People still read this?

You should have known from Yankee that the longer this author's manga go on the worse they get and the more the characters are ruined. You can have great fun with them at the start but you need to be able to drop them at the right point, in this case it was just after the first set of witches were all dealt with. IIRC it was like 112 or something but that chapter where they go on a date to a book-store would have been a perfect place to end the manga, if only the chapter was a little longer, had them advancing their relationship more and gave more closure.

This manga was so good.
I can't believe that they are so stubborn on dragging it out. How many resets have there been? I dropped it after ~100 chapters because It just didn't seem to ever stop repeating itself.

Some of us are in too deep to stop now

I was hoping for a downer ending where we are shown that everything after the second ritual is just in the MC's head. As he's standing in the middle of the room forever frozen in time.

people should death threat her as a warning jsut so she could stop fucking up her manga. rape threat as well since female mangakan.

Wow, looks like final arc will be interesting and not about exams. What's the hate?

Wow sexist much?????

Did Tamaki fuck Odagiri yet?

Never. She'll let Yamada dick her or no one.

>Odagiri will never win the Yamadab Owl
Just end this shit already

People STILL read this? Your own mistake

Shiraishi just disappeared, now is Odagiri's chance.

It hasn't had any real story for the last hundred chapters, so I often forget this shit even exists. Then after a few weeks I notice a thread on an anime/manga forum and catch up, only to forget about it afterwards. It's not hard to spend 5 minutes on it once a month.

Hold back on the edge there, kid. You might cut yourself.

yamada still going?


I just want to see more Noa and Prez getting with Nene already.

Does someone even care about Shiraishi?

I stopped giving a shit when CR licensed it and getting scans became a bit harder (just had to browse nyaa)

It just turned into a boring clusterfuck after the first arc and I couldn't care. The mangaka talked about how people really hated yankee for dragging on and deeply apologized and said it wouldn't happen again. Looks like she didn't give a shit.

I thought this was cancelled?

>people still read this shit
I dropped this like 8 months ago since I genuinely couldn't give a single fuck about any of the characters anymore, and that's saying something seeing as Odagiri is literally the most boner-inducing character I have ever seen.

If the mangaka would end it after first arc, I'd rate it a solid 8/10, but now it's simply trash.

It gets updated once or twice a month