Should we kill those who are disabled?

Those who are disabled are just a drain on the nations economy, they can not be allowed to increase this drain, nor to have more children like them. Is killing them the best way, or is there another way?

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mentally disabled, yes

If so can we finally kill the OP now?

I always laugh when this guys appears in Corrie. He's so effeminate sounding. Can downs be gays?

With science we can bring them back to normality.

Nah, they have their place. Let them do the work that suits them, society already puts pressure to not breed with them. And where do you draw the line for mental disabilities?

No unless you modify the Zygote before the first division. Once they are like that the only mercyful option is putting them out of misery.

Parents should be so careful in their mate selection that they have so much love they care for the child like a pet kind of

They are happy when loved

They are miserable tragedies only when people don't love them

that's a cute dog

Killing the mentally disabled would cut Sup Forums's traffic by at least half.
> they can't stop you so fuck off
But I personally would relish finding the lot of you who think this would solve anything and ridding the gene pool of you.

Have a heart. Eugenics is a meme.

What do you mean by disabled?


Not having a successful career.

No. We should actually encourage them to breed.

you mean
>not owning land and having diverse investments

I got disabled at my job you entitled fuck... And with 90% of himans being mentally handicapped good luck killing them all.

I think OP is talking about retards and down syndrome types. Not the broken leg type of disabled.

Yes. Their organs could save people.

Well I have all that and am a literal retard who did it with disability payments.

Retards = Master species?

Are you threatening the life of The American President?

>not purposely cross breeding tard strength with autismo focus and aggression to make the perfect soldier for the race war

No. The emotional cost is to high and it would be unethical to end life after it has begun. The appropriate time to do this is in the uterus with very early testing. Original Church fathers believed ensoulment was a gradual process.

>And where do you draw the line for mental disabilities?
Came here to say this, specifically that 90% of Sup Forums would be against the wall waiting for a bullet before they even announced it.

Now parents that breed KNOWING (very important that they are aware) that they may produce a tard child, that is a different story...

Any serious defect should be force aborted the moment it's discovered

Whats with these constant yidpsych analyze posts?


yeah we should have killed this club footed cripple

we could literally seed their genetic output as the genesis substrate for a mutated carefully bred race of roided cave trolls who are mindlessly loyal to non-potato people, and we could ride them into battle

Ofc not
The Creator made the world with harmony in it
they must live

Yes, Its The only time abortion is okay. It Will not grow up too be its own person, instead it will become a parasite that lives of society and gives nothing back.

OP pic related

Killed, no. Sterilized, yes.

I'm married to a disabled girl for the gibs. (Call me what you will.) I think you guys underestimate just how much of a drain the disabled are. She was given 8 million dollars plus 17000 a month for the rest of her life.
If you took every case like hers and redistributed it among non-ghetto middle class families that have a chance, the quality of life for the majority of people would improve noticeably.

>Is killing them the best way?
Of course not! You can use them as organ donors and/or as subjects to experiments.

I worked with kids with disabilities...they have their place in the world, and with the right therapy and targeted education, they can make great strides.

I taught a girl who was 10 with the mentality of a 4 year old. The other teachers were hitting a brick wall, not knowing how to teach her something as basic how to recognize colors. I figured out that it wasn't that she couldn't differentiate the colors. Her language for them was different. The rotunda of the elementary school had different color tiles, and I would take her in there to try to teach her the colors. It took a few days, but I finally made the connection. For instance her word for blue was cup - the cup she always drank from was blue. Her word for red was hurt - blood. Her word for white was Kiki - her poodle.

Once we figured out HER words, we were able to pick up the patterns and truly begin to teach her.

People with disabilities have much to add to the societal conversation. Understanding how their brains work can help us better understand humanity in general.

Kill no, sterilize yes.

Yes. By that I mean kill all niggers.

Do what you want in limey land. But you all come here for my wife (acquired multiple disabilities) you gotta go through me first! And I will not hesitate to kill to protect her!!!

Every cute, young disabled girl should be paired up with a 6'8", Chad-type, muscular build, 100% loyal and faithful man with a 9" cock and telecommuting carrer, and able to beat the living @#$& out of anyone who even makes her cry!!!

Babies that are born disabled should be killed in a quick and painless manner, and the mother and father should be notified that it was a stillborn or that there were complications that prevented them from saving it. Those who become disabled later in life due to some kind of injury should be taken care of by the state.

You could just sterilize them or abort them that's what Iceland did plus its easier to sell to normies.

what the fuck kind of disability gives you that much money?

How's it goin rabbi?

>once we started acting like retards, the retards made sense.

Kill yourself

Only ones born disabled. If you become disabled through no fault of your own you should be fine

NATURAL SELECTION. KILL all retards, people with brain fuck ups, drug addicts, people who can't figure out how to use a fucking lighter. GEEEAWD! People spend millions of dollars on saving the lives of retards, and why. I don't buy that shit like "oh hes my son though!" so the fuck what, he ain't normal, kill him, put him out his misery. He is only a waste of time and money, then people say "But he is worth the time, he is human too" no he isn't, if he was then he would swallow a bullet cause he would realize what a fucking waste and burden he was.

I'm an atheist, not a rabbi. They have a place in the world too. They deserve to have the love of their own families and a big part of that is having children. Fuck off subhuman biggot.

I think retards and down's people serve a great purpose. If you are feeling bad or depressed volunteer to work around them. They are so positive and happy they make you feel better. They are like angels.

>telecommuting career

Not all, those who are smart should be aloud to live, others should be aborted before birth
>so all niggers and coalburners babies

Cerebral Palsy on the left side of body. I think its technically the Hospitals money but in the end aren't we all feeding into it?

>Can downs be gays?
This question deserves new thread

We need to teach them javascript.

They should be given the farming jobs that the Mexicans do now.


>Medical Billing and Coding
>Insurance Billing
>Customer Service

Something where the caregiver can be there for her needs and have access to him. And can be done at doctor's office, ED, clinic visits, physical therapy, etc.

And he'll be there to protect her, give her multiple orgasms a day, take her out to lunch, help the kids, and such.

>Should we kill those who are disabled?

You sound like a liberal.

>Should downs be forced to be gays?
That's the real question.

T. Butthurt retard/down syndrome baby.

I vote yes

Anglo wants to kill his kin? Wtf is going on

>T 4

I'm ((((down)))) for it.

>Should we kill those who are disabled?

Sadly, yes. Eugenics is red-pilled.

No but they should be aborted.

>societal conversation

Is this just some leftist phrase for weakening a society and having to give every single person a voice regardless of the fact they may be a imbecilic subhuman?

It's the only way. It's how society has operated for millennia.

case in point: the retard in your pic that made the world a better place when he killed himself

nice ID get

Sterilization, with strong encouragement, I don't believe in forcing people to be sterilize, but you can make it a condition of accepting welfare.

I have a mental disability that sometimes affect my ability to work, I"m on welfare right now. I actually have worked before, and I am aiming to work again - my OCD actually makes me a better worker sometimes in that I'm detailed orientated and I don't get bored and slack off - but when it's so serious then I just can't function.

I'm responsible enough to not take any chance of procreating, but I have high IQ, some people have low IQ in addition to mood disorder or they are just retarded, a more forceful hand is needed in those cases.

...and I would also add that mental disability is not an absolute no in procreation, but it depends on circumstances, financial as well as family support - if I was rich and has a supportive husband, family on both sides, well, I'll probably be less of a mess. Jennifer Lawson has those support and she has a daughter and that daughter seem to be fine (her husband is a republican businessman / lawyer, I forget).

gas them all

I'm in a wheelchair. That'd suck for me.

Jesus Christ, I hate that prick. Why do people even watch soaps anyway?

same fag, cont'd

I get a bit scared when I watch zombie flicks, but the truth is, I also frequently think about how I might function better during the zombie apocalpyse. Social anxiety is my kyptonite, I do my grocery shopping at 5am to avoid people, I once walked from the end of one subway line to another to avoid being on a crowded bus. I have no problem with walking long miles carrying stuff, digging, or killing probably, since I don't emotionally connect after all.

Sooo...don't know about people who are just plain dumb AND has nothing else to counter just plain dumb, but I argue that certain mood disorders like OCD, PTSD paranoia, does have a function that insures those that has it and those around them survive during a disaster.

I never leave home without my first aid kit, and a flashlight, since that story a school cop told me about not carrying his flashlight during the daytime and then getting trapped in a dark parking lot. The first aid kit I carry has helped not only me, but several other people, like a biker who wiped out on the road. The flashlight was useful when the subway lights went out and the emergency lights was dim, I figure it deter robbery.

I have trouble concentrating in class the first time I went to college because it was just after VG Tech, I was always worried about a gunman bursting in. On one hand, this impacted my grades, on the other hand, if it does happen, I already know what to do, I've played out the scenario in my mind constantly, if far away and on high grounds, throw something and scream for everyone to throw things at attacker. If going up to attack someone with knives or even guns, grab a chair first, etc, etc.

I knew a kid in elementary school that had cerebral palsy, his brother also had it.... And so did his mother.

OP Define disabled.


I am technically disabled yet, I am willing to wager, have had more of an effect, and contribution to society than you have. By all logic, YOU should be the one taken out to pasture, as your ability to have an affect on the world is but minuscule to my own, even though, by definition, a paranoid, schizophrenic with psychosis, mania and PTSD would be classified as "disabled" being they are without normal every day work.

The most disabled groups of people in the US are Mormons and Atheists. Does that change your equation?


To assume we've achieved this higher understanding of the human brain when people with certain symptoms were given lobotomies just a mere 50 years ago is beyond the scope of logical reason. Your simple minded idea of what disabled is, coupled with the idiotic and primitive way of dealing with this demonstrates both your inability to logically conclude anything beyond a caveman like response to things you see, and the absolute and sheer ignorance you would wish to force onto others as a way of coping with your own misunderstanding of what you see.

Eugenics should always be a natural part of society, otherwise it is pursuing dysgenics as we are now.

>organ donors
Yuk, retarded organ donor sounds even worse than nigger blood donor

Hoarding is one component of OCD, I've read several evolutionary psychology articles that theorize OCD, paranoia about attack scenarios as well as compulsive hoarding of resources, used to give those with OCD a survival edge - it just screws us up in modern times when we are not surrounded by wolves but our fellows in the city, and when hoarding has been channeled to comic books and other useless things.

Knowing about hoarding, I avoid buying or even accepting anything I could develop a sentimental attachment to or feel an urge to add more to complete a collection, e.g. figurines, comic books, the only decorations i have are plants, which I throw out when they are dead, and a lot of my plants are edible.

I channel my hoarding tendencies into stocking up on canned and frozen goods, canned corn, frozen bags of vegetables, beef stock, chicken stock, non perishables like rice and cornflakes. This helps when I'm too anxious to go Outside, and it also helps in making me feel more secure in the first place, I'm less anxious knowing I don't have to go Outside because I have a month plus of food supply. When I'm unwelled, I live off cornflakes and canned meals. When I'm well, I make a freeze a bunch of rice and meals.

My doctor said my depression is probably a consequence of stress from OCD and social anxiety. Right before my Epic Crash I lived a fully stacked live, going from working late nights at a summer festival in food prep to volunteering early the very next morning for my school's opening ceremony. I was a very independent latchkey kid, and when the Epic Crash came, the only reason I didn't kill myself (other than fear of pain and failure) is that I was too TIRED to get my affairs in order. I stopped being able to pay my bills, fulfill my commitments, dropped classes after classes, I actually ended up in the homeless shelter, and most beds there are filled by one time user who are there for a few weeks or a few months.

Maybe to you the world would be a better place without the likes of Beethoven , Mozart, Galileo or Einstein, in your small minded corner of hell, but to those of us with an actual understanding of the human mind, it would seem you posses the shrewd simple mind of a third world piece of shit failed state ran by niggers, spics, fake kikes, and fat nosed arab scum. Just kill what you don't understand, so you can feel like you live up to the part Jewish Fuehrer you long for. I'm not sure if you're a self identified white man, but if you are, you posses, the simple mind of a common negro.

no. just sterilize them. anyone that kills their own for convenience is a fucking animal.

So basically you want a weak excuse as to why you pretend to be unable to function normally.

I do not get this new generation. For introverts, we often hate social interaction and having to listen to dick heads talk incessantly about dumb shit.

But we're not so retarded to think having a 'bug out bag' on us constantly and preparing for a zombie apocalypse is a useful way to live.

You just want attention and refuse to adhere to social conventions. You're just as bad as ice addicts who start shit in public because they won't control their withdrawal symptoms.

>You just want attention and refuse to adhere to social conventions. You're just as bad as ice addicts who start shit in public because they won't control their withdrawal symptoms.

When an ice addict bit off part of your face, you will be glad I'm there with my fully stocked first aid kid and skills, my cert is out of date but I did go to the two-day training and I read and watch vids by official orgs on first aid for traumatic injuries.

If your guts were ripped out, I'll know better than to try and push them back in, the thing to do is to cover it with a wetted sterile banage so it won't dry out. Considering the frequency of terrorist attacks, and vibrant diversity, even if my end game is small town farm, in between, I wouldn't say what I've paranoidly acquired is completely useless.

I've never had polysporin expire on me, and I buy new gauze every other year because I have used it on other people!

Yes, depends on disability though.
Gingers and people who can't solve a rubix cube should go first.

We are animals...

Most "Mental disorders" stem from family dysfunction, or individual dysfunction. Sort yourself out and you'll see improvement

>TFW To smart to understand the necessity of eugenics

No they will be your almighty all righteous gods

Depends on where you draw the line. Lots of psychological deviations are labeled as mental illness while they're really just people whose brains developed differently due to genetic and/or environmental influences. And just because our current society is built around a specific type of psychology doesn't make them inherently wrong. Part of it can be attributed to society being wrong in trying to force everyone roughly the same lifestyle without accommodating for the psychological deviations.
But downies should be aborted of course, that much is clear.

He said disabled not handicap you fucking nigggeerrrr. Id say you'd pass though seeing how you're mentally handicapped as well. :)

>Depends where you draw the line
>Downies should be murdered, that much is clear
Let's start there then?

We totally should.

I say we let them breed like rats. Would serve society right.

But it's already habbaning.