Has women always been this loose but had their desires controlled by society over the centuries or are the "modern...

Has women always been this loose but had their desires controlled by society over the centuries or are the "modern women" with the new harem dating scene a product of our generation?

Women are what jews make them.

Now that sluts think AIDS is not a big deal anymore things are back to like they were in the 80’s.

Women will be what society tells them to be.

This begs the question whether HIV was invented in the first place
t. eddie bravo

Women only think about sex, that's why we shouldn't even talk or look at them

it's mens fault, 21st century men allows and promotes women to be whores

which they truly are in the first place.

My city's department of health has been putting up adverts for PREP drugs with a "play sure" tagline. It's mostly targeted at gays but there are a number of women in the ads as well.

they sure are, they always were, but how they act still depends highly on male behavior imo

no, its a result of our species becoming too complacent and tolerant. Don't worry though, the pendulum is swinging back our way

that's true,
but since men no mostly are effeminate pieces of shit who now act like women.
thanks mr shekkelberg we're in for a ride.



Women have always been like this, it just used to buttressed by how bad getting pregnant without a husband was.

Lol its never been actually accepted. I think this shit is more people being polite. as in a oh you're 8 months preggo and Tyreek bailed on you? Thats great!!

Just like how being gay and trans is viewed by society. The collective "thats great" as if saying it with a gun to ones head. god forbid you arent sick of hearing about how many men and women these days identify themselves by who they're fucking. Fucking another man, oh that's great!!! Single mom sleeping around? Thats great!! you go girl!!!
but the thing is, you can mask a turd with as much flowers and perfumes as you want its still shit. im not sure if liberals know this

what episode is that semen demon from??

she's just e pluribus unum


women are sluts unless you have extensive slutshaming practices in place

how does he do it?

is he rich? good looking?

>ce dessin
You are one of the true Frenchmen. Respects, user.

He's a cheap spic whose boss pays these whores like 2k per shoot and then tells them to fuck off.

It's porn. He's paying them.

(((government))) has enabled women.
government has castrated men.
man alone can't fight (((government))).
man must return to the church.


Women have always been peacocks looking for the guy with the biggest wallet. But in the past you got pure women and loose women were shamed. Now it's the other way around. It's the (((media))) trying to destroy culture. Ethnocultural society works , multicultural society doesn't work. If we were all different colors but still flew the same flag and had same basic beliefs then we can't easily be divided. But different beliefs different colors different allegiances create discord. That's the modern woman.

>>girls will only like you if your dick is this big
>>look down
>>no girls will ever love me

They get paid.

Most people are horny and will fuck as much as they can. Shame and ostracization put a lid on much of this behavior in the past -- because people are sheep above all else, who desire to fit in.

Except massive amounts of young people are having less sex and no one has been getting married for awhile. This post assumes women are thinking and planning more then 3ft ahead of themselves. Men are huge pussies now though without discipline.

These dumb broads will believe anything. They want to be (((famous)))

That would be great if the West weren't being flooded with non-white retards that obsess over pussy 24/7.

Who dat name

>Has women always been this loose but had their desires controlled by society over the centuries or are the "modern women" with the new harem dating scene a product of our generation?

100% dictated by society. If society deemed it good for women to run around raping kids tomorrow, they'd all start doing it.

>If we were all different colors and had same basic beliefs

that's an oxymoron

Women are tied to the Earth and to base primal impulses due to the fact they are biologically tied to life in a way that men are not--this is why men, in seeking higher ideals, provide form and discipline that provide women with meaning and purpose in a hierarchical system, thus channeling and directing their impulses, and preventing them from dominating a society/culture.

The substitution of true virile masculinity for modern phallic "muh dick" masculinity will always give a society a feminine form and assure it be ruled by impulse, caprice and base desires, because phallic masculinity assures women of power over men than vice versa.

The result will be increasing chaos, lack of forms, rule of sentiment and emotion and carnal impulse.

That's not big, that's normal size. It's an illusion created by the woman appearing to be of large build but she is not.

This is one of the reasons why things like pornography are so destructive: they erode masculinity and self-discipline in boys from a young age, and all but guarantee that they will be ruled/controlled by women, on a fundamental level. A man controlled by his sex drive is not a true man at all: he is a slave to woman, even if he is one of those "pick up artists" types who sleep with hundreds of women (it is fundamentally still women who are controlling their behaviour on a subterranean level).

Yeah the size of his dick it's not what makes him a pornstar, it's his madskillz.

It's the genetic.
The same genetic mutations that cause borderline personality disorder and antisocial behavior also causes hypersexual behavior.

Men choose sexual partners that are willing to "do everything" in bed, and vice versa with women. Thus, the borderline personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder traits are passed from generation to generation.

The mother is a whore, the daughter is a whore, the son is a violent criminal and so too is the father.

The tree has been poisoned by men choosing to have sex with women who are more masculine. Only genetic engineering will be able to solve what took thousands of years to create.

Do you ever wonder why borderline pd is so rampant in the European population?

I could not agree more and yet so many fail to realize this. Stay noble my friend.

"Raises the question," not "begs the question."

I understand what you're saying, but if you inadvertently drop the wrong saying in public, some turtleneck marxist will go out of his way to lecture you and everyone within earshot. I'm not trying to be a dick, sorry if I came off as one.

>The tree has been poisoned by men choosing to have sex with women who are more masculine.
what are you even saying?

I imagine promiscuity was less common before the industrial revolution. Families pressured their daughters to not have sex before marriage and it would be pretty counterproductive for the wife of a farmer to cheat on him when he's the only guy feeding and housing her.

You can't really blame modern females for doing what they do. Their families are way too tolerant and their friends only encourage them. If we were women we'd probably do the same shit.

>Women are what jews make them.
Yep! Hollywood controls the average female mind in a similar way that nigger are controlled to act out rap music videos.

No. It's all because there isn't proper dresscodes anymore for women. When a woman dresses like a slut, a man can't help but think of her as a slut and his interest become strictly physical. If he ever gets it in there's a bigger chance than not that he doesn't like the bitch at all and there will either never be a relationship or there will be a bad one.

If women dressed properly to begin with, men would be looking for partners not a quick lay and women would be able to find bf's that actually fit for them.

That's step one. Everything starts and ends with this point.

You retarded anime watching teenager, genetic inheritance is symbolized as a tree.

>nipple piercings

ffs that's my weakness

>masculinity is poison
>trees are jeans

Men without discipline are actually not doing that badly. It's the massive and invisible population of hermits that is creating those "less sex" statistics.

Depends on the individual. Unfortunately many individuals can set a trend.

The one with small tits and pierced nipples is so hot

What is this?

>Has women always been this loose
Yes. It's why the world has billions of us.

Modern women.

Which is true for men as well.

Thats not true. How do you catholic explain priests; they dont have sex

If men will be what they are told, and so will be women then who is society?

Wow beautifully said completely agree