how secure is the Australian border to the migrant boats? I hear they keep slipping through.
How secure is the Australian border to the migrant boats? I hear they keep slipping through
we have pic related protecting us.
sadly muzzies are getting in
Shut up
based aboriginals protect the border
they secured christmas island to give the illusion all australia has been secured from refugee boats.
but we'll make australia a brown continent in 10 years
thank you Australia for protecting our borders
no, you shut up, mohamed. And stop raping white women. I know your women are ugly, fat and had bear but that doesnt give you the right to rape us all
there is hope, we are burgertizing bruce. may even stand up to that emu someday.
>that foetal alcohol syndrome
what happens when they get in. they live in the desert or are the cities the attraction?
I don't imagine what they do out in the desert already it is the wild west
Migrant boats are irrelevant when you let hundreds of thousands in via aeroplane
>I hear they keep slipping through.
nigger, were full
I hear it from Australians. it's not like you're sinking any boat out there. some get through
>being this jew
NO! You're not full!
I will castrate you ya fuckin peasant
So, they want to make it a see through fence. At a first glance this is nice, but will it invite more problems?
>trumps wall is 20cm thick concrete
>australias wall is at least 1000km of shark infested ocean surrounding our country in every direction
>people still falling for the not full meme
Well the government tells us that no boats are getting through. And they don't lie because they are the government. They also say that the majority of illegal immigration comes from westerners overstaying their tourist visas. So I wonder what the truth might be
The amount entering via boat was tiny compared to arrival by flight. All the Aussies you saw on Sup Forums celebrating Tony Abbott's stopping of the boats were retards that didn't realise that their hero increased legal migration numbers by far more than reduced boat arrivals.
this is why australian cities are so cheap to rent in
the ones made on metal bars look like our best fences from george w bush a lot bigger.
United States south we never had an ocean. maybe we should have built something big many years in the past
You should dig a canal instead of building a wall desu
Illegal immigrants are not a problem whatsoever. Even when there were dozens of boats coming it was like
I'd still rather have the neo-con kikes over the sjw kikes
End result is the same.
New Zealand I never understood
>fuck off we're full
but all desert and New Zealand is tiny islands and
>prosperous nation and growing economy
how is New Zealand U.K. of the southern hemisphere and Australia is Ireland. when Australia is a lot bigger and it still is this way
not as easy to build it digging.
maybe one day you will have irrigation farm land on all your desert but maybe never
>slip through
You can't "slip through" what doesnt exist :^)
We're too cucked to undertake that kind of ambitious project, let alone one that would reshape the abos sacred land