>Tfw the soyboy meme started within the past year or two and now politicians are saying it
I don't think you guys (not you nufags who fucking spam this board with boomer tier shit go the fuck back to plebbit) realize how powerful this board is. Every meme we have pushed has impacted history. It's just crazy to think about how a group of anonymous far right shit posters have made a huge impact on history
Soyboy is only a few months old but other than that you are right
David Nguyen
The society we live in has been shaped by marxist faggots. It's designed to make you feel small and powerless, so that you don't stand up and realise your true power. All they can do is sit there and yell that we're basement dwellers or whatever while we influence elections and shape history by running one of the most extensive propaganda campaigns ever. We're especially successful because we do this for fun and we aren't anyone's leash. This world belongs to Sup Forums.
Ayden Young
Its only like a month or two old. Tbh i was always genuinely confused why liberals and commies looked like absolute pussyholes. I’d think to myself, “it’s not like you're born a commie cuckold with a feminine face”. It finally made sense once i saw the soyboy memes.
Eli Carter
>I don't think you guys (not you nufags who fucking spam this board with boomer tier shit go the fuck back to plebbit) realize how powerful this board is. maybe this is somehow related to the shills seeming to think this is a good place to spam net neutrality threads. do they think if they convince Sup Forums, so goes everyone else?
Carson Jackson
Yeah, pretty much. Sup Forums often spots their bullshit though, so they kikes are basically powerless against us. We're Mr. Noseburg's worst nightmare come true.
Gavin Perry
This is what happens when we disorganized organization
Landon Bailey
>reads Twitter Holy crap it's real.
Asher Flores
The only time Sup Forums will lose power is when there is no more fun to be had, aka niggers, jews, and other assorted shitskin commies stop providing us with great meme content. This would require them to be exterminated. For now though the fire rises.
Brody Turner
>it's real
Luis Diaz
>only just learning this now
Isaiah Moore
>I don't think you guys (not you nufags who fucking spam this board with boomer tier shit go the fuck back to plebbit) realize how powerful this board is. >Every meme we have pushed has impacted history. It's just crazy to think about how a group of anonymous far right shit posters have made a huge impact on history
This isn't news to anyone who has been here for any decent amount of time. Sup Forums has been influencing Internet culture since 2004. Now that the internet is bleeding into real life at an ever increasing rate, so does Sup Forums's influence.
Colton Rodriguez
Soyboy is so old, soyim is the dankest maymay.
Oliver Peterson
Sup Forums will probably be unplugged before that ever happens, at which point we'll all get bored and start throwing rocks though the car windows of the lying press for shits and giggles. After that stops being fun, we'll go piss on the front lawns of some mosques and synagogues and wait for the civil unrest to start.
Jace Adams
Sup Forums did some pr work with a hospital in Indiana this weekend turned out great for babies
Xavier Adams
It's well over a year old
Jack Morales
here come dat gary :^)
Owen Green
Xavier Parker
>huge impact >not sarcasm kek
Ayden Allen
God forbid they ever get rid of this place, it'll just be the push a lot of otherwise inactive politically keen men would need to actually enter the body politic proper.
Michael Mitchell
>meme magic is real >this is news
Justin Nelson
and you all doubted meme magic
Grayson Wright
The new ledditt. Feels bad. Time to evacuate.
Sebastian Richardson
>pretends to be stormfag to false flag the board for some newskike I'm sure
>uses "lying press" instead of "lugenpresse"
>perfectly describes antifa inbred urban retard tactics because it's the edgiest thing he can think of instead of true Sup Forums psyops and memetic warfare
Shills just can't quite ever get it right.
Carson Campbell
Daily reminder that leftypol is nothing more than a pimple on the asscrack of the internet, and that no news site will ever mention you or your shit memes made by mentally challenged lardasses. Now go back, faggot.
Henry Lopez
In which Sup Forums wins. We can't lose.
David Gomez
Brayden Collins
>>uses "lying press" instead of "lugenpresse" English is my native tongue, you dumb faggot.
>>perfectly describes antifa inbred urban retard tactics because it's the edgiest thing he can think of instead of true Sup Forums psyops and memetic warfare So many buzz words and so little substance. Now pack up your big box of dildos and GTFO, you homo.
Caleb Ramirez
>Sup Forums is just a co-containment b-board guise Sup Forumseddit Sup Forums Sup Forums /tg/ Sup Forums BTFO who else?
Jack Parker
>hurr let's throw rocks at cars goys
>so little substance
I'm afraid the only faggot here is you.
Dominic Rivera
Parker Bennett
God bless the Mick that coined that.
Jeremiah Russell
If soy boys is reaching politicians by now... Just imagine how far blacked.com has reached
Caleb Butler
>Gorka >politician Good one user
Isaac Mitchell
Oh look another neocon shill nobody cares about.
Chase King
The actual "soyboy" meme is only a couple weeks old
The 'soy causes low test' thing has been around for a while though
Carson Jackson
Has he used braaapt yet? One of my personal favorites
William Murphy
Gorka is not a neocon...I hate neocons more than anybody, but Gorka is essentially the opposite of a neocon. Why do you think he was (((forced))) out of Trump's white house?
Brandon Brooks
"soyboy" is a relatively recent meme popularized by the MPC/TRS crowd, Sup Forums didn't create it just hitched its star to it
Sup Forums has been a meme waste land since the election
Andrew Price
Haven't you guys heard? Soyboy has become too mainstream, we are using the term "estronauts" now.
Mason Nelson
>Every meme we have pushed has impacted history. Has Milhouse impacted history yet?
Nicholas Harris
>he doesn't want to throw rocks at cars Are you autistic or something?
Grayson Davis
You just noticed this shit??
The subculture, like everything else on this planet, is another product of white men. Even when castrated, fed soybeans, given poisoned water, and blacked, the white man still manages to create something so universally appealing, that everyone adopts it.
But it's not just any white man. It is ALWAYS the conservative politically incorrect "NAZI" white boy with a chip on his shoulder and a lot of fucking things to say.
God bless you people for no matter what these kikes try, you will always manage to outsmart these fucking desert rats.
Michael Scott
spotted the newfag
I've used the term for three years now. And I heard it through the grapevine.
Jose Stewart
I hate soyim
Jonathan Parker
Pretty sure Styx has been using soy boy for over a year now anyway
Ayden Wood
If only the right was willing to use the same tactics as the left and do whatever was/is necessary. We'd win the war for all eternity.
Jackson Diaz
no it's not
Oliver Carter
>It finally made sense once i saw the soyboy memes. Then you're a retard ignoring how humans have been exposed to xenoestrogens forever. Blaming soy is as retarded as blaming gluten. > I’d think to myself, “it’s not like you're born a commie cuckold with a feminine face”. And you'd be wrong. All facial traits except fatness are genetically determined - the tiny amount of xenoestrogen in soy doesn't even enter into it. Fatness feminizes though, not only pure looks but in terms of contributing internally-made estrogen.
If increasing amount of "soyboys" is a real phenomenon, I propose two mechanisms that don't rely on xenoestrogens: >sexual selection: many females of the last generation picked men that looked like (insert emasculated-looking Jewish pop icons here) >prevalence of overweight and obese: fatter faces and greater estrogen production
This is a big meme like gluten or the khazar myth
Eli Long
soyboy is from /fit/
Michael Hughes
>Just now realizing Sup Forums is effectively the internet jew
Hudson Parker
I'm going to say I first heard it on bodybuilding.com. Which is more memetic than /fit/.
Matthew Sanchez
Somewhere in Russia, a 19 year smiles
Sebastian Morris
>Huge impact on history Nice try plebbit fag, I bet you still think Sup Forums and r/t_d memed trump into office, don't you?
Isaiah Gutierrez
/fit/ and Sup Forums I estimate to be around 80% overlap of posters.
Blake Harris
James Howard
Pretty sure it’s an ebaums meme.
Aiden Moore
To defeat the jew you must become the jew
Carter Rodriguez
I'm sorry to tell you this friend, but even after all these years, Milhouse is still not a meme.
Landon Ross
>everything is controlled and coordinated by a loose collection of internet shitposters on Sup Forums
Jaxson Lewis
bodybuilding.com is where I learned what jelqing is....
Isaac Watson
>Sup Forums Is upstream of mainstream memes No fucking shit.
Carter Ross
don't ruin your penis user
William Howard
I think its unironically cringe when dads and old men start using Sup Forums lingo.
John Ward
I know the difference you dumb faggot.
Henry Taylor
What a timeline!
Jayden Sanchez
Diametric opposites, similar to how the left can't meme and we can.
Isaiah White
Lol no
Julian Phillips
is that motherfucker named ork?
Jaxson Anderson
>we do it for free >can’t be bought
Aaron Long
Fuck off.
Connor Long
Parker Baker
Here's one from 2004, probably around the same time you were an itty bitty kiddy sucking soy milk out your mamas titty.
Alexander Reed
This too. Sup Forums and other image boards are by far the biggest shapers of Internet culture
Been here since 2008. Almost 10 fucking years. Jesus
Leo Howard
Yeah my dude, Sup Forums is an international think tank
Angel Walker
Kike shill confirmed
Lincoln Sullivan
I've seen the soyboy meme ciculating around Sup Forums and other places for the past year and it was always well placed.
Ever since Paul Joseph Watson made a vid on them 2 weeks ago, it has been spammed to death on every board.
WTF happened?
Jordan White
There is incredible power in being a culture forge. We must be responsible with this.
Isaiah Harris
>upstream of mainstream memes Are there any memes we aren't upstream of?
Aiden Cook
can confirm, it's a right wing think tank powered by white power.
Justin Watson
>TFW I could have been eating pump sandwiches for the past 13 years had I only read that post. But seriously faggit, arby's chedder cheese is the cat's pajamas
Lucas Kelly
Cooper Diaz
It's already circumcised.
Nathan Ross
I yearn for the day when our services are no longer required. I fight so my children may possibly see that day.
Al fraken is really just an incredibly ugly failed lesbian dike lady, Alice fraken.
Justin Miller
Or we could keep doing what we usually do and accelerate until war breaks out.
Luke Reyes
I like this option better.
Benjamin Rodriguez
Irrelevant. The mainstream soy came from the reactions to the buzz feed video.
Xavier Wilson
>retards ITT who can't use an archive desuarchive.org/fit/search/text/Soyboy/page/39/ Soyboy was used once in 2013. No times in 2014. Then once in 2015. Then once in 2016. Beginning of 2017 it started to pick up. August is when it blew up on /fit/.
John Perez
More proof that people in the admin come here. Wouldnt be surprised if Bannon started it.
Zachary Moore
Soyboy has absolutely no recorded usage on Sup Forums before 2017. Use google you fucking retards. It's at most 5 months old, but really only started to get rolling in the past 2 or 3 months.
David Morales
Literally who are these niggers?
Luke Ortiz
Estronaut is the new word.
Jaxon Price
>Russians post propaganda here >also post propaganda on media outlets >OMG you guise we're like basically the MSM now!!
never change retards.
Austin Collins
just reading this gave me man boobs. gross
Christopher Davis
I’ve heard soyboy since at least early 2016 tbqh. It did pick up in the past 5 months or so though.