Is this the best anime to watch on Christmas? I say it is

Is this the best anime to watch on Christmas? I say it is.

That's not Toradora.

>Is this the best anime? I say it is.

I rewatch it every year on Christmas.

Die hard.

In fact, Die Hard, Jingle all the way and Tokyo Godfathers are the greatest Christmas movies ever made.

Also, the only Christmas anime



The best Christmas Anime is the Read or Die Christmas Special.

Anyone remember Santa Company?

More like flicks. True christmas kino is pic related.


Inb4 KyoAnuslickers turn this into a Disappearance thread.

Everything but the OVA was hot garbage.

That lady at the end didn't get a happy ending, I'd imagine. Unless the family was gracious enough not to press charges, and she was simply let off with mandatory rehab. Maybe her husband mans the fuck up finally.

Y E S.
Best holiday movie ever written in any language.


she got out of that manic episode alive and not a murderer so i say thats good enough

Overrated normie shit

Marathon all of Toradora in one sitting with a bottle of Everclear and a revolver with one in the chamber already spun.

>and a revolver with one in the chamber already spun
The world does not have enough fedoras to entertain that though.

Just watched it some days ago, it was fuckin' great. Me and y wife added it to the list of Christmas Clasics to rewatch every year

Least favorite Kon movie desu.

I always liked it the most because it seemed like he wasn't trying so hard.
It was just a story with a bunch of weird characters. You can tell he's really trying to make a statement with all of his other works, and this one just seemed to be something he did because he wanted to.

Kill yourself
This is the only correct opinion

Fight me.

Were you expecting something different? for some reason TG was the last movie of his I've seen, came in with no expectations, and was pleasntly surprised to see he was capable of doing something different, and even funny as TG. I genuinly laughed and smiled while watching this movie, not something I could easily say about his other works. Made me like him as a director a lot more.
