Do you believe in the Holocaust?

Do you believe in the Holocaust?

Tanya is the best trans character in history.

nah man fuck that shit

nah, it was all staged by the soviet union. and the allies.its a global conspiracy you know?

slide thread

really though

If Tanya did it? We wouldn't call it a Holocaust. We'd call it victory.

>Tanya has mind of a male
>Get's put in completely female body
>Doesn't want to go back to being male, becomes completely female

Never realized it was against transfags till now.

That question is similar to "do you believe in nanjing massacre?"
The answer is no

Personally, no, I don't believe that all Jews should be gassed. But if they try to stop Bitcoin, maybe I'll change my mind.

I don't care if it happened or not.
Kike lives are irrelevant.

Yes however I believe it was greatly exaggerated and capitalized on by Zionists to successfully push their agenda, as well as Jews as a whole for profit.

Redpill us nipanon.
Did you massacre and rape those gooks?

It's funny because divine intervention is the only feasible situation where being trans isn't just a mental illness.

Nihon > China. They had it coming.

They destroyed Europe on behalf of their bankers.

They will destroy your bitcoins too.

She hooks up with a dude and has kids in the manga.

And the best atheist. Sees and talks with god, still deny it's existence.

You cant rape whores, they are made to fuck, so when you pound them they are fullfiling their life mission.
Nips didn do nufin.

Maybe you just use the words wrongly.

Not worshiping someone, isn't the same as denying they exist.

She age in manga that much?

So the soviets were justified with their rapes during the "liberation" of Poland?

No, but i want it to happen again.

Take it to

yes i believe it should happen. did it happen? no.

She almost died of old age before being X came back to reincarnate her again.

Of course, I'm not some Nazi retard, but I believe it is exaggerated and the numbers are too high.

Yes! Lolocaust was real in my mind.

Silly goy

>comparing gook whores to Polish ladies
You can b8 better Bruce.
I think I have to read it.

But isn't she denies his existence? I don't really remember what she said, so you could be right.
But if you want to make god more butthurt isn't it better to deny it's existence even if you see it?

No because it look like over Exaggerated collocation of horror fantasies that don't make sense when we put them together

Don't lie to yourself.

Its numbers are over-exaggerated but I would have liked it if 6 million had actually been killed off.

She doesn't deny that Being X exists. She denies that Being X is a god.

wait seriously? screenshot?

I see. Thanks for the info.

polish girls are cute

Dont respond, he is jelly cuz all he has are abos, gooks and emu cocks.