What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

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autists are woke af

take the sperg pill.

>virgin at 40

It should be obvious Hitler was an autiste, even spergs like Himmler at least had children.

one day I will be a 40 year old virgin as well, just have 13 more years

His autistic wife gave him autistic children and now he is coping hard

varg is light years ahead of all of us, even if he is living in buttfuck middle of nowhere in the outskirts of france he still has a better chance of preserving his heritage then we do

why would you be a virgin that makes no sense sex feels good

Autism exists; it's a form of mental retardation. The "autism spectrum" is a Jew invention to push pills, same as ADD/ADHD was in the 00s.


Autism is like being born an alien, with no concept of social norms, unable to see yourself as being of the same kind as any other person, incapable of reciprocating basic niceties, more likely to see other people as a strange 'other' that you interact with like a machine, more interested in things than people.

Autists will often see right through (or not see at all, rather) the veneer of bullshit that is used to paper over collective cognitive dissonance, and not even understand the concept of giving a fuck about changing that. They will try to make sense of the world by finding patterns and heuristics for processing their unreliable sense-data, then try to impose those patterns onto reality to order it in a way that makes sense.

In a more mundane sense, this means autists are great at things like big data analyses or working for SETI or being engineers. In a political sense, this gives you Hitler; someone who was not quite of-this-world, not quite human, but who nonetheless eventually found a system to understand their place in humanity - a system where they could build a social identity, associated symbols and heuristics that made sense of the world for them, and a system that also explained their own autistic social shortcomings without inviting the self-consciousness that many autists find deeply uncomfortable.

As long as you have it under control, autism is a superpower. It just means you have an extremely masculine brain and are relentlessly obsessed with something and look at stuff in a logical way. Obviously its bad most of the time and you're just obsessed with sonic or speedrunning.



I guess that proves it.


Autism is not always a form of mental retardation, it manifests in many ways. It would mean being an absolute genius in a specific field while completely incompetent in any other, or it could be a difficulty to socialize because you see things in a different way or flat out being an absolute inept baby.

He himself is an autist

Medpack knows what's up. Sex gives you HP points.

Autists are the true master race, and the only collective force capable of defeating Jewry

>engaging in animalistic desires and not becoming transcendent

The man who will become the next Hitler is posting with us at this very moment.

Daily reminder that Varg has done more for the white race than 99% of Sup Forums virgims

As good of a speaker and leader as he was? I doubt it.

>The virgin Furher

>hit point points


>What did the guy who murdered someone by stabbing them to death in the forehead multiple times, burnt down 3 church's, lives off welfare in the French countryside with his autistic wife and kids, and lectures people about morality from his piece of shit slav mobile mean by this
I don't know something retarded

Autists can be good speakers, but if you listen closely, you'll notice some differences:

1. They tend to over-use certain grammatical conventions or phrases

2. They tend to have one or several pet theories that they try to shoe-horn into every conversation, and apply to everything

3. They don't know what to do with their hands, so they either hide them or make the same set of motions with them all the time

4. They don't know where to look when talking to a group, so they just stare straight into space when talking

5. They are awkward at talking up until they start talking about their pet interest/theory/obsession, at which point they can go on for hours in detail about that specific obsession, like it's the greatest thing in the universe - this can be either about trains, or about the Jewish plot to destroy Germany, for example.

Is this why Hapas will be the master race?

Hitler was way too good at empathetically identifying with different groups of the German population, it's what made his speeches popular. Autists can't do that, the autists this snownigger is even alluding too are the one's that are socially retarded, but gifted in intellectual ways

He definitely sounds like he's on the spectrum based on the accounts of people who knew him.

>Hitler was way too good at empathetically identifying with different groups of the German population,

Today, most autists identify with Japan as a source of their identity. An Austrian with weird sexual practices LARPing as the savior of Germany isn't really much different.


Maybe the point I was trying to make wasn't clear, I meant he could empathize with different kinds of people and understand what they're feeling like. Autists can't do that, same reason some of them can't tell when someone is joking or not

Asperger's is not autism.
The spectrum bullshit is to shut down people with Asperger's who simply have a more manly brain than usual.
Hitler might have had Asperger's, but it is irrelevant since Asperger's is not a disability or a disease, only the manifestation of a manly brain.

>implying austrians aren't german

>3. They don't know what to do with their hands, so they either hide them or make the same set of motions with them all the time


>4. They don't know where to look when talking to a group, so they just stare straight into space when talking

Hitler was known for intense eye contact, even when speaking to crowds of strangers.

>5. They are awkward at talking up until they start talking about their pet interest/theory/obsession, at which point they can go on for hours in detail about that specific obsession, like it's the greatest thing in the universe - this can be either about trains, or about the Jewish plot to destroy Germany, for example.

Check. He was said to be kind of boring outside of his public speeches, unless he was talking about Lebensraum and kikes and all that.

The Germans as a people were always regarded as shy and autistic, Hitler said this himself. Well he didn't use the word 'autistic' but you get the point

>tfw not sure if i'm actually autistic or just avoid people because i feel ugly

autism is actually social hypersensitivity. it's only to insensitive normies they appear "shut in" and "unresponsive". it's just that autistic social signals are below the threshold of what normies can perceive. this is also why autists appear to "suddenly" sperg out, when in reality they've been reacting to a continuous build up of frustration like anyone would do, but the reaction is below the signal processing capability of normies.

Understanding what others are going through, as interpreted through your preferred narrative and heuristic, is different from the more base 'empathy' of involuntarily experiencing the emotions of those around you, however. The former is perfectly possible for autists - autistic SJWs do it all the time.

>Hitler was known for intense eye contact, even when speaking to crowds of strangers

Eh, intense/uncomfortable eye contact is just kind of the other side of the coin. It's something that some autists also do when they become self-aware of what they're doing with their gaze/


>weird sexual practices

um, no sweetie.

>LARPing as the savior of Germany

He wasn't LARPing. Every great hardcore Nationalist proceeding him was.

According to recent studies, many autists (might just be assburgers) have excessive empathy, and actively distance themselves from emotions so that they aren't overloaded or controlled by the emotions of others.

>universally recognized as genius orator


Autistic people have difficulty talking to people because they can only talk at people. When they are in front of a crowd they become really good.


Autism is a result of mercury poisoning through vaccinations. There were no vaccinations as we know now in the late 1800s when Hitler was born. Varg is once again showing the world how much of a retard he actually is.

Read about some of his early years in Vienna, he almost certainly had a mild form of autism.

Hitler utterly defied the Weimar narrative.
He pushed harder and harder against the degeneracy brought upon the Germans.
His paintwork wasn't necessarily impressive and it definitely didn't reflect modernist artforms which the (((art schools))) of the time were looking for, but the depictions are logical, realistically plausible and natural.
Hitler was obsessed with tradition, with the grand old ways in similar ways to autists today.

Truth be told, it's often claimed that people of historical significance are autistic.
That way the diagnosis is more palatable to parents of autistic children, who themselves of course couldn't give a fuck.
Same reason they shifted the much more plausible diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome under the grand veil of autism. High-IQ hypermasculine alphas with a penchant for intellectually steamrolling the left wherever they go? Must be a mental illness.

Well fuck... I'm autistic.

Pretty much my experience, although the type of emotion is imperative.
Excessive love isn't a reason to shut down, but exclusive hatred is a different story.

Japanese culture is a popular topic among autists because on the face of it, the Japanese are more similar to them than Westerners.
Calm, sedated people who occasionally sperg out, who value serenity and peaceful environments.
Of course they're just as crude as us, but it's not anime that draws in autism, it's the samurai stereotype.

kys tinfoil fag

Autism is the result of democracy

Hitler only trusted Blondie

Hello Varg. Did I strike a nerve?


>Seeing autism as a bad thing

autism is a form of brain damage

Autists have always formed the vanguard.


And when you die, who will take your place?

Says who?

Autism is a big part of his wife's theory. She's autistic herself and thinks that it is a result of having Neanderthal DNA.

I dunno. He seems to have totally bought into her theory about whites actually being autistic Neanderthals. Not saying she's wrong, I don't really know either way. Obviously mainstream scientists would disagree but then again she would argue that they are all working for the Zionist cabal. So who knows.


user, ive had a real breakthough. thank you.

ill be firing my therapist tomorrow.