Bongs, it's been almost 2 years. How is this paki doing? Have you noticed any major changes...

Bongs, it's been almost 2 years. How is this paki doing? Have you noticed any major changes, either positive or negative? Has he gone full derka-derka yet, or is he playing the taqiyya long-game?

Im not even Brit, but even I know that faggot coined the phrase "part and parcel of city living" when talking about the constant islamic terror.

He's not Paki. He's british you racist piece of shit.

Cancerous individual

more terrorism in London than 2 years ago, so that backfired on the leftie voters.

Butt olugs are haram, but he thinks they feel halal

>tfw Bong doesnt' know that was the plan all along

He is a fullblown derka derka

oh my god is that a streetlight?

Part and parcel.


Bongs don't understand. This is just a drop in the tidal wave of "diversity elections". Khan was severely under qualified when he landed the mayor job but because he's brown and his opponent was a white Jew, he won. Next mayoral election, don't be surprised if two browns go up against each other.
And from there it'll just steam roll; mayoral elections, state elections and finally federal elections. You'll see many FUCKING WHITE MALES voted out of a job simply because they went up against a brown candidate. And from there it'll get worse: you think diversity hires are bad now, wait until they control parliament.
Think Detroit but on steroids to encompass an entire country. We're talking rampant corruption, ethnic biases, inefficiencies becoming the norm.
And it all started with Khan. I truly believe by 2025 the UK will be some sort of Mecca to diversity and progress at the expense of white people and you know What? Every single news paper will encourage it.

I would push that out to 2035 for full diversity take over. Bureaucrats and politicos entrench themselves like ticks and fight to keep their gravy train. The Jews among them will be the last (((white))) faces in public positions of power, but otherwise I think you are dead on.


London, maybe. The rest of this island, especially the north and the Celtic countryside is relatively uncucked.

He doesn't really have a lot of power as Mayor (in charge of local council budgets and TFL) it's more of a stepping stone on to more important roles - think of it as a way to increase your public profile to be a future PM or something. Outside of London he hasn't really done this, compared to Norris or Red Ken, but he'll probably be still given a ministerial job if Labour come to power once his time is up as Mayor because of muh diversity

Brother, everyone posting on this site in their native language is on a rocket sled to brown town. We can and should fight it, but looking at your cities as conquered fiefdoms from the comfort of your rural enclaves is a short lived sense of security, believe me. What they have done to my countries demographics, they will try to bring about in yours. Not to sound like a cuck, but I would take the Latins over the snakbars any day of the week.

London got deleted, you are soon to be considered a terror state.

I hate when people call it "Londonistan" here. If anything, it should be Londonabad. Or maybe Londehli.

they will replace you, tick tock

Fun fact: The will do the same to you, eventually, if not stopped.



What’s wrong with Londonistan

Where are the white males

It's a miracle London isn't a pile of rubble by now. I mean it's a total shit hole but it's still standing at least.

What do you mean goyim? Here I've marked one with a star so you can see. :^)

It was a Ramadan breaking feast 'iftar' none are stupid enough to go.
Plus looks like it was held in a uni if I had to take a guess, and white males obviously aren't allowed.

>Poor little brown goy


ok bong... I hope you post yourself eating crow when he is re-elected

leftie voters love him

Yep your right there. He'll be in for a while unless he moves up and out of the public eye, perhaps under a labor government.
Best hope is someone Jo Cox's him.

hes said some stupid things in interviews (PART AND PARCEL) but Boris had 8 years and achieved nothing but a handful of arguably-corrupt vanity projects and the laughable water cannon fuck up. Anything Khan's dealing with badly now, Boris would have dealt with twice as badly

>many white males out of a job

The fact that you are surprised/shocked that the white guys won't automatically get the best jobs any more makes me laugh. And it makes me think

>Won't get the best jobs for being white
Yeah. Woe is me for saying that natives should get the best jobs whilst foreigners should pick up the scraps/ what is left. You're so progressive to say that whites should lose jobs and be actively discriminated against in their homelands because some Paki says it's racist to not give them jobs. I wish I could be like you
[/Spoiler] /leftypol/ plz go [spoiler/)