Katanagatari ending

How does Sup Forums feel about the end of katanagatari? Feels unsatisfying to me.

Best girl won,
A pleasant suprise

There was a boss rush. It was amazing.

It was nice not to have a generic happy ending, but he seems to take a major death pretty well. Off to a new adventure a couple days after going on a short suicide attempt. Kind of jarring.

it's ok, i give it a passing score

He's a sword not your typical MC

I thought the ending was fantastic. Completely steamrolling all of the deviant blades as the perfected 13th blade, while explaining why he was held back by this or that in the first place.

The Emonzaemon fight almost made up for the amazing off-screen fight with Sabi Hakuhei.Still salty to this day

Does anyone have the webm?

I found it unsatisfying and I wasn't happy with it at all and the way the plot resolved.

This was entirely the point though so I can't really hold it against the show.

i thought the ending was perfect. shichika is a pretty murderous, clueless person. there's multiple moments in the show where togame is taken aback by his cruelty.

what does it say about his cruelty that he hooked up with the same person who killed the woman he loved wihtout thinking much of it?

if shichika was with togame he'd spend his whole life being used. instead he has bangin hitei lusting after him and truly appreciating what a hunk of a human weapon he is

> Hero who killed his father to protect his sister
> Later on, he killed her to protect the heroine.
> Heroine is killed and, in fact, it was suicide.
> Finally, he killed all of the bastards and got a good-for-nothing blonde bitch.
I saw lax nihilism in the show: Everything you be in for will disappear and be faded, but blonde would remain.

>what does it say about his cruelty that he hooked up with the same person who killed the woman he loved wihtout thinking much of it?
It's been a while since I watched Katanagatari, but I thought the way the ending went was that she just sort of followed him around and he tolerated her instead of telling her to fuck off or killing her.

I don't recall them declaring any sort of relationship beyond that.

Yea he's a stone cold killer most of the time, and the journey was just to bring out his potential, but I feel like he had enough emotional development to care a little more about what happened.

Yea he tells her he doesn't know why she's following him, but he supposes he'll protect her from bandits if needed. But the way they eat the riceball skewers is clearly a call back to him eating with togame and developing a bond

He killed and NTRd his rival, what was unsatisfying about it?

i don't think they'd bother showing us that ending if they weren't intended to be an item

it's not that he lacks emotions, it's that death doesn't really phase him. he didn't get sad when togame died, he got pissed off. so what did he do? blow some steam.

we should take a moment to appreciate the caliber of shichika's character, and that there aren't many like him. he doesn't give a single fuck, yet he's not edgy.

Also I can't think of a show with a higher body count. Are those two the only named characters that survive? It's insane.

P.s. Short-haired or long hair Sup Forums

longhaired hitei

"Oh no, Katanagatari was not generic and braindead in its storytelling. I didnt get it"

- OP

Shichika didn't pay for the dangos though.

He left it to Hitei to pay for his dangos and the wallet used belonged to Shichika.

So Shichika already allows Hitei to control his wallet, a role typically left to the wife in Japan.









Sup Forums is full of retards. We get it, user.

B-but I still have more to go!!



It was supposed to feel hollow.
The whole point of the show is how all the fighting, all the killing, is ACTUALLY pointless. Most shows pussyfoot around this by having the Heros fight against conflict and still 'win' even though they just did the same things as the villains.

This. It's a story about failure.


There we are.

I was fine with the ending

Kyotou: Yasuri was completed. I'd say it was a great end.

The next adventure is in mourning of the major death

One of the best endings in anime history.
Everyone should take notice of how to make a fucking finale.
It's great.

What's with those slut gloves?

>he's a sword
So basically Shirou?

>Feels unsatisfying to me.
That's the whole point. The narrator even points it in the end. Nobody won.

>but he seems to take a major death pretty well
He is broken goods.
