basis since its creation. Especially this one.
Now that there have been news of Sup Forums influencing opinions there are more serious academics, right wing, left wing, British, Russian etc thinktanks and propaganda machines studying the effects of such sites on the wider "noosphere" of the internet and society. But you probably know that already.

>Not politicians but donors with special interests and their affiliates that keep pressuring certain political groups.

Do you know why those doners want it so badly? I really don't want the explanation to be that Sup Forums was right, and they really are actively trying to breed the white race out of existence. Are they just so far removed from the reality of it and so far up their own ass that they believe that they're doing good in the world?

i'll tell you one thing. Nobody was waiting for your LARP


Is Burger King really a King?

There is no simple answer to this question and you dont give me enough to go on exactly

Let me know when 7Z gets here.

Any idea what the loud booming noises have been lately, reportedly heard all over the world?

>Are they just so far removed from the reality of it and so far up their own ass that they believe that they're doing good in the world?
Believe it or not this it's what they tell themselves

I think its funny too, it like a fucking south park joke IRL


>I really don't want the explanation to be that Sup Forums was right
You must be new here.
In the end Sup Forums has a myriad of opinions, but those shared by the majority of the autistic fucks here are pretty much always right in the end, probably more due to cynicism than intelligence though

>you know that already
To a degree. But I'm just user with a laptop. Gaps in knowledge of this board are a given since I have many other obligations and promises to fulfill. What perplexes me is that people and organizations with massive resource capabilities and monitor 24/7/365 aren't quite catching up as expected.

If they show their hand too early and try to influence the board, Sup Forums picks them out so fucking quick that it 404s, archives, or gets deleted before I can get to it. If they show too late, Sup Forums evolves into a new form by the next day and it's back to square one. The elusive gold nugget of Sup Forums seems difficult to find for both user like me and the might of paid help.

I'm starting to believe that it's not the site itself but the people who contribute. The process of the elusive gold nugget appears to be give and take. I've given my fair share of new and novel ideas and I've seen them spread on the board too far outside of my own volition. People like it. In return I receive some back or coincidentally find some too.

This is where I freeze. There appears to be a gap in what I understand after that, but this is the power of Sup Forums that I believe people are looking for.

Life is too interesting to ignore. I wish more people saw it like this.

Any weight to the rumor that Switzerland is the European center for international fun land, of which the clowns serve as US counterpart?

A simple explanation, but it makes a lot of sense. Hopefully they're not so steeped in egotistical hubris that they won't admit to being wrong, but I doubt it.

How come everybody else posts pictures of the ingots stacked upside-down?

My favorite litmus test: What happened on 9/11?

not political. sage



It's not Autism that I see here, so much as a slightly schizotypal, paranoid outlook. Or maybe its a mix of both.

Do you have an app to tell you where the newest bunker is? How much would you pay for one?

>Not a banker exactly
just fucking say it, you larping faggot, this thread should be deleted

>Do you have an app to tell you where the newest bunker is?
No I wouldnt need an app. Security will know. Most places that werent built very recently here have one nearby as ordered by law.

as a fellow extremely wealthy person, whats the best thing that i can do to help the world?

It's a spectrum (like the autism here hurr hurr). There's quite a lot of normal acting people that are misfits at heart and that's what appears to be most common. Then on the deep end, off the cliff, and into the rocks are clear mental loons that can barely talk coherently.

I personally like the loons. They're naturally hostile and believe no one cares, but they're by far the easiest to coax information out of. I am genuinely interested and the floodgates open. The memories to process makes for very unusual dreams, that's for sure. Maybe that's where the insanity comes from. Makes nighttime less dull from the usual blackout.

The rest are full of keks, anecdotes, greentext, redpill, and so much more. Just that list understates what Sup Forums really contributes. Greentext stories plaster a stupid grin on my face I have to admit. I've a soft spot for them.

It's more interesting and exciting than I could have ever expected when I first came here.

KYS ass

How old are you, fag-user?



>There's quite a lot of normal acting people that are misfits at heart and that's what appears to be most common.

I've been found out.


>whats the best thing that i can do to help the world?
Short answer? Make money
Seriously though it's incredibly difficult. I wouldnt try to make the world better unless you understand what you're doing economically, demographically and socially. That only comes with education, years of experience and a finely tuned moral compass. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Too many people fall into that trap.
Start with simple things for the community around you I guess.
I genuinely believe Im doing good by with the family business and I am happy with the direction it's going.

so very true. I was involved with the transhumanists for a while, until i realized they were all liberal satanic worshippers that only care about building a floating city on the ocean.


do you collect exotic cars? or just gold?

quick rundown?

go away

Older than you faggot.

Why are you such a faggot, OP?

Now that's just funny. On the other hand where's Swiss Cheese go?

This is what I mean. Little cryptic but workable.

can you share the old thread to know what are you talking please.

Are you privy to any information on possible major world changing events or disclosures? I’ve been getting the feeling that everything has bent just about as far as it can before something breaks wide open. Fuck, maybe I’m just losing my mind.

Lol alright.
But seriously though new money (and not just them) always make the mistake of shoving their money into some poorly thought out cause and it always goes awry. They want to stand out as these incredible philanthropists but it rarely works to anyones benefit other than their own. I dislike the entire subculture to be honest.

>Make money
any advice for a regular family man with very small kids. middle of the road income, own two homes and rent one out.


what kind of real estate would you invest in near term and long term? get out of office and retail? medical?