Self-hate thread

>either primitiveness or copycatting western european values without questioning them
>communist nostalgia prevalent in every 50+ years old citizen
>domestic violence
>communist landscapes
>standstill ever since the communist regime has fallen apart
>post-industrial decadence
>slut culture
>no art, threadbare people

Other urls found in this thread:

Where to even begin with my country...

>packs of stray dogs roaming in every city
>bitter and mean people because of poverty

>using the word "poverty" to refer to dogs

Never saw this, but it fits them, kek.

No gypsies?

locuiesc de ani de zile in germania si mereu cand vin in vizita in tara raman prost cand vad caini vagabonzi pe strazi.
la nemti pur si simplu nu s-ar concepe ca un caine fara stapan sa umble liber pe strazi

si mereu cand vin in tara intru in depresie

Si eu am intrat in depresie vara asta si am stat in Romania numai o saptamana.

*goulash quietly bubbling*

Shut up Dracula, you're a fucking vampire, literally. That's pretty cool

Damn you are lucky at least you are not a jew.

Lugosi was a hungarian though.

I'm was referencing Vlad the Impaler

I meant I

>1 chance in life
>dad isn't an arab sheikh

>bad copycatting
>decay ever since the communist regime has fallen apart
>acting like a gypsy

>the guy named after the hungarian kang Sigismund of Luxemburgs Order of the Dragon after his fathers membership, was a lifelong vassal of the hungarian kang and died in a hungarian dungeon when he tried to disobey

Yeah sure, he liked to execute turkish prisoners, score for that.

at least you get to fuck hot 16 yo faveladas

middle class 15-18 yo are my sweet spot
14 is legal too but nah

Stop the Self-Hate Romania!
Get ur shit together!
You are a part of masterplan to counter russian invasion on central europe!!

Listen to some Sandu Ciorba and you will feel better in like no time!

>died in a hungarian dungeon when he tried to disobey
i will take things that never happened for 100

I had a romanian computer science teacher in law school, she was cool and competent.
And that's all i got to say (Forrest voice)

>Not posting the best song

Nt Lazlo

Sorry , this is the right link.

I don't even need to explain

They left a long time ago.

>Rădulescu-Codin recorded further local legends,[168] some of which are also known from the German and Slavic stories about Vlad, suggesting that the latter stories preserved oral tradition.[169] For instance, the tales about the burning of the lazy, the poor, and the lame at Vlad's order and the execution of the woman who had made her husband too short a shirt can also be found among the German and Slavic anecdotes.[170] The peasants telling the tales knew that Vlad's sobriquet was connected to the frequent impalements during his reign, but they said only such cruel acts could secure public order in Wallachia.[171]

>Ion Budai-Deleanu wrote the first Romanian epic poem focusing on him.[172] Deleanu's Țiganiada (Gypsy Epic) (which was published only in 1875, almost a century after its composition) presented Vlad as a hero fighting against the boyars, Ottomans, strigoi (or vampires), and other evil spirits at the head of an army of gypsies and angels.[173]

>Since the middle of the 19th century, Romanian historians have treated Vlad as one of the greatest Romanian rulers, emphasizing his fight for the independence of the Romanian lands.[174][178] Even Vlad's acts of cruelty were often represented as rational acts serving national interest.[179]

>According to an opinion poll conducted in 1999, 4.1% of the participants chose Vlad the Impaler as one of "the most important historical personalities who have influenced the destiny of the Romanians for the better".[181]
It really says something about the character of a nation when even their national hero is a horrifically inept and opressive tyrant so they have developed a nationwide stockholm syndrome towards him because fuck, we couldnt find anyone else relevant. But hey, atleast he is not Ceau.


>kvetches in bozgor
wasn't your best leader a Romanian though?

>wasn't your best leader a Romanian though?
they will never admit this

Funny thing is, he was a gigantic faggot.

>German and Slavic stories about Vlad, suggesting that the latter stories preserved oral tradition
a fucking story preserved by people who arent friends with vlad depicts him as bad well imagine my shock

you dont even know what stockholm syndrome means, do you?

Hey what's going on in this thread? Seems like my kind of place

I'm pretty sure I wrote in english.

Thought you'd accept the testimonies of the slavic romanians because the latin larping only began in the 19th century.

Also, a fun fact, vlad killed more wallachians for arbitrary reasons than actual ottomans.








>slavic romanians
is this about the fucking alphabet again? you retards like to bring this up like its some proof


Yes it is. I mean, its hard to not bring up speaking in a fundamentally slavic structure,a slavic core vocabulary and mostly, doing all that in fucking cyrillic.

the OP is like usually a massive faggot



>its hard to not bring up speaking in a fundamentally slavic structure,a slavic core vocabulary and mostly, doing all that in fucking cyrillic.
its hard to bring up the fact that we only used that as a reaction to roman catholics in Moldova and the order of Dimitrie Cantemir before that all text was in latin and we did not speak a lick of slavic
but i guess you also think we changed to latin all the vocabulary as well

We are mutts and we celebrate the destruction of racial purity. We export cuck garbage and have earned everything we got coming.

I dont give a shit about 21st century moldovan larping, but even trying to imply that speaking with a slavic structure and vocabulary in cyrilling is not slavic is reaching so hard that a jewish lawyer from new york would consider it reaching.

>before that all text was in latin

Wow, a roman catholic church uses latin? As opposed to the romanian orthodox churhes using cyrillic well into the 20th century? Color me shocked little Iulius Cezarescu. As someone who actually speaks (medical)latin your pathetic WEWUZ attempt about the glory that was Rome manages to annoy me on a whole new level.

fucking stalingrad that is what you bring as evidence the battle that
we told them the russians are massing troops in our sector and to let us crush the bridge head on our side and they refused
the one were we had to fight tanks with hammers
and the whole line was a few foxholes with 120 rounds of ammo and two grenades

>21st century
it was introduced in 1393 i am not even claiming roman lineage wtf are you on about

You should also list the townrapist.

I'm referring to the more recent russo-moldovan larping. Catholic presence in moldova is nothing new though, our kangz resettled shitloads of catholics there and even expelled protestants there, many of the csángós are the descendants of these settlers

server român naționalist

>Dimitrie Cantemir before that all text was in latin
you can't possibly believe this. there were attempts by the scoala ardeleana to emphasize roman origins but the regat and moldova would not give a shit. the neacsu letter is in cyrillic, too, as are all the original inscriptions in all the remaining old monasteries in moldova and oltenia.
>and we did not speak a lick of slavic
kinda true, but then scrisoarea lui neacsu has slavic prepositions. va leato, za lucrul turcilor and shit. I've got a bad mark when pointed this out in school (I went to school in romania, during the reign of ceausescu, may he burn in hell). so slavic (church slavonic) was a huge influence.

the alphabet in cyrillic never denied
and as the other one said the slavonic church
Teoctist I to root out the seed of catholics and lift the youth ability to read the sophism of the catholics or some shit

It's the átok, it has caught you too.
Gib Erdély and it'll go away.
I'm sorry but it's the only way.

wait what? you claim that romanians used the latin LANGUAGE before Cantemir?

but then, whenever I go visit my parents in their small village in romania, because they wouldn't budge and move to hungary with me, I also get depressed. the reason is the new building code or lack of/excuse of it which allowed the fields and forests - what remains of them - of my childhood to be liberally sprinkled with houses. people build houses in the middle of the field, all trees get cut down, the grass dies and gives way to dry earth like pakistan. what the fuck is happening? I can't just walk away from human settlements and be alone in the middle of the field anymore.
there's no returning; time to die.

Full of perfidious anglos, was once the Great Satan and created the modern Great Satan (JewSA), friendly to kikes and Freemasonry, royals are Jews and "we wuz heebs" originated in UK. Huge egos for WW2, when Germany was our last hope.

Oh and the most famous dish (fish and chips) is Jewish.

im not he does he claims that moldova used the latin alphabet
wallachia did not
wallachia by then was already using

>Dacia was but an Outpost at edges of Roman Empire

I feel you brother.

it's the átok
it is like a serpent's bile
you can only save yourself by cutting out the parts the infection's coming from
cede Erdély

So if turks use latin letters, then they are latins?

>Lefties keep appropriating our founders
>Lefties hate our founders anyway because they were straight huwite mayoles
>"Nation of immigrants"
>50% of infant boys get circumcised
>Keep churning out leftist ideas that Europeans like to codify into law
>Virtue-signalling celebrities out the wazoo
>Crappy roads

They originally used arab calligraphy, because arabic is so tied to islam but Atatürk, the rare based turk westernized it to latin.

>im not he does he claims that moldova used the latin alphabet
ah, ok then.