Let's face it, the destruction of the west was completed

Let's face it, the destruction of the west was completed
There is no western culture anymore. No tradition, no moral values, no honesty, no decency, nothing.
We are living in Weimar Republic 2.0 and white women are the most traitorous enemy one can imagine

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spotted the incel

Whitey is the purveyor of degeneracy, the world over.
Blaming Jews is just like blacks blaming colonization. Jews are just the enablers. Its actually white race which is a thoroughly and genetically degenerate race.
That is why white race is being righteously being genocided. Whitey deserves it richly.
Lets all thank God for a speedy white genocide. And make sure to work towards it too. Whitey is too degenerate a race to save.

>Implying western society was ever non-degenerate.


buy bitcoin and enjoy the end

People like to fuck and also love the shit out of consent.

Get over it.

No, seriously.

Bleach your brain and drag your worthless, regressive traditional horseshit back to the boneyard where it belongs, skinhead.

Every church that isn't a mosque by 2050 will be a fucking fuck house.

It's not enough that Western puritanism is destroyed. We're going to pull down our pants and piss on the grave of everything far right juveniles ever cherished.




Will you stop being such a dramatic pussy for a change?

We are indeed living in the end of times, anybody not constantly glued to their face or on faceberg/snapshit/nigflix can see we are heading for disaster and that its going to be bloody. This knowledge is what actually keeps me going, because I look forward to fighting for my ideals and exact revenge on those who put us in this mess

Make no distinction between kinds of attention - notoriety of any sort will bring you power. Better to be slandered and attacked than ignored.


>We are living in Weimar Republic 2.0
History always repeats from Rome right up to Weimar. What's coming is going to be rough, OP but our ancestors lived through so we will too.

>That is why white race is being righteously being genocided. Whitey deserves it richly.
White traitors did this and the rest of white people allowed. It's like William Pierce said that the white middle class deserve the violence they get because they were too coward to react


i find it funny
why so serious?

WLP will one day be seen as a prophet and will be written about with reverence in our history books.

Sauce tho

i've lost faith in the fascists to articulate their arguments in a way that is compatible with the imposed morality in the declaration, so i am just going to turtle. i'm starting to build a series of bunkers under a mountain with enough food and weapons to sustain a small white community for 10 years. when the (insert bubble) bursts and the bread lines start, i will send out radar vectors.

Correct. The truly redpilled are planning to rebuild a new civilization from the ashes rather than trying to save something which is already dead. Also the west today is objectively worse than the Weimar Republic.

Yeah, uh-huh because he's above Jesus Christ, right?

>muh geezuz muh geezuz

Fuck off boomer-christcuck. Your generation sold us all down the river, don't think we will forget it either.

>blaming white women
We're all responsible for this and blaming just white women for it is the dumbest and most pathetic thing you can do

As if Negroes aren't more degenerate lmao

Yeah I don't think Jesus Christ approves of your little scheme, user.

And what happened to this dude and his "Christian Identity" movement?

Oh yeah, that fell through.


logh predicted it

>worships kike on a stick
Opinion disregarded.

This. As if men had nothing to do with it.

Why has it always to be the ugly ones?

I literally don't give a single fuck what some bald obese boomer has to say about anything. Go back to LARPing about dayz vault while the real WNs make shit happen. Stupid fuck

Yeah well that's too bad user because you wouldn't be anywhere without Jesus, bitch.

But good luck trying.

you're just wannabe modern/post apocalpse soy-citizen/
wanna have excuse to be nobody

and in the east we are fighting, and we are fighting hard
i see this shit in tv everyday, i see this pro-eu polan is antidemocracy cause they dont do what they should do...

your fucking 'west is only just usa, deu, uk, and maybe fr' methodology is what makes it all really, really fuckinng sad

and maybe, just maybe, why slavs are gonna leave you to your choosing

>Its actually white race which is a thoroughly and genetically degenerate race.

Who infected the white race degeneracy? Jews. Whites are at fault for taking the jews in and letting this happen to them though.

Fixing the West will have several phases:
>shill genocide
>jew genocide
>leftist genocide
>non-whites genocide

Be careful faggot because your kind will be the first to hang.

>Fuck the Jews!
Pick one fucker.

L m a o

Wow American really look same

>young people are having sex less than before
>smoking and doing drugs less than past generations
>having less abortions
>crime rates lower than 50 years ago

b-but muh degeneracy


Splain that

One day soon you will be tossed from your mobility scooter, your jowls quaking then you will be strung up from the nearest lamp post so all can see the fate of those that betray the white race.

>american serviceman larping as a jap

Yeah, uh huh and what's the last thing you made happen fag?

Keep sucking Don Black's dick without question though, fag. Maybe he'll lead you to your "White Nation".

Meanwhile he's a got a few truck payments to make. psh

Not before I see you fall before Jesus Christ first, faggot.

Literal have no clue whomst Don Black is. Must be some gay boomer faggot like you. lmao

You're abandoning the idea of individualism. You must live either on the internet or in a nasty coastal city. Most of the country is quietly repulsed.

I don't mind it at all because the more degenerate and awful they become, the more the backlash quietly builds. People are sickened, even if they hold their tongues to avoid retaliation against them.

That's why, despite all of it, Donald Trump is the president of the United States.

yeah I got my brown shirt in my closet you faggot. It's just that most of you are bitches.

>>(((Black Pill)))
>>'Just give up Goy, you lost'

You need to get in the closet because you're a faggot. Gen Zyklon will be the death of you traitors one day soon. Go enjoy your lemonparty while you can grandpa

you are fucking blind and wrong at the same time

that is clearly sign of a prophet

all you got, compared to for example poland that fucking make Christ our king is exacly the reason why u fell so low

you don't have a spine

and yea, i know, it's hurtful, go tell your mum, somebody told you TO BE FUCKING BETTER than a soyboy manlet wannabe man.


whatever you say soyboy

U deny?

Pic out 10 faces that look different

K champ, enjoy your Christ-larping while you can.

Nice of you to include a picture of yourself fatty.


Fucking mexicans have to ruin everything

Statistics that don't conform to the typical Sup Forumstard's views? You're looking for trouble.


can you elaborate more on all the points you made

dont forget that internet forums when they existed were just as bad as social media

It's OK, heathen. I'm sure God will forgive you and your kind for destroying our culture.

You from Spain or?

It's been known for a long time on here the Z in Generation Z stands for Zyklon. Where you been faggot?


>Gen Z
Did you see the very graph you posted? Did you notice something about it?


lul what the fuck ever dude. Your religious LARPing is just wasted energy. Should put it towards something productive.

Is that another picture of you? It looks like some Muslim shit. Make up your mind you nigger loving shithead

>It's OK,heathen. I'm sure my kike on a stick's father will beat you up!

Yeah, that white people are finally getting a sense of tribal identity and would vote along those lines.

i'll pray for you anoncuck

you can say whatever u like
it doesnt change a shit

So, praytell, where is your "White Nation"?

oh, it's you behind the internet picking your nose.

Look how these two turned out.

They are going to be fucked up for a long time.

You sound like an old man who's very new to the board. Did you take your meds today?

Thanks anonretard, I appreciate you LARPing for me. It actually is thoughtful so I'll end our interaction on a nice note. Have a nice day

No idea who they are. Could you stop posting gay shit like this? I have to look these faggots up every time. The fact you know them tells me you're a kike. No wonder you're trying to push Christianity lmao


yeah lmao nice answer

not bad for a bunch of white niggers

Unfortunately for you, I'm more intelligent than you. Posting boomer maymays about intellect probably isn't the route you want to go. Go back to Christcuck LARPing you fat Jew

>Weimar Republic
someone explain this to me

I'm not sure if that counts at this point considering how much whites have been destroyed.
The world truly, truly does hate us yet has a weird respect for us at the same time. They want us dead.
And Sup Forums considers certain races (((white))) that are known as absolutely non-white outside of the Sup Forums confines so I'm very skeptical about the resurgence of "whites".

But wait there's more

>imfuckingplying the Holohoax happened
almost got me

>White people targeted for destruction by kikes and their pet minorities
>feminism turned women into men
>economy in the shitter
>mass immigration
>culture and art is just vapid, soulless, commercial

How do you not see we are heading for disaster? Sure you may be able to get the newest iShit now but stupid toys isnt what makes someone happy. It's something greater than oneself, like family, nation, ideals. Those are concept long dead now.

>Jew cocksucker
This is gold.

yeah you're not more intelligent than a jew

but keep fighting fire with fire faggot

yeah the jews have you my friend

>sucks kike on a stick propaganda every second
>worships the god made by kikes
>calls me out for being a jew lover
Keep going Christfuck.

Whatever you say my brainlet hooknosed friend.

>(((file deleted)))
What was in the image?

that's OK faggot, I'll be in church

they have you and you know they have you

I suggest reading this article for more info. It's rather long so I don't feel like capping it at the moment. But it'll give you an idea of the contents.

Some redneck woman fully nude on a stage in front of a bunch of other rednecks hooting and hollering

>that's ok faggot, i'll be in the pseudo-synagogue
Keep going, haven't reached my kek limit for today
