Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku

Swim Swim and why Inori Minase was the perfect choice for her seiyuu.

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Yes! Yes!

Were you thinking of Kugimiya's role in WIXOSS when you made this post?

What magical girls has the same quality characters talking about designs but it actually goes deeper beyond being edgy?

That woman is already getting death threats. Her career is ruined.

So does Snow White remain pretty emotionally unstable in future arcs?

Are you serious? Does Nip autism know no bounds?

>Anime voice actors getting death threats.

What's new?

Better than some, that's for sure.

Chill out.

She actually gets this hate? nipcucks do not read the manga? they already should know this was comming.

U wot m8?

>Blaming a seiyuu because of her character.

I feel like people who do this have to be rusing. How can anyone be THIS autistic?

SwimSwim sounded way better on the LN.

It's the other way around.

>How can anyone be THIS autistic?
Autistic enough to spend 300+ dollars on BDs for a single show.

That's just supporting the industry.

Wasn't the death threat actually just a joke letter? Even the sender admitted that he didn't expect it to go that far.

I'm not sure how it went later on, but one of her radio appearance was cancelled because of a threat (or threats), so take what you want from that.

That user was likely referring to this:

>sending death threats
> as a joke

Are the novels worth reading or should I just read the manga?

Able to throw 300+ dollar on BDs is now autistic? Oh come on, 300 dollar is nothing. Just because you live with your mom doesn't and she doesn't give you enough allowance doesn't mean people making decent salary and can afford throwing away $300+ into their hobby is autistic.

there is no manga

The LNs are the only thing that's translated (for the most part) and the manga only goes up to halfway through arc 2 so far. There's five arcs, by the way.

Manga is not translated.

Yeah I was actually.

Joke's on you, I spend over $500 a month on gunpla.

Why is Snow White so useless?

Aniplex pricing...

It's somewhat common even outside anime.

The manga has yet to be translated but you can read the novels,this series is pretty great.

Rie Kugimiya fucking MADE Wixoss for me. I never thought she could be so evil but now I just want to see her playing villains.

My sides have disintegrated

This meme is actually too good for /vg/

Spending money on kid's toy, now that's autistic. By the way, not even buyfags on Sup Forums will accept you, go seek refuge at /toy/.

My first experience with Kugimiya playing a villainous role was in Raildex when she played as that catholic cunt. She had pretty good acting skills so this role combined with her role as Ulith (What a bitch she was) convinces me that she would be a great pick for Rain Pou

Tell me where the gundam touched you, user.


Can I get a link to the LN?


I actually still haven't seen Raildex. Might have to check it out if there'a Rie Kugimiya villain. I've got the google drive one but I don't have the epubs and mega.

yeah sure, here you go user

>Top Girl is dead
>people still watch this trash

No, they don't, absolutely everyone has dropped the anime at this point.

Reminder that Swim Swim only acts this way because she's been sexually abused repeatedly. That's why she has the swimsuit motif.

And that's also why her power is to avoid being touched. Because she was constantly molested by the hands of her abusers.

But user, the show already ended.

change it to
>people still read this trash

>we never got to see swim^2's eyes widen in fear as she watches herself bleed out in terror

God it would have been so satisfying to have that autist finally feel an emotion only for it to be fear and despair. Ripple too pure for that though I guess, just stabbed sleeping Loli in the back a few times, meh.

Wouldn't bother if its just to see Kugimiya play a villain role since her character doesn't appear until the second season and she's only around for a few episodes.

I'm still mad. Top Speed deserves her own show, light novels, manga, audio drama, and an entire series of games in the danmaku genre where she stars along with a shrine maiden.

>autist finally feel an emotion
user pls. That's precisely why she is autistic. It would be OoC. Also she was a child so they were never going to show a brutal death.

There's a character in the LNs you would love. She makes Ripple's kill on Swim Swim seem like a practical joke by comparison.

Yumi Uchiyama deserves this as well.

Shrine maiden you say.

>MG hunter trading softheartedness for strength
What could possibly go right?

My dream cast:

Marika : Aoi Yuuki
Shadow Gale : Ohashi Ayaka
Pfle : Takahashi Minami
Pythie : Suzaki Aya
Pukin : Sawashiro Miyuki
Pechika : Mamiko Noto

he said shrine maiden, not a weaboo doing her best Reimu impression


Grim Heart approves of this post.

Oh yes.

I'm pretty fucking sure that SW is gonna become Pukin soon enough, but unlike Pukin, SW lacks a Sonia.

Top speed on her own is cute, but her true potential is unlocked with Ripple. Their relationship was the only objectively well written part of the entire series. Genki girl is fine, but genki and tsundere mahou shoujo best friends is worthy of a spinoff on its own.

>I love Swim Swim
>Swim Swim goes wild but she's only 7 years old so please keep that in mind.

Inori based

Maybe she will get Ripple back someday?

SW also lacks the cup size.


She has Fal though to keep her in check.

Calling it now, Marika is going to be the next Sonia.

> Overwhelming power
> Playful innocence that belies her destructive power
>socially awkward and poorly-behaved

SW is going to be the next Pukin and Marika is going to be her Sonia.

Read the "Read First" first or kill yourself.

Woah rude.

My bet's on deluge, because snow, ice and punished survivors are meant to be together


SW is flat. FLAT!

Inori Minase a God

now we need Frank Castle in a blue bikini

They would become the number 1 enemy of LoM.

Deluge still has BBC though so she doesn't go too far.except with Patricia on her squad since BBC probably thought that making Deluge more violent would ensure her survival.

Deluge's goal practically makes her that, since her revenge target is one of the three ruling LOM factions

Have Frank Castle wearing hot pants

Fal is just a pet

No one asked for this.

Fal is just a sybian

Just like a certain other peerlessly powerful MG hunter duo who earned an eternity in jail for their crimes eh?

Pukin is the best girl.

Tepsekemei: Snow White? Snow White! Why is she running dad?

Lt. "Gordon" Mana: Because we have to chase her.

7753: Okay we're going in! Go, go! Move!

Tepsekemei: She didn't do anything wrong.

Lt. "Gordon" Mana: Because she's the hero the Land of Magic deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt her. Because she can take it. Because she's not our hero. She's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku.

Just got around to watching this last episode and I gotta say, this series would have only been half as entertaining if it didn't have Swim Swim's murderous rampage. Although she did kill favourites like Top Speed, seeing this 7 year old child become so twisted and a cold-blooded killing machine made for a fun antagonist, sadly of course she had to be stopped, a shame it was by killing her but can't say I didn't expect it.

Then seeing Fav getting BTFO like that. Man he really shouldn't have betrayed Swim Swim, well he paid the price for it along with starting this whole mess.

The plot seemed to be really kicking up in the last few minutes, pretty excited to see SW start being relevant, how long until season 2?

Never ever

With the bd sales we probably are not gonna get S2 sadly.

An OVA for Arc 1.5 would be pretty nice to let people see how SW changed and not be called useless.

What cup size is SW again?

Like pottery.

Never, you're better reading the LN.


>Season 2 never
I mean there's still a chance right? Right?

A cup size below AA

I guess ample C is ok

Pukin a shit

Yeah Swim Swim was a great antagonist.

>SW gets arrested
>receives a call from Pythie
>"yo buddy, missed me?"

I wouldn't call her a "fun" antagonist. actually she's the worst kind of trash character writing that allows her to take any action without consequences or explanation because "autism". But it was pretty funny after a while to wonder who was going to die and in what gruesome over the top way it would happen. So in a way you're right, but in a "holy shit this is so bad it's fun" kind of way. Some great death scenes, cranberry becoming an IED was particularly shocking and funny.