Trump retweets that Fox News and a conspircy theorist white nationalist website

We are really being run by a racist Fox News grandpa.

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isn't it amazing?


>isn't it amazing?

It's sad set of the dumbificiation of our nation since Fox so called News started enacting it's propaganda on us 20 years ago.

she lost deal with it cuck

>can't even English

Watch real news, not propaganda outlets.

Fox so called news is just lies.

brb turning on cnn

When you watch CNN or MSNBC, it's non-biased actual fact based reporting.

When you watch Fox so called News you are watching a mix of neo-conservatism, Saudi, white nationalist propaganda. seriously go fuck off to plebit faggot.


> seriously go fuck off to plebit faggot.

>CNN is non-biased
I'm not even going to give you a (you) for that

>It's sad set of the dumbificiation of our nation
No. It is just democracy doing its best.
It always has been an awful Idea to let people vote, but now you got to suck it up.

Your obsession on CNN is becoming unhealthy.

When CNN reports on stuff like climate change or Trump's tax plan will INCREASE taxes on the middle and poor class those are facts.

When Fox reports on Seth Rich or Uranium 1 those are debunked conspiracy theorists, stuff only the fox news watching Trump believes in.

>awful Idea to let people vote,

To let dumb people vote, if we had an educated population we won't be in this mess right now.

Aww. Zionists pissed of about their incoming indictments. I'm gonna go cook some popcorn.

First of all, most Trump supporters don't trust Fox News. Fox was all never trumpers to begin with. Secondly, CNN/MSNBC is literally a CIA talk head.

A competitor site that claims negative effects about their competition?

>Brainlets 4HER

Fox news atleast still has some real journalists like hannity and tucker, what do you watch fucking cnn? Kys

>incoming indictments.

Of (more) Trump officals.

>First of all, most Trump supporters don't trust Fox News.


Don't make me laugh faggot


You are fake news

Stop watching Fox News

Jesus christ. This is some solid and underrated bait. Notice how he says things which aren't entirely over the top and exaggerated, but just enough for people to think he is actually stupid enough to believe the shit he is saying. I rate this a 9/10. Take notes people.

>When CNN reports on stuff like climate change