Dragon Ball Super

Round 2 begins to today.
Not that it matters for anyone who's read the spoilers.

Other urls found in this thread:


Didn't matter either way because it's filler.

Who /glad power levels aren't relevant anymore/ here?

Begins in February*
Sorry, the next two episodes are not canon and are just as valuable as if the user below this post wrote the plot for them.

who's /gohanfag/ here?

WHO'S /nappa/ HERE?

It wouldnt a surprised if he gets to perform great vs Hit this time.

Or u guys see Hit above Merged Zamasu?

Sup Forums is full of GTcucks, holy shit

>3 humans
>3 Saiyans
>1 Namekian
>1 freak of nature

I know everyone's mad that Goten and Trunks aren't in it, but this is quite a varied line-up. Much more interesting than 5 Saiyans.

I don't find her that attractive
But I'd put my dingus in her wingus, anyway, if you know what I mean

I wonder what the excuse will be to exclude them from the tournament?

How do we know this is Gohanfag?

Where's the thread?

Powerlevels were actually really cool in strict implementation. They added a really nice sense of tangible progression.
That said, they couldn't be maintained after Frieza, anyway. But them not being relevant anymore is bad, because retards think they are, and autistic power-scalers try to apply their standard DB logic to DBS.

They're dumb kids and would fuck everything up

They're fucking stupid.
On a ten-man team that needs a sense of teamwork and has more than it's share of sheer power in the form of Goku, Vegeta, Buu and very potentially Gohan, cunning strategists and intelligent tacticians are more useful than SSJ 1-tier dumbfucks who would fight among themselves, accidentally blast their teammates, or get punked out by joke-tier enemies in gag scenes and put their team at a two-man disadvantage.
Just spitballing.

Spoilers please. I know this episode will be filler trash, just spoil me.

They're trash characters
They're jobbers
They're gay

what does gohanfag's asshole smells like?

So Goku Black intended to have SS form before Rose like in the manga confirmed. Toei went straight into Rose instead.

I hope they'll get new technics and transformations even if they are as dumb as Freezer Gold. I'm tired of everyone being shit.
Expecting a C17 + C18 fusion or a Tenshinhan perfect illumination buddha shit or something.


That's dumb. Rose is literally his SS form.
Cuckotaro does it again.

Goten and Trunks are stronger than the androids and potentially Piccolo as well. Their power would make up for their inexperience. Plus, fusion would make them the strongest after Goku and Vegeta (provided Gohan doesn't have his ultimate state).

>Sup Forums

That was your first mistake. That place is fucking horrible.

They stopped being relevant by Namek.

Rose is supposed to be the equivalent of SSB

It's Champa isn't it ?

Place your bets

No, user. Toriyama lists "SS like Goku" and "Rose" into two different categories. Rose is like Goku's Blue form, and SS is like Goku's SS.


Don't blame Toyotaro for following Toriyama's word.

SSJB is just going super saiyan with god ki right?
Black going super saiyan with god ki made him pink, because ZAMASU god ki right?

I really hope Buu absorbs someone.

C18/17 fusion.
Krillin flies on a Kienzan and jobs.
Tenshinhan jobs.
Everybody jobs except Goku.

>me on the left




Why can't they power up the Z-Team ? They feel so useless right now.
I'm particularly mad concerning Piccolo.

>Goten and Trunks are stronger than the androids and potentially Piccolo as well. Their power would make up for their inexperience.

No it wouldn't.
When you have people on your team who could literally flick them away in base, excess power isn't that useful, focusing on making a cohesive team who can adapt to the situation is.
Goten and Trunks are fucking morons.

Remember how they arbitrarily powered everyone up to Raditz tier during the Saiyan Saga, but it was cool cause everyone got to be involved

Why didn't they keep that up

>Why didn't they keep that up

Because that would be stupid to a certain point.
Cell saga was actually pretty cool for this as Cell's gradually improving forms let people like Piccolo/Tien have their moments.

Goten and Trunks are pretty reckless though. Trunks is too overconfident and Goten is as dumb as his dad without any of the talent his father has for battle.

Sure they are stronger than half of the line up for next arc, but their mentally holds them back.

Jobs because "DUDE STUPID LMAO"

Jobs because "DUDE COWARD LMAO"

Wins one fight because Krillin lost, proceeds to lose

Wins like two fights, then jobs

Jobs in the final

Jobs to the opponent Goku is also gonna job to

Dead in the first match

Fights female opponent and dies due to shortage of blood

Kills self with Kikoho

Gets arm ripped off and jobs

There's no excuse this time for Whis not training everyone. They seem to know about the threat before the team is gathered, so hopefully we'll see every team member vastly powered up thanks to Whis training them.

How are they not relevant anymore? Are you saying someone like Tien can beat Vegeta with pure skill? Are you saying 18 and Buu are still relevant threats?

>Fights female opponent and dies due to shortage of blood
This would actually be funny. We all know it's prolly gonna be a gag fight, but having him fight a hot space bimbo would be cool.

Then why the fuck don't they bring Yamcha, Jaco or Chaozu instead of Roshi?

and why would whis give a fuck training some plebs and shit?

Ultra trunks had a higher level than cell. Yet he wasn't a match. Power levels mean fucking nothing.

Toriyama laughs at you to this day for still buying into it.

So you're saying a shitter like Krillin can beat Goku because you won't accept powerlevels? K

So he doesn't get deleted

He probably wouldn't want to because he's a coward.
He may be above Roshi, but it could go either way, really, we don't know how much training they've all done beforehand.
Probably not even as strong.

Also, stop being autistic and wanting the strongest characters. They threw in guys like Roshi and Tien because it's nice seeing them get some spotlight again.
It's much better than
And then half the team is fucking Saiyan
Spicing it up is better. I don't give a fuck about what would """realistically""" be the best team.

A space laser beat goku buddy.

nothing states that he's bound to u7. he's just there to look after beerus and contain him if he does some stupid shit.

Whis is only interested in training new gods of destruction, he's banking on Vegeta and is only training Goku because Beerus likes him.

>everyone gets God Ki like in Super Heroes/God Mission

Roshi is probably more technically skilled then any of them, and likely anyone else on the team as a whole. He's been practicing martial arts for over 300 years. They have plenty of power already, so even if Yamcha or Chiaotzu is stronger, the experience may make him more useful in the long run

Because he was too slow. This was explained very obviously.

Low-tier shit hurting Saiyans when they're not paying attention is actually set-in-stone.

It's like your ignoring how Goku is always the last relevant savior in DBS, and it solely on the fact he's stronger than everyone else, retard.

RoF isn't canon

I guarantee Roshi has only be practicing martial arts for 80 of those years. If he got serious he'd be stronger than Tien.

>He probably wouldn't want to because he's a coward.
Bulma convinced him to fight against Freeza. Could do the same here.

>Probably not even as strong.
Are you implying Yamcha is weaker than Chaozu and Roshi, user? The last times powerlevels were officially measured in the series, Yamcha was way above Roshi. This was before the training against the Saiyans and the training Yamcha did on Kaio's planet. He's way above Roshi at this point.

>Also, stop being autistic and wanting the strongest characters.
It's not about wanting the strongest characters. It's about making sense in-universe. Goten and Trunks are uber powerful and should be in a tournament where the entire universe is at stake. If they give a reason for their exclusion, fine, I'll buy it, but I'm sure they won't give a reason as to why the picked Roshi over Yamcha, who's much stronger, and would also be fanservice.

If u7 doesn't have a GoD Whis stops functioning, and I'm pretty sure that the universe ceasing to exist means that he stops too. They show him pretty worried at the reveal.

So again, raw power doesn't always win. It's been this way since the goku vs tien.

There's nothing to ignore when you consider that the strongest fighter only won a handful of times in the series.

You're so retarded it hurts, why didn't 18 and krillin fight Buu then?
Surely powerlevels don't matter right? Dumb fuck, why is Piccolo shaking his boots at Super Buu? Why didn't he fight when Goku and Vegeta died? Answer these questions before posting your fanfiction

Is there any reason for Black's SSJ form being pink?

by stops functioning, I think it doesn't really mean literally. like the angels just returns to zeno's planet and chill until a new GoD is chosen/born.

>Bulma convinced him to fight against Freeza. Could do the same here.
"Jaco, fight Frieza's minions!" isn't the same as "Jaco, fight in this multiversal tournament for the sake of the Universe!"

>Are you implying Yamcha is weaker than Chaozu and Roshi, user? The last times powerlevels were officially measured in the series, Yamcha was way above Roshi. This was before the training against the Saiyans and the training Yamcha did on Kaio's planet. He's way above Roshi at this point.

And he could have dropped massively as he hasn't given a shit since Buu. We don't know, and you're leaping to conclusions based on shit that happened in-Universe almost a decade ago. Roshi may have kept up training, and Yamcha may not have. Maybe they just want Roshi's mind/expertise?

>It's not about wanting the strongest characters. It's about making sense in-universe. Goten and Trunks are uber powerful and should be in a tournament where the entire universe is at stake. If they give a reason for their exclusion, fine, I'll buy it, but I'm sure they won't give a reason as to why the picked Roshi over Yamcha, who's much stronger, and would also be fanservice.

I see your point, but at the same time, Super isn't some Shakespearian masterpiece. I'd rather it just be more entertaining than sensible within the confines of a Universe wherein a flaming blue queer and a gag-cat are the most powerful fighters.

Yeah and it's not like they can't imagine new power ups for them.

Krillin was on his way to fight buu buddy, and when he wasn't stone he was the first to take him on at the lookout. There was also him fighting frieza, using only his smarts and he managed to cut his tail off.

You're putting too many eggs in the power level basket.


Nope. Other than Toriyama wanting the form to appear different than Blue, and then there's the Black Rose symbolism.

>So again, raw power doesn't always win.

Well, yeah, but factoring in ancillary physical traits doesn't necessarily invalidate power-levels.
For the record, I think they are invalidated more-or-less at this point.

>Salagir, btfo.

Because ZAMASU.

>The last times powerlevels were officially measured in the series

And that's your problem. Power Levels aren't relevant anymore, and haven't been relevant since Namek. People who take that shit seriously at this point are being retarded.

Yamcha stopped being a martial artist after the Cell saga while Roshi has probably been training. It's why Tien though it was too dangerous for Yamcha to be at Frieza's invasion.


Buu didn't even take him seriously you retard, and cutting his tail off is literally his best shot, he can't do anything else.
Good job trying to make it sound like powerlevels aren't relevant when the point of SSJ debunks that entirely.

I miss ancient days Krillin

>knew about SSJG

but he didn't you dumb spic, learn to fucking read, he knew about Beerus not about SSJG


I can't really remember much from the Buu saga. Buu couldn't absorb people at this point, could he?


Nah, I'm pretty sure they meant it literally. It was the explanation for no one doing anything to stop Black in Trunks' future. The angels can't act after their GoDs are killed by the Kaioshin link.

This is dumb because the way I interpreted SSR was a SSJ but with added kaioshin power
Many people here forget that while kaioshins might not be top-tier fighters, they still have plenty of magic powers like the power of creation

Anyone know when we're getting the OST for the Black Arc?

>. It's why Tien though it was too dangerous for Yamcha to be at Frieza's invasion.

Yeah, and Yamcha clearly wasn't happy about that, which is why he passively-agressively left him out of the baseball game.

Krillin isn't a martial artist either and he's still the strongest human.

Well, now it's confirmed that Rose = Black's SSGSS and his Super Saiyan form is just plain Super Saiyan.

Do you think Android 17 reapperance will bring us more porn of this delicious twink?

Yes, he could. Goku and Vegeta even speculate that he still could give birth to another evil/super Buu.

thanks doc

Keep in mind that 90% of universe 7 was probably weaker than first form Namek Freiza


and all of universe 6 sucks with the exception of Hit who's the strongest mortal we've seen so far

They should have brought devilman for some real tears.

He's lived for way longer than most mortals too, so that's kind of hax

They should feed him Goten, Trunks and Yamcha for the tournament.
It would suck for them, but taking a hit for the team so their entire fucking Universe survives seems reasonable.


So is this all of DLC pack 2 or just what to expect from the remaining packs?

What would be good teams?

>Goku and Vegeta
Obvious enough

>Piccolo and #17
Last time they talked, they were fighting. Would be good for bants.

>#18 and Kuririn
Obvious enough

>Tien and Roshi
Rival schools

>Gohan and Boo

>Magetta and Botamo
Sup Forumsros

>Cabba and Frost
Cheating scumbag fooled Cabba his entire life

What to expect. DLC P2 will have some costumes, attacks, mentors, ect.

>Because that would be stupid

Yeah, let's have the aliens getting all the screentime and make everyone else literally useless.

Manmade Androids are stronger than DB characters who trained their whole lives. This isn't stupid at all

>I know everyone's mad that Goten and Trunks

How so?
>Super Saiyan which is obviously stronger than Namek Final Form Frieza

>Tanked punches from Base Goku who Final Form Frieza in RoF couldn't even land a single punch (Base Goku is way stronger than he was before)

>Third Form was able to land punches on Base+ Goku
>Final Form needed a Super Saiyan+ to knock out

>Needed a Super Saiyan+ to get taken out


Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.