/Chance to face real shills near your location/

I will hide my flag for a very serious reason.
Have you anons ever had a chance to identify a shill in this board? I mean an actual shill targeting your posts, a careless larper trying to "dox" you as "one of the guys in Sup Forums". A shill near your location trying to turn banter into a personal passive-aggressive situation.
I have found a person in my same postal code targeting my posts, he thinks this is funny, and I don't think he has an idea how serious I'm taking his.
Do you anons take this lightly? has it ever happened to you? how do you deal with such level of provocation?

Just fuck off and die piratefaggot.

fuck off stormfag faggot nazi larper, do you even understand why I'm hiding, you with me? need the link?

Faggot if you read this, I hope you consider how you would explain this situation you caused for the local authorities. What the fuck is your problem? it didnt have to be like this.
Is this personal or can we say you just were a bit drunk and went over the line?

Are you stupid?


Getting /comfy/ for a good mental breakdown on Sup Forums stay toasty faggots

I'm a stupid fag, or whatever, I'm not a rational level at this moment, just dumbfounded beyond my grasp.

Lol you won't do anything, you pussy bitch. You've been harassed to the point of insanity. The second you act out, you'll get caged like an animal, with Jamal and warlord Juan waiting for that boi pussy of yours.

Everyone around you is going to see how crazy you really are, but life will go on. You'll change nothing and it'll be like you never existed.

Well I can take you seriously, you clearly know how to track my IP. I was seriously minding my own business, sticking for my people and redpilling my sector until this "compatriot" came along....what a mutherfucking tool. Its like he was looking to get a trophy for being a spineless sellout jew.


Explain in more detail.
Who is following your posts and what are they doing?
How'd you know and know who they are?

How do you know what you know for a fact user?

Don't drink and post kids.....

Sweet. Grab the popcorn. Another paranoid schizo breakdown on Sup Forums.

We know where you are, we bugged your computer.

You clearly dont live in a small country. Small.
as in, you can get there in 15 minutes in a car.
The mutherfucker dared to call some of my personal info, not doxxing me here, but letting me know he has me on kikebook.
Its my fault, I use kikebook to deliver my speech. You fuckers have no idea what I mean by small country.

Lol I see what you did there with your unsolicited opinion, se aussie? you can bust my balls but you live on the other side of the globe, and this is just the nature of Sup Forums, but you are not threatening to doxx me nor live nowhere nearby, I mean what is the problem with some anons FOR REAL.

>le stormfag
great way to ruin your thread, welcome to Sup Forums

Stormfags are cancer.
Too intense, not funny enough

>unsolicited opinion
>starting threads on a forum
really jogs my nogs

So, do you respect faggots using nazi memeflags??? whatever I think my user got it, because he was acting all brave on the other thread and he has not reacted at all on (((kikebook)))
My fault...gotta improve my methods, seems like I'm actually pushing the media over here.

rite? why cant we all just insult each other like civilized gentlemen without having to go literally personal? Gotta admit my faith for my "own people" dropped, maybe I can find a way for a major superpower to nuke us.....

>We know where you are, we bugged your computer.

I would consider you are kidding, but I do remember me busting your balls on "unsolicited opinions" .....nice one, you got me there. Now easy you wont probably hear from un anymore after the NN is gone...