Modern life is so boring they literally have to give kids amphetamines to make them functional...

Modern life is so boring they literally have to give kids amphetamines to make them functional, why did we let it get this bad

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They drugs boys because boys have a hard time sitting still for 8 hours a day.

Girls can easily.

Its just another way to divide genders because the drugged boys them for.substance blankets

ADHD? people with that disorder need amphetamines

Yeh of course they try to slide this thread

Fuck off life is boring as fuck and the drugs force the people who would change it to conform

not even going to bother with a ''niceb8m8'' picture but you're absolutely delusional and
projecting your own dumb experiences unto us

sage slide thread

you think it's fine giving bored kids amphetamines, without even asking why they're bored, you're a fucking idiot

kids that take it have been diagnosed with it
they're not ''bored'' most of them have learning
disablities because of it

So they can sit in a class and learn completely useless things they're really not interested in

Adhd should never be medicated if you think it should youre a cancer on society

>why did we let it get this bad
Something that Sup Forums will never understand is that the current crisis isn't someone's malice, but purely spontaneous, similar to medieval plagues (although the often blamed many different people for that as well).

Returning to your question, modern life is demoralizing and confusing like never before.

now you're changing subjects
get straight to the point already

but people that have the disorder most of the time cant function normally in society dumb nigger

>cant function normally
Neither can niggers yet we dont drug niggers
Do you think all niggers should be drugged

but niggers choose that themselves
and people who have ADHD/ADD haven't chosen for that so no argument

>Niggers choose to have low iq
Found the nigger

not a argument

Adhders are as bad as niggers why should they be allowed im a modern society even with drugs theyre generally less productive

His trips say otherwise though

> need amphetamines
> need
> a completely synthetic drug that didn’t exist until a few decades ago
> need
> a completely invented pseudoscience ‘disorder’ to give bad parents and bad teachers something to blame
> need

I may have ADD but unlike commies I actually work

Western education was changed decades ago to conform with how girls function.

pure amphetamines are better than aderal

Youre a fucking drug addict

>kids that take it have been diagnosed with it

Jesus christ, another fucking retarded toothpaste yuropoor shitlet telling Americans how America works. Let me tell you about how my "diagnosis" went: We walked into the doc's office, my mother told the doc to put me on ADHD meds, and he wrote a prescription in that very moment.

There is no fucking "diagnosis" you effete turdburgling refugee-hugging cuck.

Im not on amphetamines anymore, havent been for years.

>phoneposter thinks his ''opinion'' is somewhere near relevant

the biggest challenge in life is to accept who you are and be free. Most of us sedate ourselves because the jew won't allow us to be free. We're nothing but debt slaves. That's why most people do some form of drugs. Whether is it weed or alcohol or harder stuff.


Ahhh I forgot my toothbrush give me amphetamines! The American mental health system is fucking retarded

most of the time ADHD diagnosis are fake.
they drug boys so boys cant be boys anymore.
they simply diagnose a boy if he has more energy then his classmates. especially with the new "low" standard for kids to stay inside and play with their phones/vidya. Any kid playing outside too much in this day and age could be diagnosed with ADHD

>Any kid playing outside too much in this day and age could be diagnosed with ADHD
Stop the bullshit.

Personal computers, smart phones, and the looming threat of AI and automation didn't exist a few decades ago either.
You need to be able to cope with the tedium of complexity or you run the risk of being unemployable in the future. If you want a college degree, you can definitely forget about not taking your meds. Every ADHD college student I know who quit taking their meds ended up flunking a bunch of courses.

50,000 years of modern man
ADHD existed the whole time
Nobody took any fucking CIA happy pills for it
Until 20 years ago

The creator of ADHD went on record claiming that the ADHD epidemic was fake and that drug companies just like drugging kids.

The american public just ignored it and watched guardians of the galaxy while high.

Needs sauce

I'm sure it was way better in 1850 when they were expected to sit for 4 hours with no break between the beginning of school and lunch break and read boring primers and do actual penmanship cursive, and if they didn't behave they got actual beatings, not drugs

On the other hand, mandatory public education seems to be where society started to decline

Many complete courses successfully without drugs. And are better because of it drugs breed weakness

you just have to let your children run and play. They have to use their body not just sit around and stare at a screen

Did you know there isn't a shred of scientific evidence that adhd drugs improve grades?

Me? I was perscribed tranqs so I dont spaz and kill you all :} Also Vraylar.

Its true, there's always a reason to give kids ADHD meds these days. Its almost too easy. If they take these meds a few years they grow dependable on it. literally jewry at its finest.

From warriors to drug addled fucking freaks

It's all fake
Bullshit nonsense
Selling drugs
Population control

Oppositional defiant disorder is very common among people with ADHD , medicating ADHD is a literal cancer on society they're probably the people that would pull us out of this fucking mess


What if we attack american dug culture for while.

Just to see what the reaction is.

Cut off the drugs and society will go back to normal

Boys won't sit down and be quiet all day at school, like girls. Female teachers notice this, and instead of accepting that boys are not the same as girls and require a different approach to teaching it's easier (for them) to drug the energetic nature out of them. Who cares if it will have dire consequences later?

We can't beat the pharma cartel, but we can't shame people into not buying 6 different pills to pass the week.

The dire consequences occur as soon as the effects occur, he's no longer angry rebellious creating excitement causing problems, fucking terrible

I must be older; My experience was totally different. I was diagnosed over the course of about a month. A battery of Psychological and cognition tests. IQ tested high (was reading at a high school level in 2nd grade) when the tests found nothing I was given different physiological test, culminating in an EEG (pic related) Only after all that was I diagnosed with ADHD. Only then was I put on Ritalin, which at the time was a new drug This was in the early 80's, before they started handing out the meds like candy.

Was on it until 8th grade, when I started weening myself off it, as the side effects were overshadowing the benefits. I had grown out of the hyperactivity by that point, and I'd learned strategies to cope with the attention deficit by then. My school performance and behavior had reflected that, so the doctors said it was okay to try going off the meds for a while, and I haven't taken them since.

some kids are so bad, they NEED medication for it; Children have poor impulse control. But the diagnosis side of things is really lacking. I would guess 1 out of 5 kids that are prescribed ADHD meds these days actually need it.

When you come into adulthood, the symptoms ease by a large degree. Hyperactivity often goes away. Sometimes my focus slips a little, but as I said, there are coping mechanisms and practices that can ease or negate that. Not every legitimate ADHD case needs medication, Which is why the medical field needs to step up their diagnosis game. ADHD isn't psychological, it's a physiological difference in brain structure and activity, which isn't always a bad thing. Creativity and out-of-the-box thinking are some of the positives. being easily distracted is the downside, and at earlier stages, hyperactivity is present as the brain is still developing.

See, ADD kicking in, forgot the pic...

Was with the family over Thanksgiving. Cousin had her boyfriend over with his 2 kids. Both boys, very young. They look perfectly normal, like the kid in OP's pic, but they act like bored autistic little shits. Totally silent, don't talk to anyone. Heads down staring at the ground. Or faces completely buried in their phones ignoring everything around them. Holy fuck please god tell me I wasn't like this when I was a kid 30 years ago. I seriously do recognize now what the older people meant when they say people today are retarded and have no personality. But what is to blame? Is it technology's fault? Is it hormones in the food and hygiene products? What can be causing this massive personality shift in children, turning them into silent ADD drones?

Yes, my kids are the same. The younger one is worse. Took his phone away yesterday as he was abusing the privilege.
Lots of parents use phones and tablets like older generations used television; Like an electronic babysitter. I hate that shit. When my kids start over indulging we'd take the device away and give them a book to read. They don't always like us for it, but they appreciate the read in the long run.

How old are your kids? When did ou buy them their first smartphone?

>give kids amphetamines
Only in America folks.

No kid NEEDS amphetamines, ever.
I went through same thing as you. I remember my mother in hysterics at the specialists office over and over again, she seemed hellbent convinced I would never have a normal life. There was something apparently wrong with me. All i knew is I wanted to catch lizards in the backyard with my brother, and do boyish things. Yes I hated school. It always to me seemed like a hostile and scary environment that was trying to crush my spirit. As an adult it astounds me how good my instinct was as a child.

I, like you, tested extremely high on IQ. If I had been allowed to just grow in to a man, with proper male guidance, learning things men actually care about I'm convinced I would have turned out great.

Instead I spent my childhood having it drummed in to me that there was something wrong with me. Im certain that fucked me up more than any imaginary ADD did.

Ask yourself, why do these so called mental problems only present themselves in a school environment? Because it is hostile and unnatural. Kids want to be with their families, with their siblings, playing and learning about the world. Not being screamed at by some 40 year old childless bitch who constantly has to take stress leave.