Years ago in school I was told that Nazi soldiers had to kill dogs that they took care of to show their honor to Hitler

>years ago in school I was told that Nazi soldiers had to kill dogs that they took care of to show their honor to Hitler
Is this even true?

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hitler loved animals so this is probably propaganda

I know some chink army raises chickens and kills them though for real

I heard that hitler hated jews so much that he drove them around on trains for 4 years!

no but that is what jewish soldiers did just for fun

Believing what you are told by some institution ruled by Zionists central banks.
Not even once.

They make you kill a rabbit that you raise and eat it in USAF SERE training. I honestly doubt that the Nazis did that simply because they had the most progressive animal welfare laws in the world at the time and Hitler loved animals, dog in particular.

Jews always blame their enemy for their own crimes. Jews probably did or have done most of the things they blame nazis for.

Psh, that's nothing.
Didn't you know that every German had to eat a jewish baby head at least once a month or they'd get personally holocausted by Goebbels?

i heard this (((story))) too, in the form of dramatic reenactment. they then got some old woman with numbers on her arm to sit in front of us and tell us how bad it all was

Certain US soldiers have to do that
Like special ops or something i forget what they are called


>Hitler was a vegetarian
>He hated cruelty towards animals
>Created laws against animal cruelty - including banning kosher slaughter
How about you decide if killing their dogs as a way of proving their loyalty is (((propaganda)))

i haven't thought of this since i was a kid but im pretty sure i heard it on a History Channel doc when i was a youngin. it is an absolute fabrication. what the fuck.

Royal marines do it with a rabbit or chicken as part of survival training. Not to show their bravery to the queen or something

>itt: people who saw Kangzmen

Yes, it's totally true.

And I very strongly believe the holocaust happened. Very very strongly.

for fuck's sake leaf, why did you fuck up the resolution on this good meme?

I heard this about the British special forces kek, but it was with a rabbit or cat or someshit

seems like a myth that gets spread around to different countries depending on who they want to shit talk at the time

I've heard this too but found no real evidence. The story goes that SS soldiers had to raise and take care if an Alsatian pup for one year to prove their loyalty to the organization. Something about killing what you love.

No, Hitler loved animals and wouldn't consider a thing like that

No, I'm pretty sure Hitler was an animal activist so that wouldn't really make sense.

Jewish propaganda most likely but food at Stalingrad must of been scarce.

I could see the SS doing it as they were depraved deep state paramilitary groups. Fanatically loyal to their party but fucking crazy.

No, they didn't. That's bullshit just like the fucking railroad into ovens or the kike lampshades.

when Hitler was fighting in WW1 he ended up adopting a dog that (presumably) belonged to a dead British soldier.

well that's a decent fap i did not expect

Yeah the holocaust happened but that has nothing to do with him having his officers kill dogs you stupid fuck he was pretty much an animal rights activist he didn't just execute dogs


i was taught the same thing OP. It was that the SS had to raise a puppy and then kill it. lmfao i totally forgot about that


Did they tell you about the dogs the commies trained to run under tanks with bombs?

if it is kingsman is the most redpilled movie ever

saved it from someone else whomst was probably a phoneposter. Here's the best link I can find so far.

Considering every pic and vid of him was upnin his mointain retreat with his dog plauing around i xan assure your info is wrong. Maube stop getting info from people watching kimgsman movie. In ww2 the only true sad story was of the japanese having to kill beloved akitas their national symbol basically for food.

Yes. Nazis hated dogs so much that they nicknamed them "The canine Jew". When the regular SS patrols would perform their daily search for hidden Jews in German homes, they would consider dogs to also be Jews and kill them on sight - though often, the SS officers would rape the dogs beforehand, a practice tacitly endorsed by Hitler himself. When people say Hitler "loved dogs", this is what they mean.

The German Shepherd especially was the bane of Nazi existence, carrying the name of the nation itself. (Hitler is pictured here, just before raping a defenseless German Shepherd, restrained by bondage straps) The Ministry of Propaganda tried desperately to put forth alternate names for the breed, such as "Hebrew Hound" or "Caanan Canine", but the war was brought to an end before their efforts could truly influence the population.

Animal historians estimate between six and ten million dogs were killed during the reign of the Nazi regime, but recent estimates have pushed that number as far as twenty million.

As a result of the copious rape, many half-dog babies were born in the later years of the war and the year that followed. It is estimated that 56% of modern Germans are at least 1/4th dog.

My high school history teacher told us the Nazis had female Jewish women raped by dogs.

The 'raise a dog then kill it' story has been attributed to pretty much every 'elite' force. It has never been true, since it is retarded.


well done

Nazis loved their pets

In Finnish recon training you learn to make food from chicken and reindeer. You get to have a pet chicken for a little while.

I'm redpilled af

That is a rape face

I went to sachsenhausen camp in Germany where SS guards were trained and they told us that they would sometimes be told to kill their own dogs so as not to become attached to them and to develop coldbloodness in terms of their duties.

Grew up on a farm, did this routinely. Had to stop with the rabbits -- they figured out when the axe was coming and would scream like women. A bit too creepy.

Was your high school history teacher a fucking jew or just a brainwashed liberal?

That nose, that hair...

The dog story is literally stolen from the Game Of Thrones books. The Unsullied kid soldiers do this.

Yes, good goy. It's all true!

He even forced them to eat living babies, oy vey.

Sounds like complete bullshit.
Hitler was very pro-animal. He was a vegetarian.