Fauxcahontas BTFO!

President Trump calls Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native American veterans.

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Fuck the Left. We finally have a leader willing to stand up to them and call out their bullshit and I couldn't be happier. 7 more years!

Yeah fuck veterans!

>being disrespectful to WWII vets is funny

>your favourite president (me)
it's only monday

t. brainlet

>hosting an event honoring WWII vets at the white house is disrespecting them

How was that disrespectful? How does that hurt their feelings?
Disrespectful to Senator Warren, yes.


Trump being openly racist, again


Ok, so like me, some of you may have voted for Trump. We wanted a strong businessman who could help our country recover from the Obama years. A man who could put our country on the right track.

Instead we have a childish baffoon who spends his days insulting every celebrity under the Sub on twitter, even going so far is to call a United States senator a racial slur, insulting her ethnic heritage.

Sup Forums, I know that you, like me, may have voted for Trump, but there comes a time where you must see a reason, that this man is not fit to govern the highest office of the United States. It is for that reason that I am recommending impeachment.

Join us. Sign the petition at impeachdonaldtrump.org and make our voices heard

If Obama had hosted a ceremony honoring white veterans and trash talked Trump by calling him a peckerwood crack, Sup Forums would be raging. But because your ZOG candidate says it, it is ok

The disrespectful thing, arguably, is lying about your ethnic background to curry favor in your professional career.


Honoring white veterans based on their race? Yeah, that would never happen.
I'm just here for the bantz, I don't rage.


she claimed to be an indian to beat out other people for a 350$/yr 4 hour a day job then defended it by saying i thought i was an indian because i have high cheek bones.

Pocahontas is not nearly as embarrassing as the TRUE story behind his reason for calling her it.
Not to mention that he apologized for how disrespectful it is to the actual pocahontas

Trump called out the Racist. That liberal cow isnt even native.
Would negros like it if i went blackface & called my self negro?

But Trump is white, he's not pretending to be.

I don't think you get it.

this, when will Warren resign?

why do democrats allow Warren to represent them?

This is how low our board has fallen.

>fuck veterans
>literally a white woman trying to act like she is an indian
>mad that he is making fun of this self righteous cunt
Get your shit together man.

There has been never ending native american propaganda lately on PBS and shit at my work. It's so biased it is slowly making me hate the bastards when i never did before. This is how surreal this crap is:

Today i saw them gloss over a major indian genocide of whites as "benign" (this is the exact word they used, i could not believe it) They talked about it for about 30 seconds, focusing mainly on how it was used as propaganda, and making no mention of victims. Later they had a segment on a white massacre of Indians. It started with 2 Minutes of extremely loud gunfire as it flashed drawings of dying indians. It was so much louder than anything else in the program, and was very shocking, everyone i work with looked up it was so loud. This went on for way too long, and of course featured countless interviews, and many personal recollections of the events from the native perspective, and absolutely nothing about what started it.

Later i found it odd how resentful mainly of the hosts and interview subjects were of whites, constantly referring to whites as a group instead of calling them settlers or british. It was this point when i realized 100% of the white looking hosts were jewish.

If you don't believe me, It was on the WORLD channel from 10AM - noon EST today November 27th.

It has become beyond annoying. We need to send them more blankets.

>That liberal cow isnt even native.
Why? Because Trump says so? Just like he said Obama wasn't born in the United States, right? Trump makes a jackass out of himself every time he lets his racism show and he demands that other people provide proof of their race/birthplace

If he wants to insult native american women by calling them "Pocahontas" then he can, but it just lets everyone know that the president is a miserable old racist


A couple of vocal angry native americans mad at Pochahantus for stealing their Harvard job would be almost as damaging as a video of someone rubbing a childs hand against his genitals.

I'm 1/4 Iroquois and not a single relative or native friend of mine gives a single fuck

Can one individual be this retarded? One person is actually white, the other person is not actually Native American. If I was Native American, I'd be pissed at warren using my heritage as a way to get into ivy leagues.

This, she's basically a Shaun Kang/Rachael Doleezal.

If I walk around calling myself African
American and musing about my (non-related) ancestors going through slavery, are you racist for calling me "brother"?

Also representative? She's a fucking senator asshole!

To be fair, Trump doesn't know the difference . . . or anything really about that Constitution thingy that he vowed to protect and defend.

Yes, insulting someone because of their racial heritage is racist.

To an audience of code talkers. Every day, he manages to find a way to be even more disgusting.

Of course it's a leaf. Soon

those old fucks didnt know what he was saying, let alone what planet they were on.

they werent offended until other people told them they should be offended.

Leave it to Trump to try and make this a thing.

Her parents and grandparents told Warren she had native American ancestry. She didn't even fucking USE that information to obtain any special treatment or take anything away from those with native American heritage. It's just part of her family's oral history.

I'd like for Donnie Moscow to be forced to defend everything his dad ever told him about his ancestry. Hell, I'd be satisfied with a nice review of the "bone spurs" that kept him out of Vietnam.

It's just another example of how small-minded and frankly pathetic he is.

Being this much of a brainlet

More disrespectful than falsely claiming to be part of their tribe?

cry more faggot

And he veered off topic in order to fit her into his comments. There was literally NO REASON to bring her up except that he wanted to be a dick.

I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds.

imagine being this desperate for attention

My grandfather loves to claim to be 1/16th some tribe or other with no proof of that other than old family hearsay. My Trump supporting family sees no irony in believing him while ridiculing Warren and calling her Pocahontas.

You AmeriMUTTS probably don't even get the irony here. SAD.

Fuck veterans. Israeli oil mercenaries. Every one of them should be executed without trial for treason of the highest level.

Yeah. Fauxcahontas doesn’t represent her state at all or any Indians either. She’s all about money and power. Just like Crooked Hillary.

We now live in a world, where a shitty racist post with a lot of (yous) /// a statement always downvoted to oblivion in r/politics comment sections, is repeated freely, often, aloud, and in public by our fucking President. Let that sink in. This is NOT OKAY.

He was at an event honoring WWII code talkers; an event which had nothing to do with Senator Warren. There was no reason any decent human would feel the need to bring her up, but here we are. We should all be embarrassed at how far common decency has fallen under trump.

That's quite a creative licence for the word racist...

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Spot on.

This is a bot

Now I understand everything about Trump, any lesser politician would have his career destroyed for making a joke like that, but Trump is not a politician, he doesn't have a career to ruin, he doesn't give a fuck. That's why all the media attacks slip past him, he doesn't care about the party or his political future, he know he doesn't have (and doesn't want) any.

We need more men like him.

-You are so damn predictable... I knew, word for word that would be your response. I thought, "How could he possibly respond to this? He doesn't have a chance in hell of refuting any of it, so he probably thinks the best thing for his own 'image' is just to pretend like I'm a bot then disregard my posts". How did I know? The fragile ego acts in such foolishly calculated ways.The fact that even admitting you read any of the words I wrote would constitute some sort of internal defeat for you just assures me that every word of it struck deep and resonated in the most awful way.


Trump is standing at attention, numb nuts. Not taking a knee

>constitute some sort of internal defeat

You've obviously never served in the military, let alone ROTC or boy scouts. Only people that are enlisted soldiers can stand at attention during the national anthem. At that time, Drumpf was a businessman and had no fucking business doing it.

/get educated shithead

Drumpf's in a bit of trouble now.

I'm dissapointed no ones posted the loli fauxahontas yet




Despite that particular definition, most people consider racial slurs racist.


was pohahontas not a native american?

>Calling anyone pathetic compared to fauxcahontas

>racial slur
>is fucking white

>was pohahontas not a native american?

>hmmmm why would trump bring it up only around native americans? Surely he's not a racist.

Everyone should pressure her to get a DNA test done and show it.

She has high cheek bones.

I want to be fapping to this by tomorrow Shad

I know you are in here

>Today i saw them gloss over a major indian genocide of whites as "benign"
Yeah one tribe just murdered a quarter of the settlers in one massacre after pretending to be nice, but we won't talk about that.
I'm not pretending that the British were always great to them because they did end up killing a lot of them, but it wasn't a one-sided deal. Besides, they helped a some of the more peaceful trader/agriculture tribes fend off more war-mongering tribes, and this is after all the "native" americans came through from Alaska and killed off whoever was living here before.

fucking faggot hahahahahahaha

she's part native american, retard

So not at all?

Does she get gangbanged by indians?

Only in the mind of troubled liberals is teasing someone for cultural appropriation instead of Warren trying to open up a casino on her Massachusetts ancestral grounds worse. You can just guess what Natives find worse.

Is there an injun one drop rule? I think so because one time my sister was dating this guy who was 1/64 injun and that gave him some kind of government gibs.

Does he get to claim any benefits from it?
If not, then it's not the same thing.

>oh sorry, Pocohontos
>she's an overrated senator
>democrats can't stand her
>not even hillary clinton

Can someone tell me about the reference with Andrew Jackson

No she's not. She's 0% native. Not even a drop, that's the whole fucking problem!!!!!!

"trail of tears"

He told the injuns they had to gtfo in the form of a death walk.

>We should all be embarrassed at how far common decency has fallen under trump.
Nope. No one cares. Not everything is about pretty rhetoric and being PC.
"Common decency" is still intact all around the country, despite democrat efforts to censor, over-sexualize, and screech about literally everything.


thank you user

>hear radio
>WH responds to Warren
>Sen Warren is offensive for lying about her heritage to further her political career

It is getting bigger!


>She's 0% native
oh ok, I'll take your word for it, even though you have no fucking clue about her family history

Think the story through. Racists decided that she's not indian enough to call herself indian, and use it as an excuse to hurl racist slurs at her. And she's the problem?

native american

Everyone in the South is part native, or else the product of sisterfucking.

It's pretty awful actually all the times they got shafted by the colonizers. There are some really cool/sad things you can visit out West, which you should do in your lifetime because you're wasting your life if you live in the US and you don't do roadtrips.

But it could use a good dose of realism these days, not Holocaust History.

WW2 vets are questioning themselves on why they fought for the wrong side.

Is she aware that Debbie Porreco, who is an actual direct descendant of Pocahontas is a Trump supporter?

>amerimongrel pretending he is omniscient and knows exactly how mongrelized his fellow mongrels are

Better convert my house into a fucking teepee then, wouldn't want to forget my heritage.

1-Not born in a reserve
2-No Native parents
3-No Native genealogical record
4-No genetic test (people have offered to pay it for her)
5-Can not point to a Native ancestor
6-No Native Tribe recognizes her

Result: Warren is a Wasp from New England appropriating someone else's ethnicity.

Why is this not the CNN headline?

You know you can rent a luxury teepee instead of a motel room in parts of the country? kek

She's Jewish