Attention nocoiners, this is your ticket to getting into crypto while you still can. I've laughed through the doubters year after year and you still don't listen. Even ETH at this point is still a solid investment.
Screenshot this if you don't believe me. You'll be counting your gains in a few years.
Thomas Davis
bitcoin just went up 2k in 2 days. Why do you Jews shill so hard.
William Ramirez
Litecoin merchant pls go
Justin Flores
Etherium was the best buy in the last week. It basically doubled.
Cameron Brooks
I also hold BTC and a variety of coins, I just think LTC is a super solid investment and insanely undervalued.
Honest shilling only.
Caleb Thompson
LTC would have been a good one too. It was trading in around $40 in October.
Justin Gray
Dylan Bell
Dylan Anderson
alright ill try but i only have $300 to spare
Hunter Sanchez
Big jump on it, I am gonna wait for a month and see if it falls, if it falls I'll buy if not, no loss. There is no risk by not playing.
Joshua Miller
I put $300 in, it's worth $750 now.
Thomas Perez
What do you think of Vertcoin? I've accumulated about 30 VTC from mining.
Whatever you do, don't panic sell if the price drops after you buy. The price will rebound and reach a new high, it always does. I do most of my transactions in LTC or ETH now because of how slow and expensive Bitcoin has gotten. Litecoin is undervalued for how fast and cheap it is.
Blake Brown
congo bongo
Grayson Lopez
damn okay. gotta start somewhere i guess
Easton Evans
I've never heard of vertcoin
David Brooks
Pretty much. Wait for a dip. It's mooning right now.
Easton Morales
that was my main concern. thanks for reassurance
Colton Myers
DOGEcoin pls
Aiden Cooper
Don't fall for the LTC meme. Buy KMD instead .
Aiden Butler
can you even sell this shit?
Landon Lee
>no job >no coins
Lincoln Hall
Monero is where its at m80s
Adam Stewart
XD DOGEcoins how le random!
Sebastian Wood
You can trade it into Bitcoin or sell it directly into fiat with something like Coinbase. There's a few exchanges that offer USD/LTC.
It's like Litecoin but ASIC resistant, so GPU miners can make a profit. Went from under a dollar to 5.50$ in the past few months. Also the block rewards are going to half for the first time in December.
Jaxon Morgan
Fuck off with your shitcoins
Christopher Martinez
I really don't want to. This, like bitcoin, is just another change-of-the-guard. Until we live in a world were currency-hoarding assholes don't exist, life will always suck. This, and anything like it, changes nothing.
I might change my mind when the wealthiest of "coiners" openly admits to being a worthless selfish asshole and kills him/her self live. When any of this crap rolls over as a new currency, I'm considering it open season on the top 1% in this area. Go ahead and start hiring security; we're always looking for work ;)