>God Tier Yugo Wars >Great Tier Vietnam Wars African shitholes civil wars >Good Tier Spanish civil war Latin America Guerilla movements Second Wolrld War Gooks War Cyprus Attila Invasion >Decent Tier Balkan wars I and II Balkans vs Ottomans Byzantium vs Turks Byzantium vs Romans Rome vs Carthage Greeks vs Persians >Meh Tier Jew vs Arab wars American Civil war >Shit Tier World War I Finland vs Soviet Union Poland vs Lithuania India vs Pakistan
Ukranian civil war has given us too many keks to not at least be Good Tier.
Brody Nguyen
And Rome v Carthage is at least high tier decent if not good.
Joseph Miller
Whats your definition of a good war?
Owen Walker
Benjamin Martinez
Ah i see, well i imagine the Napoleonic wars would have been entertaining until the march on Moscow, maybe good tier
Austin Stewart
the memes,THE MEMES
Sebastian Lewis
>Poland vs Lithuania which one?
Jason Robinson
The Napoleonic Wars are top tier. That is the apex of old world fanfair war. War became butchery as rifling was implemented. But the war in the Spanish penninsula was kino tier badass.
Andrew Sanders
>ELDER GOD TIER The Great Emu War
Joseph Edwards
>But the war in the Spanish penninsula was kino tier badass
I rate it so high because of the weird political triangle of Fascists-Stalinists-Anarchists
Generally speaking all the triangles are super entertaining in wars with the peak of the religious-tribal-political-memes multilevel Yugo wars
Carson Bailey
You don't have the mongol conquests on there
Andrew Sanchez
Serbo-Bosnian war obviously Emu war Vietnam war Russo-Finland war
but also WW2, because we btfo the Italians and delayed operation barbarossa which eventually caused hitler to lose the war all the GERMANY YES memes now are delicious
Jayden Fisher
Nothing quite like the second Balkan war. We were called the Prussia of the Balkans sometime ago, you know. We would've won this shit if the turks and the romanians didn't meddle.
Josiah Cruz
>Prussia of the Balkans no wonder why you lost
Juan Price
> meme tier
Christian Torres
keep dreaming bulgo
Jordan Clark
>tatar delusions
Jayden Cook
>We would've won this shit if the turks and the romanians didn't meddle.
>we were winning until we lost
ok my man but this is a favorite wars thread,dont make this a balk circlejerk thread
Oliver Stewart
pay up, Đorđe
Juan Morris
t. tatar delusions
Easton Anderson
Jaxson Morris
>took 5 countries + an empire to take us down
feels good to be superior
Easton Walker
I wish i could see this with my own eyes.
Nolan Stewart
And this.
Jayden Watson
And i would cry with excitement if i saw this.
This would make Lord of the Rings look like shit.
Colton Jones
Gabriel Thompson
>vs Sweden
wow I didnt know the tolerant and vibrant Sweden had business there
you couldnt afford to lose this one nigga
Andrew Murphy
Commies BTFO.
Dominic White
The swedes were pretty agressive and imperial up until they got fucked up in the war. They pretty much got neutral after this one.
Sebastian King
Look at the K/D ratio, lol.
Noah Phillips
Must feel bad to be stuck in the past.
Michael Carter
Brandon Mitchell
I'm saying that you were kinda great and independent in the past, but now? Just a country who leches off EU benefits.
Charles Butler
fuck off Junker poles are based
Isaac Howard
Shut up, you're our colony.
Julian Thomas
bartek pls
Nolan Mitchell
isnt that macedonias shtick tho?
Adrian Bailey
>Shit tier WW II
Thomas Morris
oh, fuck off.
EU isnt a charity foundation, dumbo, there are LOANS not gibs. lmao, germans EARNED 3 billion euro by bailing out greece, not to mention they bought like half the countries landmass.
fuck off with your muuuuuuhhhh gibs meme.
EU is the most jewish thing in human history, only a complete fucking retard would think they are giving anybody money for free.
Connor Morales
thanks bratushki ;^)
David Brown
>not to mention they bought like half the countries landmass. this so much like 40 percent of romanian farmland is foreign owned b-but its k because you can buy land in the west too goy hows poland?
Julian Jenkins
t. (po)lack money delusions
Carson Powell
.t t.t.t.t.t. faggot who doesnt fucking know how the EU functions.
just piss off.
Ian Jones
Your list is shit. Thirty Years War All Danish-Swedish wars All wars with the Swedish Empire in them Great Northern War
Luke Perry
>hows poland?
comfy and nigger free :P
i read yesterday that Romania has one of the best economic growths in continental europe, keep it up!!!!! :D
Ryder Wilson
Justin Sanders
>i-i-its not like that! REEEEEEEEEEE
Josiah Morgan
Easton Roberts
wish it were sustainable our commies are making it rain in the severely bloated public sector so theres that also i was asking how much of polish land is foreign owned
Cameron White
its not.
as far as i can tell, barely any land here is foreign owned. I guess we could count the millions of Lidl shops as german land, though :P so it would be quite a bit, lol....
thats a pretty badass painting.
Julian Brooks
>EU gibs I can't believe there are these kinds of morons on Sup Forums who actually believe this kind of shit. The EU is pure corporatocracy masquerading as a national conglomerate.
The Jewropean Union is using our shit countries as economic colonies for cheap labor. Through the IMF interest rates and destabilization of your countries infrastructure they buy it all off for pennies.
Tadeusz here gets it
Samuel Robinson
Just kys retard.
>Budgetary policy shouldn’t be used to impose political penalties. The structural funds are for making weak regions more competitive. And a large part of every euro the E.U. gives Poland comes back to Germany. The Poles use the money to place orders with the German construction industry, to buy German machines and German trucks. So net contributors such as Germany should be interested in the structural funds. From an economic perspective, Germany isn’t a net contributor but a net recipient. -- Günther Oettinger, EU Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources