Honestly this

honestly this

>be for less government interference in everyday events

Krem sounds like a social conservative to me

>Gay Wedding

>well fuck "redpill" tom is drunk again talking about his "power level"

You should have voted for Gary Johnson

You got the smug and need to die

but... the wall!

Gary Johnson is mentally retarded and Leftist but whats the difference?

If you support gays or abortion rights you may as well call yourself a pinko commie leftist faggot. The right won't accept any of it.

In a perfect world,
You would be hung by the neck until dead. You are a disgusting degenerate.

>and Leftist
>goblin thinking the political compass only has one dimension

Worse. He's a boomer.

So Kermit votes Trump? Awesome!

There is room for disagreement on the right. On the left wrongthink gets you ostricized.

If you are not for white genocide the left will not accept you.

Being a white leftist makes you a collaborator to ethnic cleansing. Enjoy yourenabling of genocide sodomites


>fag marriage

I can identify with this.

this picture is actually pretty funny

>at my gay friend's wedding.

God damn it.

everything except the gay friend part

Too bad the ashkeNAZIs don't allow this and foment disaster everywhere they go.

Wrongthink gets you shot by a soros hitman

Libertarianism accounts for both.
Gary Johnson sucked. Need others to crossover.

You're a leaf

Libertarians are leftists. Shut up fag boy



Abortions kill more niggers and spics than any other means. It is the only thing keeping this country from white minority for another 30-40 years or so. Fuck off christcucks.

kermit is on to something. now if only he was living in a country free of any kind of untermensch that only allowed people with overwhelmingly demonstrable value to immigrate there, hed be all set.

>gay wedding

degenerate, get out