VRituals soon
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-VR
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>he doesn't like to stand out
Okay guys.
What is the most blandest deck you can come up with?
Tell me that's not actually the new protagonist. He looks like Yuuri and Serena's kid.
>The Domino City of DM Fags
Normal Monster ADVANCE SHOUKAN confirmed.
>500+ posts in just over an hour
>DM Superfags
Rumors of Wakamoto and Hanazawa being the main leads
He has girly eyes.
kek that thread was serious?
Is the Northwemkofag here?
Try again, only one person is allowed to have the genes of pink hair with two hair blades in the center
>last thread died in two hours
2nd Collage Reporting in!
Those lashes are to good looking to be on a man.
This is too dangerous.
is zexal a good watch?
>KanaHana main lead
Just no
Will there be anyone better at Advance Shokan than this man?
Better than Arc-V at least.
>implying he looks anything like Yuri + Serena
Why is the tumblr post in the collage? That guy was totally right.
Depends on how low your standards can go
It's the best to watch if you aren't a fan. If you are, you should have already watched it.
Zexal 2 is great.
for real?
Arc-Vfags need something to grasp onto. Their show is about to go out in a whimper.
I believe that if you have to ask if a Yugioh spin-off is worth watching, you shouldn't watch it
Thread Theme: youtube.com
YGO was a mistake.
The perfect deck for Yusaiki Kusuo
>yfw he keeps switching decks depending on which ones are currently tier1/0
One hour actually
Actual thread theme picked out by Kazuki Takahashi coming through:
Based on his hair color, what does Sup Forums think the new summoning mechanic's card color will be?
>A new shade of blue?
>Blue and pink?
>Fuck it, why not: red?
Zexal 2 is, avoid GX,5D's and Arc-V like the plauge, all three are nonsense, Zexal just ranges from boring to inofensive for the first run, the second is on par with the original manga of DM with how good it is. It also has the best summoning method that's changed the game for years to come.
Will they show the female lead? Want to know if I should fap now or after the reveal
>Ritualfags still meming
Daily fucking reminder that Ritualfags have been REPEATEDLY btfo, more so than any other cucc in this thread. Shut up and accept that your garbage """"summoning mechanic"""" will stay in the shithole it has and always will be in.
Isn't she pretty costly for a VA?
They never learn do they?
So no then.
Is news about the new series supposed to show up in an hour?
What's happening in an hour?
>the second is on par with the original manga of DM with how good it is.
>Zexal 2 is as good as the original manga
Let's not get carried away here.
>pink cards
Oh god, why do I want this? They'll look like shit, especially with Fusion and Traps being things already.
Why not fap to Yusaku? He's pretty cute.
>picking the only Yu that has weird, disgusting pointy eyes when Yusaku has the same face as Yugo, Yuya and Yuto
the only Yuu's to have their hair color semi resemble the summon mechanic they use are the Arc-V Yuu's(except Yugo)
I should replace the shades with Shun's
Does anyone have a cap of that episode?
I'm behind and haven't watched in a while. Looks like mono stopped being speedy so which subs are the best choice now?
Lol rekt
Last thread died in one hour, not two.
Will you post an exploitable if you do?
>Zarc about to BTFO everyone including nostalgia shit
>Arc-V going out in a whimper
Regardless of how everything before this moment in Arc-V was, this is what everyone wanted for the climax.
>we're get more Ono and 5Ds pandering shit
That's nothing. When Ash lost the league, threads were reaching the bump limit in literally 10 minutes.
While the premise for YGO 6 looks promising, we're up the creek without a paddle if the Director is still Ono
so what we got at the moment:
he will skip class just to chill with his bros playing card games, probably a qt nerd girl will argue with him about that and they will spill it, how the plot moves from that, no idea
post yfw confirmed gay
I wonder if his deck will have the snek in the backround?
How do niggas great through the annoying ass captchas so fast?
I'm glad to see that you guys are getting along with my man Yusaku
>this is what everyone wanted for the climax.
No it isn't. I wanted a coherent plot and good developed villains Zarc showing up and beating everyone is the opposite of good.
>dat hair
>low-profile guy
Because everyone told the Pokefags they were gonna get cucked and the Pokefags were like "N-no! Ash will WIN this time! MUH GRENINJA!"
So of course when Ash did lose, everyone came to press the Pokefag's mouth against the curb and STOMP
It needed to be done. Pokefags had gone too far, and had to be reminded of what giant fucking losers they were.
You forgot chad thundercock and the poor kid
As long as his husbando is a trap.
>doesn't want to stand out
if anything he will be one of those shy good boys
Thats the new MC? What a dissapointment. He looks bland.
Any other previews?
by using legacy?
Personally, I wanted this to finally come into play
>Director is still Ono
It's not going to happen. Kuwabara saved YGO with ZEXAL after Ono wrecked it with 5Ds. He saved YGO again with DSOD after Ono wrecked it with Arc-V. He's going to get this series too.
What's his dick size?
Rival and Heroine should be leaked next week.
He looks really cool.
I can't wait for the actual preview to see him in action, let's hope he leaves a good impression.
This is literally a Vanguard G ripoff. Chrono is exactly the same, doesn't want to stand out. Never played Vanguard and then he starts playing it and discovers his passion for it.
Konami never learns does it?
Or does this mean Ono or Kamashiro are back at it?
>yfw we going to vanguard route
to be fair, that really is just a cliche start for pretty much any anime of this sort
>take a step forward
Good. Vanguard G is better than Arc-V anyways.
This, 5D's killed itself with the year and a half long build up to the very piece of shit WRPG arc where only Yusei won a fucking duel.
Fuck anybody who thinks 5D's is any league above Zexal or that it and Arc-V aren't the worst shows in the franchise. Logic doesn't work that way
Large enough for you to suck, faggot
Yeah, people were calling it an OG Vanguard rip off, but it really seems to have way more in common with G. Aichi didnt have as much of an active dislike for standing out as Chronos, he was just scared of it
Does anyone care about Arc-V anymore now?
I wonder if the heroine will play card games or if they will go with a Kotori again.
If she does, that mean she'll be a skater tomboy?
>he will be one of those shy good boys
>with that face of his
I've never been attracted to a Yu-Gi-Oh! character before. His personality probably won't match up with my impression, though.
expect weekly threads only on sundays
The true question is, can he EGAO?
>5D's Super confirmed
>Crow is the mentor of Yusaku
>Yusaku uses new Blackwings because why not
Nigga get that gay shit out of here
inb4 crude, smug female rival.