Atomic Bombs: Greatest lie ever told

What if atomic bombs are fake news, and they're a lie used to control people, like the bible, or freedom? Those old videos could be simple TNT explosions on a stage with the footage slowed down, like they faked the moon landing. How do you know they're real if you've never seen one go off?

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Physicist here...

No. Op.

Or are nuclear reactors fake too? Do you believe in gamma radiation? Neutrons?

>like the bible
What if dream of marshmallows and wake up with your pillow in your mouth... not a bad thing

If nukes aren't real, than the only reasons we aren't are war is because every nation is already (((controlled))).

In other words if nukes aren't real we're completely fucked.

What if fake news was fake news?

>and they're a lie used to control people, like the bible
You have to go back to where you came from.

>How do you know they're real if you've never seen one go off?

I've seen TNT go off and you can't do pic related with a conventional explosive. If it's not a nuke, it's something even worse.

t. explosives expert

He said 'bombs' stupid . Can't you fucking read .

scuse me, webm related.

How do they get cameras so close to the buildings being completely ravage by the explosion? The cameras seem completely unaffected. They even managed to retrieve them back and get the video out of them in perfect quality.


I've always thought this. All the footage of them looks extremely fake. Weev thinks they are fake too or at least over exaggerated in their power.

You're all faggots. Nukes are real.

>How do they get cameras so close to the buildings being completely ravage by the explosion
Special glass, embedded into concrete blocks that are the size of houses that weigh hundreds of tons. The cameras are tuned for extremely low exposure, which is what makes the films look so uncanny. Any normal exposure range could never withstand the light given off.

In the 1940s and 1950s. Yeah. You can't even make explosions that look that good in modern CGI.

Same physics.

if nuclear rectors exist, nuclear bombs exist too you fucking retard

So what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

>had a nightmare that i got nuked last night

Nukes are a distraction from the real weapon of the future. Knock out the electronics with advanced EMP, however, and you'll break the people down to the point where enslaving them would be very easy. Hopefully this happens one day

Not nessesarily. Explain why nuclear reactors prove nuclear weapons. Just interested


Principle of fission.
Reactors are tightly controlled chain reactions.

Lose the control rods and add more uranium and you have a bomb.

>How do you know they're real if you've never seen one go off?

2 words: Castle Bravo.

(plus atmospheric radioactivity measured by multiple labs / power plants during the 60s+)

Not even close to feasible to many people involved with no reason to lie

>Lose the control rods

Yeah and you've seen evidence of these things or you believe it because you were told?

Lay off the beans.

>There is surprisingly abundant evidence that nuclear weapons are a hoax. Many of the nuclear explosion videos we have all seen and presumed real are shown to be complete fakes using model trees, houses and cars exploding on a set.
>The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not the result of one large explosion as advertized, but rather the result of a fire-bombing campaign comparable to Tokyo's fire-bombed remains.

>Hiroshima and Nagasaki also never experienced anything like the hundreds or thousands of years of radiation predicted by nuclear scientists, in fact, vegetation began growing within a month after the bombing, and the Japanese people began rebuilding almost immediately!

>Some nuclear physicists even claim nuclear weaponry fraudulent based solely on the technical impossibilities of fission material not to be incinerated before triggering the necessary chain reaction.

>Top nuclear physicist Galen Winsor explains how nuclear power plants are essentially just steam plants and nothing but the most expensive and effective way to boil water.

>He completely blows the lid off the idea of "nuclear meltdown" or "nuclear waste," and even eats a good portion of live radioactive waste on camera which he claims to have been doing for years!

>His professional opinion is that fear of nuclear radiation has been greatly exaggerated to scare people and so a few powerful organizations can maintain total control of the world's most valuable energy resource

>Consider that the nuclear arms race serves solely as justification for government secrets, and blank checks towards not only maintenance of a fake nuclear arsenal but the defense of a fake nuclear threat.

hiroshima and nagasaki, loads of casualties, birth defects, photographic evidence, physical evidence and survivors/witnesses

though you may be right about usa/russia lying about their arsenals for propaganda

and it does appear radiation clears up quicker than scientific models indicate in the environment, hiroshima and nagasaki are safe to live in, even chernobyl wasn't so bad, life still continues

Why's there never sound, cgi, here's 50 ton tnt
50 Ton Explosion 1963:

No. But he might have taken physics/chemistry.

I love this place. In one thread you faggots claim the earth is flat, that nukes arent real, that the bible is literal... and in another you go full autist scientist claiming niggers are a totally different species than whites

I thought /x/ was dumb but damn, you guys make /x/ look like that nerd on a wheelchair sometimes

Are you saying,

A. Man has never been able to harness fission/fusion weapons and energy.

B. Man has only been able to use fission/fusion for energy. Nuclear weapons do not exist.

C. Nuclear weapons exist, but in much smaller amounts than claimed.

The first two are complete bs, the third makes a compelling conspiracy theory tho

>Why's there never sound
Because no sound recording devices know can withstand the pressure. Microphones are built around capturing pressure waves, and have an upper limit to what they can handle.
That 50t test was tiny compared to even a standard kiloton fission bomb.

Sonicbomb is an awesome website BTW-

Wew. Ive had a few of these over the years it always is me sitting outside and watching the warhead hit nearby. Its always a warhead or comet.

500 ton tnt 1965 HD
Operation Sailorhat 1965:

Nagasaki was the largest Christian community in Asia before ww2, Nagasaki was an inside job

if you're implying we should set one off to prove they're real I have some suggestions

>and in another you go full autist scientist claiming niggers are a totally different species than whites
Oh, we're factually the same species, just as the Australian Shepherd and Yorkshire Terrier are the same species.

Bible sucks and is bullshit.
Earth is round(ask anyone who's been aboard a ship for a few days).
Nukes are real, but is onto something.

Finally I can unironically use this meme. My wife's grandma literally saw the flash from the hiroshima bomb. They're not fake.

Most of Pripyat is ok. People still live in exclusionary zone.

The only problem obviously is the reactor. Which is still going strong and will go for years.

Hiroshima n Nagasaki having less residual radiation is another proof why you can't trust modelling and need real life tests.. kchem... Global Warming...kchem

You can see the crater of the Tsar bomb explosion from space lol

>Largest Christian community.

Like what? 500 people?
Americans had no problem bombing Christians

It's exactly the same process. Splitting plutonium, uranium 235, etc. atoms in a controlled manner releases heat and radiation that can be used to power a turbine. Splitting these atoms in an uncontrolled manner releases a shitload of heat and radiation in a very short time. Things that do this are traditionally known as bombs.

There have been a number of incidents where people have been killed because fission events occurred when they weren't supposed to, or occurred too quickly. There are also a pair of cities that were flattened, with extensive photographic evidence showing what happened.

Murphys war law
"You think the enemy has better artillery support and the enemy thinks yours is better; you're both right."

aliens are disarming nukes all silos across the world. no nuke will ever detonate and kill innocent lives again.

Rocket silos and submarine launched misses had the same effect on deterrence from invasion as nukes, so it's for the most part true

Either you like fucking with peoples heads of you’re one seriously dumb motherfucker

Nuke reactors are essentially large water boilers that are powered by steam turbines, the huge clouds coming out of the towers is steam


You forgot the spooky one-

This is an example of why it's a ruse, even the camera crew and soldiers don't know that they're launching a dud meanwhile there's 2 mil tnt underground at the target site

This is an artillery launched nuke
May 25, 1953; 280 mm Canon Fires Nuclear Weapon:

So is this a movie/fake or did someone already explain this at some point?

Thousands of yrs ago, tons of tnt equivalent gunpowder at Antarctica or north pole creates Noah's flood by melting the ice caps... this was why some euro countries were segregated for whites only to keep out blacks

it's true and Miles Mathis did a whole paper on it

go swallow a dick and choke on it, retard!

Anyone of you intellectual fags try to explain atomic explosions without using obscure references that less than 1 percent of ppl understand

"If u can't explain it simply enough then you don't understand it well enough"
The real Albert Einstein

Nigga got nuked. Wasn't told the test was about to be carried out.
If you think our government didn't nuke human test subjects, you're a naive fool.
This country's government has done scary-awful shit, and it's not even a conspiracy. Shit's well-known.

>tightly controlled

so why does explosive fission happen?

I'll wait

In the mean time, for those interested, here's an analysis showing how the photos of the Trinity and Baker atomic tests were faked.

Fret about man made tnt tidal waves and the tsunami bomb experiments
Project Seal:Top Secret WWII plan to create a Tsu…:

the baker link should be:

That tripe doesn't show anything but the emotion-based arguments of an idiot.

What if McCarthyism had sent your grandparents to Russiastan so you couldn't have been born due to dying in gulag

Atoms are like rubber band balls
A nuke uses scissors to cut the rubber band ball

He shows that they needed to fake the only evidence we have that these things exist. That instills doubt in most thinking people.

>My bullshit Jew written storybook is real!

You split an atom and its pieces break apart other atoms , this releases energy

That was hard

>the emotion-based arguments of an idiot.
and what exactly have you put forward besides retarded remarks, retard?

Topkek Jose.

*forget about
Don't believe all these bs videos in shallow water testing explosives to create giant tsunami waves... it has to be far underneath in non shallow water to work like in this video
Blasting Tsunami:

That's the intellectual level of saying we was kangs

"Imagine the whole universe could fit inside a tube"
Tim and Eric - The Universe + Extanded Scenes (Co…:

The Atomic bomb is real. But it's development is not what everyone thinks. Just like rockets. You don't think they came up with all this stuff on their own do you. The same applies to all technology of today.

Here's a hint

there should be a "check" for these morons before they can post anything that can be taken seriously!
* they should post their age, verifying they are over 25 to be taken serious
* they should post their credentials in the field
* post a valid statement that can be confirmed by at least 3 people in the field with actual proof of concept and tests.

What we've got here is bunch of retarded redditors who are clearly haven't reached teen years trying to be clever.

What's your opinion on drugs and drug usage?

Atomtic theory and atomism is the real underlying myth, no one can prove it exists besides magic trick experiments to lure boys into 100,000 dollar degrees in nothing real
Debating & ALWAYS winning against the Cult of Qua…:

Muh laws of physics brokedown at the quantum level.. Muh string theory.. the truth is anything below the visible level, without photographs ie.. cells, atoms is a man made myth. Laws of physics brokedown because the theories arent founded in reality but simply university scams

Quantum physics being a mathematical abstract and thus not based in reality (which is what science and ought to be observing) and saying cells aren't real are two VERY different things, buddy.

everything is a product of nature and you can do whatever the fuck you want to do as long as you don't impose your "things" onto others, the moment you start to impose your ideas and ideals onto others is when you should be tied to a stake and burnt in public square!

he is a retard, but the idea that nukes are somehow a magic weapon is also flawed

the thing they are most good for is destroying population centers

in world war 2 massive bombing campaigns were waged to do exactly that and the war carried on for years after them.

the firebombing of tokyo was far more destructive than either nuclear blast was. Japan surrendered because they needed the Soviet Union to remain neutral so they could act as a mediator between them and the US.

The soviet union obviously wouldn't want the US to occupy all US territory, and having a neutral buffer state on its eastern border is preferable. But Stalin chose instead to expand his control in north korea, china, and sakhalin and split the territory rather than have a neutral buffer state.

Not to mention that the military situation was now such that they had to defend both from the south and the north rather than just the south.

Stalin made the right call because he got massive eastern gains through very little effort. America did most of the work against Japan, but the soviets got substantial gains from like a week of fighting.

Except that the gun barrel design of Little Boy was flawed since the implosion to contain the initial energy spike wasn't symmetric, and thus, neutrons could escape, rendering the energy build-up impossible. If Little Boy's design is flawed, and the photos are faked (see ), then it would seem it's a big fear tactic.

ikr NUKES ARE FAKE same as Earth is flat, same as how the US government puts chemicals into the water

You forgot chem trails

Plus Snowden leaks

Except it has nothing to do with the earth being flat despite that being mentioned like six times in this thread by shills. The "chemicals" in the US tap water are largely pollutants and they should be a cause for concern for anyone worried about their health. Most groundwater has been infiltrated by pesticides/pollutants for decades now, and the water reports show that.

Cool then.

I'll say this to you however, if you were serious here- Not everyone with credentials knows their field well, and not everyone without credentials should be discarded/disregarded.
A lot of amateurs know more than your professionals, because often a professional will only pursue his field enough to satisfy work, whereas an amateur will almost always go as far as possible(to his own limits that is) to become knowledgeable in his field.

It'd like me. I know and have done far more in pyrotechnics than most professional pyrotechnicians, because I have more freedom to do so.
I've worked with white phosphorus for example. Your average greenman has never even glimpsed willy pete.

Nukes are real but outdated.
We haz weapons that can wipe out the UK from space.

>nukes go off at 100,000,000 degrees
>hotter than the surface of the sun
>hotter than the core of the earth
>leaves cracked clay unaerosolized, uncharred, the desert not turned to green glass...



>is salty because no one read his 100 page report
Post us the good parts considerate hetero

>start reading
>Remember having read this before
>The CIA did X
>The CIA did Y
>The CIA did G
>The CIA

Oh right, thats why I hate these glow in the dark fucking ultrafaggots.

I hope god is real because someone should exact vengeance on these fucking assholes. Fuck. The. CIA.

Maybe one day America will be the good guys again, but not so long as the CIA exists will that day come.


Everything is a lie unless you witness it firsthand, and even then it's only a half truth.

>t. tinfoil hat

weird how those houses get destroyed, yet these wicker fishing stands are still standing in the atoll 24 days after Able in the shot of Baker being detonated. Shouldn't a shock wave have destroyed them? Destroyed the palms? Even a tsunami?

I guess they didn't care to fake that much of it.

>The "chemicals" in the US tap water are largely pollutants and they should be a cause for concern for anyone worried about their health. Most groundwater has been infiltrated by pesticides/pollutants for decades now, and the water reports show that.

Truth, however don't freak out so much. The body is a lot more tolerant and durable that you'd think. The greatest health threat in the west by far is inactivity. People aren't active enough. And no, lifting weights isn't active. Active means shit like hiking, farming or garden work, or other active pastimes. Things that are anxiolytic and low-stress on the muscles and bones yet still require effort.

Galen Winsor eat some uranium. The longer talk is very interesting.

Could be a larp.

nigger, I even posted that link not knowing another user did. I don't think you're going to find Miles Mathis arguing on Sup Forums anytime soon...

Fluoride still shouldn't be in the water. Or chlorine. Or the other garbage. I drink the expensive alkaline stuff like a prissy faggot.

Well to be fair, if anyone's going to pull off horrible, shady shit, it's going to be the spooks who are legally accountable to no one.

You have to understand something about the CIA. They are not bound by the law. What would YOU do, if no laws applied to you?

They were based on Einstein's fake physics.