Let me get this straight

Jews. Slowly being redilled here. The 20th century was a Holohoax. WW2 was designed and propagated to generate immense sympathy for the poor Jewish people, who need a homeland. Jews like to marry each other. Zionism is the political theory that Jews deserve and require this homeland in Palestine. Balfour declaration shows the crown is on board with this. Zionism thrives throughout 20th century. Now, almost every war since then is designed to sow chaos and legitimize Israel... Jews have their ethnostate, and the rest of the western world is flooded with Muslims seeking refuge, because the chaos wars are Jewish ploys to “multiculturalize” everyone on the planet except for the Jews. Am I close to accurate?
Are muzzies truly the enemy?
Shouldn’t we “end the bullshit Zionist wars” so that muzzies stay where they belong? If North Carolina were a war zone, I’d want to gtfo most likely. Thanks for reading. I’d appreciate your perspective.

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You're ready to read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

It doesn’t convince me anymore than the living history of the last 100 years. Look at how married the USA is to Israel. That alone verifies a ploy. I want to find a way to stop the rapefugees.

Bump for good info

WW2 wasn't designed at all, but it was pushed to crush the gentile revolution that revolted against 'democracy'. Hitler wanted his lands back, and to grab more lands just against the communists.

This is the one thing you've got wrong. There actually WAS a Holocaust. Exact numbers killed are debated but the fact is they were rounded up and killed. You have to accept that so people take the argument seriously. The war is not really on Jews, themselves, but Zionism and their philosophy of imperialism and how that ties into centralized banking and the New World Order. This is the threat but you're never going to redpill anyone if you start out with denial.

Can't have everything. The shit happened. Zionism is the threat. Target Zionism not Jews.

Forced labour camps, direct and idirect deaths happened. Thing is the story is blown way out of proportion in order to (((control)) the masses through guilt.

Sephardic jews are pretty harmless though.
It's the ashkenazi who follow talmud and they are basically like very wealthy and intelligent gypsies.

Again, stop flooding board with "not all jews are bad, help Israel" nonsense.

It seems if 250,000 Jews were exterminated is still a big deal.
6 million is just ridiculous tho.

No shit??
My testes are boiling in semen too.
Maybe Jesus is sperm.

Exactly. Big deal either way.

What in the fuck is this

Either you learn history or learn it hard way.

Okay. So... why is Sup Forums not more agressively Anti-war? There was a little push back when Trump bombed
Syrian airfield but no real opposition to overal war policy. This is what creates Muslim hordes marching across Europe.


Where’s our anti-Zionist leader?


>Muslim hordes marching across Europe

Theme of this thread.

We must kill bezos jews. Fuck amazon.
Gas soros kikes. Gates is a jew to, they are jews even if they are not jewish
Trump is jew.
Hillary is a jew, and a demon, same thing.

>why is Sup Forums not more agressively Anti-war?
Don't conflate the two. Most people here are anti-globalists but everyone has a different philosophy on the best way to get rid of them. I think, by and large, we are against war unless it comes to defending our countries. You'd be hard pressed to find someone here who agrees with most of the conflicts the United States has been embroiled in over the past few decades. Of course, the counterpoint to that is these conflicts are necessary for the black market economy on which the country, and by proxy the world, runs on. So it's basically the most complicated situation in the world and there hasn't been a fix yet so we all speculate.

Interesting. I had never heard of this character . Part Japanese, part Austrian.

Yes I want to know WHY we are not more intolerant of Jew wars. It’s obvious what middle class jew business men are up to.

but thanks.
Poppies can be grown anywhere.
Oil is available in USA ( why are we fighting for it still- obsolete anyway)
Water world soon?
Seems like shooting our seed all over the world is played out. My guess is Rome fell the same way.
(I genuinely thought trump would be more unapologetically isolationist. I was a Ron Paul fag in 2008).

But sucking the foreskin off of baby boys is pretty sick and stupid too.

Bad ideas being invented and spread by creatures with corrupted DNA and genetics. They just can't function otherwise.

Yes. Judaism is horrid and ridiculous too.

WW2 was bringing the hammer down on Germany as revenge for issuing its own currency and bartering after jettisoning jew banks. The success couldn't be allowed to continue or be emulated by others.

all the red pills are here

The Black Sun rises again

Because we are invested in society. Even if we think the wars are terrible. We will sit idle because we profit in some way from the status quo. Jobs, money, property may be put in jeopardy because of questioning it.

Revolutions aren't easy and most do not want to give up something even if it mean a better life for their children.