Did Shaft finally get it right?

Did Shaft finally get it right?


Yes, this adaptation is a miracle in their current era.


I haven't been watching anime this season or visiting Sup Forums much.

Sangatsu manga is a masterpiece, and I love Shaft, but you're not telling me they actually adapted it well, are you? There's just no way.

No, Shaft is getting carried by a good source material for once.
I think any other studio with a decent director would have done better.

Horrendous adaption, I'll forever hate Shaft for ruining this masterpiece. I had to drop it despite my adoration of the manga.
Such a shame the inferior H&C got a god tier adaption and 3gatsu this abortion.

>sangatsu manga
>a masterpiece

what a load of bollocks. kill youselves with that shit taste

They didn't, the direction is Monogatari-lite, feels completely out of place.
A waste of great background art.

I don't know

>oh no, someone has different opinions than me

3Gatsu is probably my favorite show of the season, but it still has some fairly obvious flaws.

I've found the story is very disconnected and jumps from theme to theme. For example the first half of the series was pretty clearly about dealing with loss, but that fizzled and now we have this winners guilt thing going on with a completely different cast of characters.

I'm okay with leaving things unresolved, especially when they are so central to his character, but there wasn't any lead-out or intermediate resolution.

3flopsu no ratings is SHAFT's worst show since their last show.


Pretty much every episodes seem well crafted, but the plot and themes are a mess.

Thanks Shart.

Blame fucking Aniplex for getting the rights and farming it out to one of their bitch studios. Literally any other producer would have seen it done better but nope gotta keep giving non commercial shit to a 100% profit motive produce to fuck up somehow.

>Did Shaft finally get it right?

Get what right?

The acid to cocaine ratio?

What do you dislike about it?

But it's Umino who wanted Shaft.
And Aniplex joined only because Shaft, not in other way.

>irst half of the series was pretty clearly about dealing with loss, but that fizzled and now we have this winners guilt thing
It pretty bluntly connected these two things through his life living with his foster family and how his mere presence in that household fucked shit up for the kids there including this chick he has a hateboner for

>Umino wanted Shinbo
>got lied to

what a waste of shafts talent


more talent than kyoani