Society polarisation

What do you think about current polarisation of society?

What´s the cause and what is the probable outcome of this?

The western society has been polarisating exponentially since the 90s.

im really hoping for the development of a strong center party, but likely, this polarization will result in collapse

Collapse? In what form?

its hard to say
maybe this kind of communication breakdown we are seeing today is actually collape in slow motion
maybe something more violent will end up happening
for now, its best to just be responsible and try to get stronger, maybe you will be able to protect something one day and make the world better

It's because you have two competing religions vying for supremacy. Progressivism and Evangelicalism.

The DNC has been taken over by Communists.
It's no surprise they're further to the left.
Fuck 'em.
They're traitors.
Hopefully sedition laws will be enforced again.
They should be in jail.

Britain is centrism. Sweden is centrism. Germany is centrism.

Have fun with that.

I think there will be a civil war if it gets worse

Lolno. Britain, Sweden, and Germany are hard cucked left. The US is on its way there.

>Sweden is centrism

But why is the battle getting stronger since the 90s?

They are all hard left you monkey. At least im american terms.

>american intellectuals

really? i would call germany far left, britain far right and i dont know anything about sweden

I fear this option too.

alright i'm done

Sweden is a social democracy. You should know that's left of center.


Är du dum i huvudet?

Divide et impera

The polarisation of American politics is proving to be quite cancerous for the rest of the western world it is going to end in collapse and fragmentation if America cant get its shit together that is if they even want to.


Second civil war in the US within 50 years.

explain to me, i really have very little idea whats going on there
and i really would like t9 know

So instead of political parties being virtually identical save a few choice issues, we have actual opinions?
Oh no. Its almost like democracy is shit

>Social Demcoray
>Left Wing
It was National Socialism lite until recently. Fuck Americans are thick.


There two sides in us politics is the jews vs everyone,there is no left or right,mate.

I can't speak for the rest of the world. I can speak for the USA.

The cause for the divide is Obama. Many conservatives don't like niggers, and many more conservatives don't like liberal democrat ideas.

Billy was a democrat, but he wasn't quite as liberal as his wife or Obama. So we were able to be tolerant of that. The left wing became so radically liberal that they veered away from anything the right wanted to do. Shit rolls downhill, and that's exactly what's happened. With Trump getting elected it's no different than Obama's administration, just the other way around.

The outcome of this is civil war.

more progression and an increased push back from evangelicalism in response

The only correct answer is demographics. This is all a result of the country becoming balkinized with unnecessary ethnic strife. Back in the 60's when the country was 90% white politics did not feel like a war. Now you have half the country (Mostly non-whites) feeling like they are against the whites via voting.

im calling it for years

social progressive liberals are antagonizing everything on their right, even centrists. most of those people in the centre become more right winged, and the right wingers become even more right wing.

well fucking done

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength and Sweden is centrism

How is germany far left tho? The last government was SPD (middle-left) and CDU (middle-right).

One day you go to sleep as a liberal,next day you wake up as far right wing without your views being changed.
Fun thing,thats for sure

Do you think internet could play a role in this too?

>britain far right
Are.. Are you ok user?

clockboy, it's not important what you think/claim you are, but what you actually do.

True, the SPD used to be left wing but is a center party now.

>What do you think about current polarisation of society?
Jew games. More fights and disorder, more money for jew.

Thanks Obama

it probably plays the largest role, the internet makes it easy to find groups that are humongous so there is no need to compromise and being a centrist becomes less ideal

are there any sources describing this issue? I would like to understand it more.
I am trying to come up with the idea how to stop.

well maybe in soviet russia,they would be considered centrist.

You can only stop with educated people,not (((educated))) people.
You can know where the holy grail is,when nobody listens to you.

Fewer decent paying jobs with benefits and a reasonable lifestyle exist than did in the '90s. At the same time, the top 20% have done much better and the top 1% have seen their wealth grow exponentially.

On top of that, the country has seen huge waves of immigrants, very few of whom know English and are able, even if they want, to fit in. It causes huge strains in communities, and the non-English speakers cause enormous strains and costs in the schools. What's more, the cost of univesity or trade school has escalated well beyond the cost of potatoes. When I attended a very well regarded state university in the 1970s, my tuition was $450 per semester. Now it is over $4,500. The price of basic health care has gone up a similar amount.

I'm a very old user. I don't agree with many of the themes here and rarely post, but you sound sincere in wanting to know what's going on. Life is much harder in every way--for most people finances are tight and one must be very, very careful of what one says at all times. A lot of people have simply stopped talking about anything that matters, except with a couple of close friends or family members. People just pull in like turtles when people used to pretty much say what they thought. It's very unpleasant.

What do you see in the future old user?

why would you want this to stop? right wing will come out on top once bullets are involved

Because it would be nice not to settle our differences in an open war? (not mentioning that it could kill us all)

Also dont bet on the right wing to quickly. The situation would depend on who would have the military under control.

>who would have the military under control
>wanting trannys as CO

>it could kill us all
>being afraid to die
>The situation would depend on who would have the military under control.
the military comprised of nearly 100% right wingers

I do not know man, you counting on the military to rebel and disobey direct orders. Are you so sure about that?


Military has taken an oath to rebel against unlawful orders.Atacking citizens is an unlawful order,and its not going to be the left who will give such orders,not the right.
That means they either break their oath in fear or stand by the right to uphold their oath.
The Army is questionable,that i agree on,but you can always count on the Marines,because semper fi and all that.I may be sentimental,but i have tremendous respect for the USMC.

"Can't wait to strafe the street where aunt Edna lives in Indianapolis."

IMO this is the whole point of the Trump operation -- to further divide the people against each other. I think he was meant to win the whole time.
I mean I WANT TO BELIEVE but foreign policy is marching us straight to WW3.

>15 years in prison for viewing 'far right propaganda'
>Far right
Those states are essentially authoritarian neoliberal states.

>What´s the cause and what is the probable outcome of this?

The ever increasing need of the progressives to create new causes with which to wage war upon the foundations of Western Christian Society. Once it was simply abortion that was the main "moral" issue which separated the two parties. But in the last few years, an ever increasing amount of degenercy has been attempted to be popularized by the Progressives, leading to party divisions based not merely on government policy, but an ever increasing kaleidoscope of moral issues. It should be remembered that in 2008, Obama's official policy on gay marriage was opposition, and both major parties were relatively opposed to the measure. While economic issues can be argued out as matters of preference, moral questions speak to the very core a person's identity. And the parties having tied morality to their platforms foster further group think on their other issues by association. E.g., I want the gays gassed, thus I will vote Republican, and since I'm now a Republican, I'm more willing to support their agenda in general so that my desired moral legislation gets passed as well.

The left. They thought they had won, so they went full steam ahead with all the typical leftist indoctrination. Among it identity politics, but they made the mistake of assuming that they could dictate who would be affected by it. So they spur left wing people and left wing clients on to see everything through identity goggles, while right wing people are considered racists for doing the same. This made right wing people realize the obvious disparity in what the left says, and how it acts.

One side will win, and enforce its autoritarian, possibly totalitarian viewpoint on the other. I hope it's us. The left holds a lot of political power, but they've consistently shown themselves to be stunningly incompetent.

>we call ourselves centre-right, but then proceed to enstate nothing but left wing policy, import more left wing voters, and proscecute anyone more to the right than us
>so if you call us left wing, you're clearly a Nazi who should be arrested for thought crimes against the Supreme Sov... I mean, diversity and tolerance!

Its a goal.
WIth the internet it will happen more.
Find out what is accepted and what sets people off. Introduce new things designed to do that.

clickbait internet culture

e.g. if I make a post/article about how its harvey wiensteins fault he comitted sex crimes no one will care, meanwhile if I write about how its beacuse hes a goddamn kike or how all men are rapists I will be rolling in (You)s because more extremism gets more responses

Increased polarization here in the US, particularly between urban and rural, and between the coasts and the central areas.

People are just closing themselves off in their little groups, usually extended family or church in some areas where more people stay where they are born. Immigrants stay within their ethnic groups. People interact at work, but people do not go out after work, say on Fridays, with their work friends as much, because they might have a drink and say something that will get them in trouble at work.

The country is so huge, 320 million and growing, and people have so little in common, that it is becoming absolutely ungovernable. I remember the 1960s when the country was just starting to integrate and we were fighting the Vietnam War--we lost maybe 60,000 young men in that war and had a draft (conscription). We had anti-war riots and race riots at the same time. At that time, there were both moderate Republicans and conservative Democrats. Governing happened when those middle people would vote for something proposed by either the Dem liberals or the Rep conservatives. Those middle people are gone from our politics now. Many states are governed by one part or the other and Washington is completely gridlocked.

National Socialism is left wing economically

In 1968, a presidential election year, a lot of the people thought that the country would break apart, and it might have if the military draft hadn't ended. Eventually the race riots stopped because people just got exhausted.

Now, I don't see the large scale riots because there are too many sides, not just black v. white which is what we had in 1968. I do think that there will be two worlds. Some people will
live in some multicultural situations comprised of upper middle class English-speakers with good jobs who can get along and need to live in particular areas for work, and everyone else living as much as possible with people of the same race, ethnicity and religion, or socializing only with people like that, and putting up with an unpleasant workplace. Femanons like me will have to be more careful all the time because many immigrants come from cultures that are extremely hostile toward women, and no one will speak out about the real danger to us when we are alone from some of these groups. I've spent a lot of my time caring for elderly family members, when others in my generation in my family wouldn't, and as a result, I am unattached. I've had some real problems, as have other women going about their business alone, and I am very careful.

During the next 30 years here, I think that the problems that we have now will continue and worsen. I expect that enforcement of laws from area to area will become so different that it may be difficult to live and do business across areas--it will in effect become like separate countries, but unofficially. The thing that could really trigger a major explosion would be a war that would require a draft, and it will be particularly difficult if the US ends up fighting a country that has a major immigrant population here. Then I don't know what will happen. Don't look for the US to really lead the world. We're too busy with our own problems.

It is likely that our military and intelligence agencies will conduct military actions in the Islamic world and perhaps in Eastern Europe without regular people knowing what is going on. These actions only take a few special forces soldiers and a bunch of evil mercenaries. It was a real surprise here when a soldier was killed in Yemen and when four soldiers were killed in North Africa, even to me, and I keep up with the news. These actions only make other countries hate us. Some day one of these projects may bring on a war that sets things off here. You know, it's good to be able to get this out because right now I don't have anyone who will even talk to me about these kinds of things. Sports and celebrities are the only safe topics in person.

A mix of Internet, prosperity, and biases.
I'd write a few paragraphs but I'm pretty sure others have elaborated.

There are all those people dying to use their guns, so wouldn't surprise me.

fuck liberals

Red actually didn't move very much

So it's always somebody else's fault, that's owning up to yourself.

please write about the internet

Good post old user, thanks. Why nobody talks about it openly?

The money's run out.

For me it's not so much about a difference of political opinion that divides us. It is instead the stratification of our media sources. These media sources have created their very own Truman Show bubbles for us to dwell in. These bubbles are completely detached from reality. On the issues I don't think there's much difference between us. Not really. But God damn, people really do love being told what to think and then repeating it like it's an original thought.

You're best bet is that the Democrats and the GOP have some of split that somehow combines the moderate republicans and the blue dog democrats.

The parties are in amidst of a general realignment but even then the divisions in within the parties are too great too ignore.

Because people are ridiculed for their beliefs. Identity politics mean people are their political opinions, not complex beings who hold various opinions.

The current cultural climate dehumanized the nature of politics; your political opinions are now, on their own, enough to make you "the enemy". And enemies don't get reasoned with, they get killed.

thats sad

I am surprised nobody has done a case study of Sup Forums or specifically /ptg/ for this. Certain spots on Sup Forums are literally a bubble but also very easily to observe compared to others.

Divide is also caused partly by an increase in "diversity" over the period from 1994 to 2014. Surprisingly when you put different racial groups with different cultures that come from different areas of globe all into one nation, they are going to disagree on what the policies of the nation should be.

I think a lot of it has to do with the programming in Western media. People naturally tend to be polarized, especially in politics, so when the popular media reinforces those tendencies by lending more coverage to divisive/highly polarized issues, this is the resulting shift in attitudes that you see in the graph.

It doesn't help that due to the size of the USA, diversity can't have the intended effect. A person from the middle of Dakota may never see a single minority. If we're really going through with it, then they should have taken measures to ensure that diversity actually permeated throughout the country and not just in cities.

However, that would require a large investment into rural areas to diversify economies and build up infrastructure to actually make it viable.

You can try to talk about the US military adventurism, but you need to find someone who is interested and pays attention. I only know one person who knows anything about it and he works really long hours in a different city, at this time, so I can't talk to him right now.

If you are female, and have had problems with immigrants who don't like women, you will be accused of being a racist if you indicate that you think that the immigrant's culture caused the problem. You will be grilled on whether you have had similar problems with whites, and whether you know of any one who has had similar problems with whites and on and on. The only people who will listen to you are other women who have had problems or men whose girlfriends, wives or family members have had problems with them. I expect that it is the same in Western Europe. Personally, I have only had similar problems with one white guy, who was a boyfriend who turned out to be crazy. That was 40 years ago, and at that time, there was no way to talk about domestic violence and the university had no where to go to report him. That wouldn't happen now, thank heavens since he was white, but if he were a minority, I would be very hesitant to say anything even now unless I had many witnesses or had injuries severe enough to require medical attention. This is from personal experience.

There are almost no moderate Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats. In the Senate, there is one Blue Dog--Joe Manchin from West Virginia. The moderate Republicans are Susan Collins from Maine, Lisa Murkowski from Alaska and sometimes John McCain of Arizona. Occasionally, there will be someone who joins them. Manchin scores more liberal than any of the Republicans. There is no real overlap anymore.

There are Hispanics in many rural areas doing farm labor for very low wages. Additionally, Obama put refugees from everywhere into small towns in rural areas. It doesn't always work. This is a huge experiment, and there are no published serious social science or historical studies suggesting that this will work out well in the short or medium term.

"Identity politics" only work because they are true. Look at this board. Do you think the MAGAs hold complex, diverse opinions?

1. A device invented to maintain power in the hands of people who obviously do not deserve it.

2. As manipulating information is becoming increasingly difficult, other devices such as social fragmentation, intellectual degredation and demoralization must be implemented to prevent populations from demanding justice.

3. The scheme fails, either peacefully or through violence, mainly because of arrogance of the elites and huge underestimation of human spirit. Part of the 1% gets replaced.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if an entity like Sup Forums managed to actually coalesced and tried to form the centralist party. The idea is fantasy at best but I can't see anything particularly good from the hard right stance that Sup Forums takes.

Nor do I believe it's completely genuine. I would like to believe it's more of a case of hard leftism that just pushed them to the brink. I kinda want to try pushing for a centralist stance here on Sup Forums.

Though, the biggest problem is that any centralist party from starting from scratch has to start at local and state level before even trying to touch federal. We would be sitting for a good couple of years before a supposed centralist party candidate got into Congress.

You had one job...
Pass down to your children at least what ypuhad handed to you. For the first time in history Americans are experiencing a shorter average lifespan and financial hardships you boomers never had.

Wouldn't it be even worse now? The cleavages are beyond control. It used to be a Dem could say I hate gays or a Republican could say Jesus loved Mexicans and get elected by adopting some of the other sides' beliefs. A decent way of politics. Now its if you even adopt a shred of the other parties beliefs you're fucked. We need a centrist party before the 10% on either side destroy this nation.

Manchin is just pro-coal and knows when to support his constituents and when to support the party

Echo chambers feeding communities positive feedback loops. It happens in every single community, and there's things I'd call "soft echo chambers" and "hard echo chambers".
A hard echo chamber would be like a gated community such as NeoGAF, where as a soft echo chamber would be an open community like here that uses peer pressure to insure dissenting opinions are removed. For example, if someone were to say not all black people act like stupid niggers they'd get called Reddit and jeered the fuck out. While there is no enforcement keeping these people out, they're in large unwelcome due to their opinion. It operates and has the same effect as an echo chamber without being a classical example of one. This isn't because Sup Forums has always been like this, but because Sup Forums got invaded by kekistan-tier redditors who don't allow any kind of discussion to happen if they disagree with it. There was a massive change between now and the election and it happened subtly throughout the ruckus, but as it stands now I don't consider Sup Forums and open and thoughtful community of educated realists who have fun in satirical jest but a bunch of shitposting redditors who literally LITERALLY get triggered by seeing something they don't like. They're useful idiots who helped us get Trump in and nothing more, we should kill them.

Now, an echo chamber causes what it called a positive feedback loop, which basically drives you to further ideological extremes. You can see this in the partisan gap OP mentioned. This is being amplified on the internet due to Google and Facebook using algorithms to herd people of differing ideologies into their own echo-chamber communities, and this isn't speculation both companies fucking brag about it nonstop. This is social engineering that you see before you.

We also had decades of tv programming that made questions of race in relation to crime or culture forbidden.

I'd highly recommend the study of echo chambers in society, a lot of things have a great deal of the qualities that they have and it's a large hidden part of society that nobody really studies or gets into.
You can even be in an isolated echo chamber just by using selective listening, which is how a lot of SJWs are formed.

I see where yourcoming from but I think your definition of an "echo chamber" doesn't take into account that one side has had a cultural monopoly for at leaat 70 yrs. Just because a right winger has an internet board to vent on does not mean they aren't constantly presented the leftist narrative in media.

You're ... sorry phonefag posting

We had a board to vent pre-election now it's a carefully monitored shithole full of normalfags and redditors.

How would you guys if we started a centralist general here? I know we would get shitposted to hell and back initially. But I don't see why it can't be resisted much like how /britpol/ managed to stay alive during the cuckening here.

feel if we started*

DANK MEMES. Only dank memes. Can chart the way to victory.

That's an interesting question. The last time a new party formed was in the 1850s with the Republican party. It was formed in part to counter slavery but in part because the Whig party was falling apart and the Dems were splitting on the slavery issue. The remnants of the Whigs joined the Republicans. There have been third parties occasionally since then, but I think that there would have to be a galvanizing issue that tore apart one of the other parties and just threw everything open.

The greens are always there.