I didn't laugh once

I didn't laugh once.

Other urls found in this thread:


Because it's not funny


That's because you have shit taste.

how would each character react if i attempted to rape them

It's been done

i didn't find Nichijou that funny but the "God is dead" line killed me.

Shit tier SoL comedy
Then again, this board also likes Kimi no Na Wa so shit taste abound.

then what's a god-tier SoL comedy?

Yuru Yuri
Plastic Nee San
Lucky Star

>yuri yuri is funnier than nichijou
are you fucking kidding me?

It's miles above nichijou
The only good thing about nichijou is Hakase

> Lucky Star
low quality bait

Holy shit, kill yourself.

Lucky Star is god tier compared to Nichijou
ok bb

It superior counterpart, Nichibro.

>expecting to laugh at Japanese comedies
The entire culture is devoid of comedy. Quit going into Japanese comedies with any sort of expectations.

>haha she's tsundere and hits him with weapons but its not actually hurt XD

I enjoyed some characters more than others. I liked Nano and her group, but I really didn't like that black haired girl with the glasses.

Yuri Yuri is one of the most boring shows I've EVER watched, at least Nichijou made me laugh a few times.

Oh well, Nichijou is great but i dont expect everyone to find it funny, Its masterfully made tho.

>yuru yuri
>not funny
Jesus, Sup Forums truly does have the worst taste
Even Excel Saga and Azumanga Daioh are funnier than Nichijou

Lucky Star is literally art.

Nichijou is literally Lucky Star's clone

>ahaha shes the mc but has no presense
>ahaha pink hair girl is gay and draw scary

Actually makes for good jokes. Nichijou is trash.

Not really, their jokes are usually in a different vein.

Yeah, Lucky Star is good and Nichijou is shit.

Then it's not literally a clone, you fucking retard.

I never said it was a clone, that was another user. We can all agree Lucky Star is good and Nichijou is shit.

I know that Sup Forums is adverse to nuanced opinions, but humor is entirely subjective and what you find humorous is, by in large, not controlled by you. It's okay to prefer the humor of Lucky Star, or Gintama, or Nichijou. We will never come to a consensus because humor is so personal.

I agree that both are shit, who the fuck actually likes Lucky Star?



Japanese humor doesn't work for me. For any show. I have laughed at a couple of jokes, but extremely rarely considering I've watched a metric fuckton of anime.

how rucking shit taste can you have nichijou it top tier comedy. Hilarious both read and watched.

Deer suplex was one of the best jokes but the entire airship daydream stories was probably my favorite.

Also Igo Soccer

This. For some reason the only comedy I actually laughed at regularly was Gekkan Shoujo.

Holy fuck the airship was the worst shit what the hell
So was soccer club

Nichijou can be hilarious. If you didn't laugh then it's just not for you.

> Airship
Without a doubt the worst part of the whole series.

That's interesting. I'm the user you responded to, and Gekkan Shojou is probably the anime I've laughed the most at.

Off the top of my head, Nichibros is the only anime that consistently made me laugh out loud.
I like Japanese humor, I just don't tend to laugh out loud to it. Sometimes its just a big shit eating grin.

well if double dubs don't agree...

Because Gekkan Shoujo is actually good

>Holy fuck the airship was the worst shit what the hell
Off yourself, please.
The one with the comedy interview is the best.

It's probably because Gekkan Shoujo has a bit of western humor in it.

Eh is all I can say at BEST. The whole airship shit is just eh.

It's top-tier surreal comedy. What are you talking about?

why Sup Forums has such a shit taste?

protip: this is how you make a god-tier SoL comedy

It's the milliondollarextreme of anime, what did you expect?

I thought it was hilarious when the princess trap-doored the butler but I guess I can see why most people wouldn't like it

I agree with you but the problem is that you can't explain humor. You either laugh or you don't, so this kind of thread never leads anywhere.

That's ok. Plenty of retarded people lead otherwise happy lives.

>doesn't laugh for 10+ episodes of an anime
>still watches the rest

Your logic confuses me op

Not OP but I really enjoyed the normal SoL segments such as Nano going to school or the friendship voucher. I only finished Nichijou for those.

These threads summed up are basically just people saying "x show is fucking shit; x show is way better", and repeat. I don't know what they expect to accomplish - make someone retroactively not laugh at a comedy anime?

It's wrong to drop anime. If you start something, you really should finish it.
Or maybe they watch it because it's Kyoani.
There are also other reasons to watch an anime than laughing. For example, the animation. Or it could be really relaxing, or comfy, or just fun.

that's japanese "humour"
name a truely laughable anime

>It's wrong to drop anime.

Pure autism.

I never laughed at a comedy in my life. Comedy is a meme genre, the only thing that can make you laugh is irl stuff.
People who rave about how certain anime, movies or whatever are hilarious are just memeing so they don't look bad.

Arakawa Under the Bridge, Hoozuki no Reiatsu.

>the girls are protecting the boys in both cases

Why are Nozaki girls so best?

Nichibros, Ebichu

It's probably just because you're women.

>people who can't appreciate Nichijou like Lucky Star and Yuru Yuri
Makes sense when their taste is so shit

It must be rough, living without a soul.

>That suuuure was a funny jooooooke! Let's hear of it fifty tiiiiimes mooooore!

are you proud of that or something?

Seto no hanayome
To show that comedy is shit, suffering is best laughing material.

Not him but you both have shit taste.

>Or it could be really relaxing, or comfy, or just fun.
How about forced?

While I find Nichijou unfunny a lot of the time, I quite liked the way Kyoani organized the chapters to give off organic feeling progression instead of just recurring gags with simple continuity like it actually is. Problem with that is the fact that I had to slog through a few episodes to truly enjoy that feeling, glad I did though.

Watching all of it felt like I was marathoning a big, episodic series, like the Simpsons. I think part of that was because of the gradual addition of new characters and the formula of the various segments altering.

This scene had me crying with laughter. One of the few occasions where a joke just completely blindsided me.

Lucky Star is the greatest anime of all time but Nichijou is pretty close

Oh fuck I forgot about ebichu

>Lucky Star is god tier compared to Nichijou

I can understand different people like different things but man.

Because it's shit

Both are unfunny shit, that's right

>tfw the thread where people mock the show and its jokes make you laugh more than the show itself

This thread made you laugh?

Take the same 5-6 jokes and them repeat them over and over again! Comedy!

And over and over again! And over and over and over and over and:


moral orel wasnt that funny. it is my favorite cartoon though.

I knew Sup Forums was shit, but this is just too much.


Unfunny shit with forced animation

Whenever I read the threads like this, I always imagine it as some kind of comedy scene with anons as characters

user that's autistic

The people who say nichijou is unfunny just didnt get. The explosions and other 'random shit' happening is just exaggeration of the characters' emotions. It isnt 'lolso randumb xd' and if you think so you are brain damaged

We get it's exaggerated, it's just not funny, exaggerated or not.

You just are too dumb to get the jokes.

that's fucking hilarious, can you go into detail?

Same here except I imagine porn.

I see people saying that all the time.

It's not a complex highbrow comedy that nobody understands.

There's not much to it.
You just read the posts while imagining how would the anons behind it act i.e their voices and faces.

cool meme pic bro

do you ever dream of browsing Sup Forums? back when I was a neet I would literally see nothing but Sup Forums scrolling and dota 2.

The problem isn't forced animation, but the forced joke


>You just are too dumb to get the jokes
>it's INTELLECTUAL. YOU wouldn't get it. It's too smart for your feeble brain to understand, mere mortal!

Yep, though it happens rarely, I usually dream about something or someone I haven't seen for a long time .


The principal randomly walking up to and then suplexing a deer? Funny!

Stupid bitch having an extended, over exaggerated freak-out over seeing said principal suplex said deer? CANCER.