Is atheism really a mental disorder...

Is atheism really a mental disorder? The strong correlation between atheism and abnormal brain health suggests that the brain's natural state is search for its creator.

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and i suppose you have proof to back up those extraordinary claims?

Correlation =\= causation.

Atheists tend to be liberal, a viewpoint that is often adopted to right a perceived wrong in the world, which falls in line with having some issue with themselves on a personal level in comparison to the average citizen. The perception of an unjust society strongly plays into mental health problems. Additionally, oftentimes in America they'll resent their religious parents, which obviously runs hand in hand with mental issues.

I would say militant atheists would be far more likely than agnostics or calm atheists to have better mental health, and I would also say that extremely religious people would likely have worse mental health than their more subdued brethren.

You know how atheists get really agitated when you mention God?

It's not God they're angry at. They're angry at themselves. Inside, they're raging a massive battle between right and wrong, what the propaganda tells them to believe and what they know is actually right.

have a you.

I think militant atheists are people who have been hurt by the world and would rather lash out and stay resentful than try to accept reality and move on.

No one is saying you can't search for your creator.

Have you found him? Great, show us the evidence.

Surely there would be some physical evidence after 2000 years of fervent prayer and miracles?

I worship god, but not religion.

Did you take your pills today, bud?

You can either believe in God (rationality, logic) or you can believe in paganism (magic, superstition, illogic, atheism). There is no third option

Genius is not to answer to all questions, but to question all answers

you can't prove anything one way or another, so agnostic atheism is the best option.

Atheism isn't a disorder... yet

By complete coincidence every atheism prophet or religion mocker I met was a Jew.

>all the schizophrenics hear the voice of god

What food (((god))) mean by this?


Hahahaha this bread is nb bait. Gud effort

Lol, this thread is straight up spot the r*dditor

>religion cucks argue against atheists and say "hurrrrrrrrr what happened before the big bang?"
>believe in a book and a magical sky daddy
T. Christcuck. What makes it so different compared to nigger religions and every other religion? (Oldest religion in the world, etc)?
God I hate religion faggots

>mobile poster tries to recover despite blatant revelation of his faggotry.

Atheism is just a feelings based religion.

Like Veganism, Feminism, Leftism. You know, retarded.

I know this is probably bait, but no Christian thinks of God as a "sky daddy" or a teapot in space or anything like that. If you ever bother to actually find out what Christians believe, you'll be embarrassed about making posts like this

>Actually believing in a book

You know when a tranny wants you to call him a her even though you know he has a dick

and everyone around you just nods and agrees because of course she is female thats just a fact

but you can see the reality in front of you, its obvious that she is, in fact, a he, no matter how many people say otherwise?

That's kind of what its like. See reality as it exists, not as you want to see it. God doesn't exist. You are not special. Get over it.


>108 Still, the Christian faith is not a "religion of the book." Christianity is the religion of the "Word" of God, a word which is "not a written and mute word, but the Word is incarnate and living". If the Scriptures are not to remain a dead letter, Christ, the eternal Word of the living God, must, through the Holy Spirit, "open [our] minds to understand the Scriptures."

No, they just make infinitely more improbable claims like, he's "outside time and space."

>not propaganda

HA! Stupid wypipo didnt e'n have colord camras in 1903 unlike us sooperier blacks

But God is not a magic man hiding somewhere outside of time and space, God is just outside of time and space because God must by necessity be eternal and without any potentiality (i.e. infinite and unchanging), as Aristotle argued

>Aristotle was Christian

Gl worshiping your kike on a stick


Aristotle was a monotheist. So it's perfectly reasonable to use his argument for there being one God, since Christianity is also monotheist

>God doesn't exist
>You are not special
>Get over it
Okay Vox

>It's perfectly reasonable to just assume people believed in my God that didn't.
So you have zero proof for something in the REAL WORLD you're calming let alone if your supernatural claims are real or not?

I am unsurprised.

I'd also add that liberals tend to abuse A LOT of drugs and alcohol. Drug abuse plays into the whole "abnormal brain" function pretty heavily.

Atheists don't understand that they sit on just as big as a high horse as other religions. Claiming that their (((science))) is based on logic and reason. When in actuality science is being perverted like every other belief system. Science is being used to promote tranny kids and gays. It's only going to get worse. I'm sorry science believers, I was heavy into the science bullshit but I opened my eyes to see that it's not religions or beliefs. It's people and we're going to fuck everything up anyway we can.

If God was a physical thing in the world, God would be limited in a certain time and a certain space, and this "God" would not actually be God. This is what Aristotle argued

If any of your views are based in ad hominem you are probably a brainlet.

>religious are a high horse
You said it.

Aristotle was, at best, a henotheist. Furthermore he argued for a prime mover, and not necessarily a divine one.

At least get your own shit straight before parroting religious propaganda you hear on Sup Forums.

Im an athiest.

Yep its a mental disorder.. sorry more correctly, a lack of one

>this is what religious people actually believe
Sorry kiddo.

I'm down with beating slaves, but i'm not a Christian

Can i still beat my slaves

How did you determine how god must "by necessity" be? Presumably you are a theist, not a deist, which suggests that you think god somehow interacts with space and time. So, in theory, we should be able to analyze these points of interaction and study them. So far nothing we have studied has been best explained by "god" unless you posit knowledge which you don't and couldn't possibly have. Your worldview is literally wishful thinking.

If you read Aristotle's argument it's clearly an argument for monotheism. And if there are in fact powerful being like demons and pagan gods that really exist, they still don't possess the qualities that God must by necessity possess, therefore they are not God

Try actually knowing the subject before thinking you can get off with a quick wikipedia search



The claim that God doesn't exist has never been proven and since the default state seems to be the existence of God then where did that idea come from? You fucking British posh philosophy - lite cuckholds think you can achieve reason without the existence of God when God created reason as a counterpoint to blind faith. Burn all of ye in hell

>I'm going to push bullshit I hear on Sup Forums as facts.
>And claim that research outside of Sup Forums is bullshit.
>Then I'm just going to play the, "I know you are but what am I?" rhetorical game.
Well I'm fucking shocked at the flag. Truly.

No one has proof of anything and yet atheist and scientist believer they're smarter than everyone. Am I the only one who see's how insane we've come.

Can no one seriously take a step back and see how incredibly stupid all of this is?

>Atheism is just a feelings based religion.
I am trying to wrap my head around this one, I can't tell if b8 or if Sup Forums is just increasingly blue-pilled.

Science is athiest????
Science is there for everyone..
learn about quantum entanglement.. Theres some god stuff in that shit thats for sure

Scientists straight up that their work is inductive. And it's funny you take the stance that, "Claming is absolute is insane," (excuse my paraphrasing but that's what it is) yet honestly consider this a defense FOR religion.

>believing in an invisible man

He must have a long work day governing every minute detail on trillions of planets.

End yourself.

It's based on Aristotle's argument from change. To radically oversimplify it: change occurs and change can be described in terms of actual (what a thing possesses) and potential (what a thing could come to possess). A potential can only become an actual if actualised by an external actor. Therefore there must be something that is pure actuality without potentiality. This is God. By necessity something with no potentiality must be unchangeable (no potentiality), eternal (since it cannot change), omnipotent (since it is purely actual), and so on. So basically all the qualities that God possesses. This is how we can determine the qualities that God must by necessity possess.

Christfags not only believe they know the absolute truth, they believe they're best fucking friends with it.

Only dumbfuck atheists will assert there is no god. Most competent people only say that there is no convincing evidence of god.

>I'm out of my depth here, but if I call him a leaf he'll shut up!

You completely dogged the issue of improbability.
Also logic as a discipline graduated from Aristotle a long time ago.

Atheism was invented by Jews to steer good men toward temptation and vice

If you drink from that river you shall live with that disease


Never meant to bind the 2 together. Merely pointing out that these 2 groups in some way tried to denounce a god. If you don't believe me watch some of the popular scientist talk about it.

I have no quarrel or problems with science. It's a beautiful thing. But it's being manipulated and completely torn to pieces.

For example it's called THE THEORY of Evolution. Go out in public and talk to people. Tell them there's no proof of evolution. A lot of people will blow a fucking gasket.

>act like a leaf
>smells like a leaf
>posts like a leaf
The reality is you got monotheism and henotheism mixed up because of a post you saw here. Then you continued to push this, "But it MUST be GOD!" angle that's been criticized and destroyed multiple times for over a century.

And you have the gall to call others out of their depth.

What issue of improbability?

And I am well aware that there are people who come after Aristotle, but in this case I am using an argument of Aristotle's

Id rather live knowing the truth that all religion is bullshit than to delude myself into believing fantasy.

Atheist is the lack of religion you idiot. Or complete lack of belief

Christianity is like veganisn feminism etc You all believe in stupid shit

So, if you believe atheism is a religion then you believe religion should stay out of science?
>inb4 you rationalize using science to prove God is real like some of the other theists ITT

Atheism has been linked to autism.

To read Aristotle as a henotheist is to either misunderstand henotheism or to misunderstand what Aristotle meant by God. There can only be one source of all being.

wrong its not invented.
Its just the lack of belief.

Athiests dont believe shit

> Therefore there must be something that is pure actuality without potentiality.
This is where your and Aristotle's logic completely breaks down. It simply doesn't follow from the premises that there must, or even could, exist something that is pure actuality without potentiality.

no, the truth is you would rather believe in fantasy than shuffle through life blackpilled. Truly enlightened people can work their way to that conclusion without buying in to dogma, the truth is that it's probably better that God exists and arguing about being right or wrong about it is intellectually cucked brainlet behavior

Saying there is no convincing evidence is still implicitly taking a position that you believe there isn't aren't gods. Being open to a possibility =/= belief, if you move beyond that to claiming it is plausible or furthermore probable, then you necessarily are invoking some reasoning/evidences to support such plausibility etc.

There is no such thing as a default position, and this fence-sitting bullshit is just a game of rhetoric, it isn't intellectually honest.

Just accept it, you don't presently believe in gods, you too are an atheist.

I guess atheism really doesn't give a shit about how we got here or doesn't give a fuck about anything
If so I don't want you faggots around. Luke Warm faggots.

>Using science to prove god
Not interested.
>Using science to explain the world around us
Sounds nice.

Atheistfag here. I just wanted to thank Sup Forums for helping me get past my OP pic related phase. Thank you.

It really depends why one becomes an atheist. Labeling oneself because of rejection of society's customs will mean you're a liberal atheist. Becoming an atheist because you just don't care about a creator, means you will most likely be right wing.

Turning your back on God is a temporary reaction being unable to handle life - i was a militant atheist in my mid-teens but i probably wouldn't have been if i wasn't molested at church camp when i was a kid.

(the abusers used my fear of Hell and God and my belief in scripture to get me to participate)

I don't think many people intentionally set out to become an atheist but it can happen if you get overwhelmed by life and take a shitty attitude about it, or if you're just a weak and amoral person.

I'm an athiest. It has more to do with I see people attribute stupid shit to an invisible actor that literally cannot do anything about it. A man who can control everything? Physically impossible.

You are either the worst troll or the dumbest motherfucker ever. Literally none of your points make any sense, Aristotle was a pagan who believed in Zeus, and the reason that people believe in higher powers is because we're like ants and that's how people like Hitler and Stalin control people because they're seen as gods.

Also Sky Daddy = Sky Father = Deus Pater, which is Indo-European for the former two.

Yeah people are pretty dumb. That's why they believe literal fairy tales. Like a zombie-kike-on-a-stick. That one's good.

My fantasy man has a hammer. He's way more powerful than your fantasy man

I simplified the reasoning of course, but if you read the argument fully developed, it does in fact follow logically from the simple premise that change occurs. There's a kind of hierarchy of actuality, with beings like us near the bottom (we possess lots of potentiality and relatively little actuality), then at the intermediate level you have natural laws like nuclear forces (they actualise lots of potential by, for example, something like the sun undergoing chemical reactions to provide energy to the earth, but they are not pure actuality), and at the top you have God, who is pure actuality.

According to quantum mechanics, 'particles' can behave in one of two ways. They can either be in probablity wave mode, or they can be in solid particle mode. According to the data from double slit experiment and the susequent Delayed Quantum Choice Eraser experiments, the way you get a particle to stop behaving as a wave, and become a solid physical particle is to have consciousness oberserve the wave. In that moment, not only do the quantum possiblities collapse into a single reality, but the univers is forced to upload a back history associated with that particle. According to relative physics, the universe is 14b-ish years old. If the observation of consciousness is required for solid particles to exist, how did we end up in a universe with matter, that gave rise to stars, that gave rise to planets, that gave rise to life, that gave rise to you? It would seem that from the moment of the big bang, consciousness has been observing this universe. It's required to end up where we are.

They're the same fantasy man

Deus Pater is Latin (not Indo-European) and it translated to God the Father

>Did you see how I said “correlation =/= causation”? Looks like your entire argument is now null and void, haha try again brainlet

>reducing two thousand years of self reflection, meditation, and not to be taken literally archetype characters to relay moral lessons to "believing in invisible men"

>standard "guy who has zero clue" about religion who thinks god governs everything, when according to their texts god specifically gave free will, form and order, and tries to not have to do much of anything.

>not understanding that the collective unconscious basically does form a god consciousness

God is real

All the dumb fucks it used to neutralized have become dumber and fucked to breed more dumb fuckers.

God isn't an actor, so much as a voice. He guides anyone willing to listen, or rather unable to ignore, towards the right path. We're still human though so of course we fuck up and even the most devout Christian is secretly fucked up, but you get the gist.

I find most criticisms of religion stem from their practitioners rather than the religion itself. That's not a good way to go about it imo, because you skip the things each religion gets right about the metaphysical and self-improvement/consciousness.

I'm an athiest i dont assert there is no god..

I just believe there isn't one.

Most athiests just ignore the god bullshit. Its only when your fantasy man is jambed down the throat we react....

I'm not about to debate this. Educate yourself.

Good night.

The point being that no one conceives of logic anymore, including yourself, like Aristotle did. It is outdated and has direct implications for his arguments from necessity. In short, you are backreading into Aristotle.

That aside, the issue of improbability is that the mind you are conceiving has a large number of 'just-so' explanations tied to it that in turn aren't justified and make the conception less plausible. Positing a mind out of space and time with a tremendous specified complexity and supernatural to boot all put an insurmountable burden on the likelihood that this random idea is true.

Quite frankly the Tao is much more likely than the Christian God, and a universal wave-function considered as God is more sensible than some supernatual one.

Literally one sentence in before the cringe became too much

>kike on a stick
>Kikes actually hate religion
>a lot of kikes are atheist
>Kikes believe jesus was a fairy tale.
You sound like a kike to me.


>Literally doesn't have a counter argument and must resort to memes.
Nice to see youre that stupid.

Dyeus pHtér in PIE. Pretty close

>atheists unironically think that living organisms came from simple and unrelated non-living organic compounds, randomly, spontaneously, and with no prior movement, even though law of physics requires transfer of energy against inert properties to create any movement in time and space, corresponding with the principle that energy cannot be created, but only transferred, making said proposition logically impossible
>expects to be taken seriously still

>not understanding that the collective unconscious basically does form a god consciousness
>casually tossing shit like this around like it is self-evident

wew lads, this is a waste of time.

Atheism is more true than Christianity, no one is born Christian and so it is false.

Atheists are retarded for closing their minds to the possibility of god or a creator of the universe. I like agnostics well enough, they do not subscribe to the established religions but are not precluding the idea of god and creator in a form they do not know or understand. It is the more scientific approach ironically because you are open-minded for the possibilities of god.

Atheists are sure. They're sure that there is no god. God does not exist and god is impossible. They don't have answers for why or how we and the universe exist, but unscientifically they are already quite certain they can rule out any divinity. To me this says two things about the person:

1. They are afraid of uncertainty and must pretend they know things they cannot possibly know, which isn't far off from faith, the thing they despise in the first place

2. They are NOT scientific or proponents of science. If they were, they would simply state that they do not subscribe to an organized religion but they believe that god or a creator may exist but are unsure of its form or intentions.

Conjecture isn't worth arguing against. It should be mocked.


There is no conjecture. I'm giving you the name of the experiment. You are more than welcome to review the data for yourself, but we both know you won't.