Post your anime desktop Sup Forums

Post your anime desktop Sup Forums

Fucking clean your shit up.

I do that all day everyday as a wageslave already.


You have legit mental problems, OP.

That's not even hoarding that just being lazy and disgusting.

Off yourself


This is so disgusting.

nothing too impressive, just a flat screen I put sheet music on
also madoka


Not anime & manga.

>I live in filth, so everyone else who enjoys anime must do the same.

>if your living space isnt a pile of shit then youre from reddit
Are you 15?

Oh shit. This thread is interesting. Should I post a photo of my anime station? I bet it's gonna 404 since no-one's interested.

He's a boatfag, to be expected


Should see my floor.. full of dead skin cells.. im not goin to post it

Same here and leather from my peeling office chair.

I bet you use that lotion for masturbating

What kind of piano is that? Is the desk part of it? It's kind of hard to see.


i'll do it if you do it

Is that Korra with the Deal With It poster in the back?

>he doesn't have a Nepstation 3000

Show me a picture of that painting.

I would be jealous but where's the Sup Forums/a/ thread or tabs?

Love those cabinets on the right, wish I had room for them.

haha who the hell goes to Sup Forums that place is for casuals and secondaries

Do you record music with that mic?

Different user, but ok.
Also I like your mousepads.

Cozy painting, only thing I should fix is that a portion of it is blocked by my monitor when i'm sitting down

Nah I do youtube videos, like reviews and shit on anime/manga/video games.

Yup! A friend gave it to me a couple years back.


That's really nice. Is it a print or an actual painting? Do you know who the artist is?
Oh okay, that's cool.


perform modoka's op for us
Nice speakers
also where'd you get that mat under your keyboard, i like it
not a big fan of glass desks but i like it
Thanks, i like to get a new one every year, looking for a good picture for this year

I just googled the image and it was the only one that popped up homie

>not a big fan of glass desks but i like it
Yeah my first and my last, not sure why I got it at all.
Gets dirty really easy, and I know it can shatter on me at any second.


>Schiit stack
Thumbs up for you.

The material is a canvas so I'd imagine it's painted but I don't actually know. I'll probably never find out, there's no signature, was a gift from my parents that they picked up in a street in South America

>that mousepad
nice. nice

It's a really nice painting. Good to know it was picked up in South America. I was wondering what the location was.

nice waifu


Ebay. Searched up "custom playmats" and ordered through some Chinese seller. All I did was send a photo and the dude shipped it in 2 weeks. Pretty decent quality for what it is.

What do you think?

>i'll do it if you do it
Desk only per OP's post My room is a pigsty. Why so many headphones? I like collecting them.

oh man I didn't even realize it was Menma, that looks great.
Damn I should've been getting playmats all these years instead of the cowarts mousepads I've been getting lol

Do you wear the helmet when you watch your animu

That's hilarious. You must have a lot of insight on headphones. Which ones are your favorites and for what purpose do you use each one for?

Show us your drawings.

something about this picture makes it look like cg

I surely hope you don't just leave them lying all over the desk, do you have like a rack for them?

My others figs are in my bedroom

It's a bit messy.

Is that yop in your garbage can?
my man

Clean your room, son

Also what's with the brick wall?

Atm I like using earphones. Dunu DN-2000J's and AKG K712's are my favorite. My Sony MDR-EX1000J that I got recently they're cool too. Not really worth it because my usual volume listening level is low and with them you gotta use higher volume on EX1000's to make them shine or they sound crappier than Etymotic ER4S's. And I also use Stax SR-003MK2 earphones at night. I have Stax SR-207's but they leak a lot than everything I have. I'm planning on saving up for a new Stax 323/353 amp. I really want one.

No I don't. I first put them in bubble wrap bags and chuck them intot a box. But so glad Sennheisers have a box included for them. I don't use the Beyerdynamics DT880 600's leather box bag. My Grado GS1000's driver needs repairing easy fix a wire needs soldering on them but I'll do it another day.

Because of how scheduling went, I got the next four days off. Time to say I'm going to organize my room, plan on doing it, and then procrastinate all four days.

In my post I replied to the wrong post. I linked myself.

I recognise that mousepad.

A bit bare as I'm moving out soon.

Big Moogs

Damn man, I really need to get around to cleaning everything. Not just organizing my room.

Wait do you have 3 mods? If so what are they

Like so.

>mugi, galko, mami
Best one yet.

Totally mine.

is that yuigahama mousepad?

Damn right it's a big moog.

I actually have more than three. Give me a minute, I can't remember the names of them all.

nice one heres mine

Is that an asus vg 248qe? Good monitor taste user.

Mikoto Misaka. But a Yuigahama one would be lovely.

So from left to right:
Cloned VCM2 with also a Fatbudda Clone RDA
Smok G-Prive with BuddaZ 30mm RDA
Lost Vape eFusion Duo with Invincible RDA
Sigelei J150 with Naul RDA
Wismec Reuleaux RX200 with Aspire Clieto 120
Hcigar VT133 with Digiflavor Lynx RDA

I plan on getting a new sqounk box also to use as my new travel mod. But don't know what one I want to get.

I plan on getting two more of them to replace my left and right monitors. Matchy matchy and all.

>Tfw poorfag and have absolutely 0 (zero) anime stuff in my room
fucking end me lads

Just buy cheap posters of ebay or have them custom made via one of those websites, you don't have to be a buyfag.

Christ user, the efusion looks real nice, do you just like collecting mods? Seems kind of cool.

Also how do you feel about RDAs vs regular tanks, I though about getting one but I couldn't be bothered to drip the juice in so often, didn't seem worth it. But I guess I never really gave it a chance.

Nigga all I have is a shitty laptop on my desk and I've still managed to get a few cheap figures/gunpla over the years.

Being a poorfag shouldn't stop you.

got a couple mousepads for literally 3 dollars.
You're your own enemy m8

>those uncapped piss bottles
I couldn't imagine how your lair must smell.

>living in 3rd world with shitty cheap ass currency
>also a neet
Yea I just dont wanna buy bootleg/faked stuffs but real things are a bit over for me (for now i guess)
>joined the $1 mousepads shit on Sup Forums 2 years ago
>it never comes

Stop fapping

This is so scary.

The money I use to spend on buying table top game stuff like Warhammer 40k, and on cigarettes and other tobacco products, I now spend on mods, RDA/Tanks, and other vape related stuff (like a coil maker I got last week). Actually, I got two of these mods for free (the efusion and G-Priv) from a local shop, because I raked up enough points from my purchases over time.

Also, the whole RDA vs Tank, it's all preference. I personally am about to stop using tanks all together, and get a new sqounk box. I just can't get into them that much. And I've had a good number of tanks over the years. Kangertech Protank 2 and subohm plus tank, Smok TFV8 Cloud Beast and the TFV8 Big Baby Beast, Aspire Cleito 120, and Digiflavor Fuji GTA.

I just prefer the taste and performance I get from a RDA. I honestly think that there is nothing wrong with tanks, they just aren't my thing.

Your parents must be so proud

Are there any tapestries on this planet that aren't just some moeblob?

i dont really watch anime but i like the figures

>pepe mousepad


I'm a NEET with no income but I was atleast able to buy a 200 yen Rei figure

Didn't know what sqounk box was until you mentioned it, and it seems pretty damn nice and convenient, I might look into picking one up down the line.

I liked a regular tank cause it was convenient to bring around whenever i'm out and not have to worry about the juice, but I can see an RDA being nice while vaping at home.

How's making your own coils? seems like it'd be nice to get into

Damn, I'd get you something for Christmas if you live somewhere that won't cost me 80 dollars to ship to

Since I've always had some kinda hobby going on (Learning to play guitar, automotive stuff in my teens, Tabletop games), I find building coils really fun.

Specially when you get down to it, to know the various types of wires out there, the different types of coil builds, and tools and methods. You can build whatever coil with whatever material you want. To make it fire off and vape as you want it too. Either going to max flavor, max clouds, or some kind of middle ground kind of build.

Pic Related: I bought a coil maker to make life easier on me when building coils, and because I'm lazy and don't want to have to dick around with a hand drill.

>the plant conveniently covering the lewd bits of the daki cover
It's like an anime

You know dude I only vape casually but you're making me want to get more invested in it, sounds like good fun

Not the same guy but sorbolene lotion and water spray bottle are a godsend for slippery fapping and cheaper than personal lube.

Am I the only user here with the dirtiest pc? I gotta clean my shit. My pc is caked with dust and fluff.


What's that thing to the right? Is it just a general thingholder or does it have a purpose?