Memes aside, will they ever make it to developed status?

Memes aside, will they ever make it to developed status?

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Their IQ has already been increased by 10 points due to better childhood nutrition and once their birth rate stabilizes they will easily become at the very lest a middle income continent

also transfer of technology from white people is helping Africa somewhat

>will they ever make it to developed status?
Sure, when the Chinese take over >50 years from now

Yes, which is why we should be worried about China making moves there. America's relationship with China is based around the fact that both of us can sink each other's economy. If China gains themajority of a developed Africa as a prospective market, that's a massive shift in the power balance.

with heavy eugenics mabye from some sensible dictator, that or the aid gets cut off and the dumb one dies
But then we face a new problem of a new competitor continent

No, not while niggers are the majority. They are incapable of governing.

this is africa's future

Holy shit, 10 points. All the way from severely retarded to just mildly retarded. No more 65, we be 75 kangz.

It didn't work last time someone took them over, so why would you expect next time to be anything but bothersome?

Give it a few 30 years and the Arab and Nigger Muslim lands in the North will turn into a breeding ground for Isis surviving veterans who fled from Iraq/Syria and a recruiting cesspool, they even hold some territory their today anyway. Then the countries to the North will collapse into civil war and shit then ISIS who ever else will win and rule the entire area. The southern area were all the Niggers lived has all ways been fucked, and will all ways be fucked.

at least ISIS hates niggers


Their best bet is Rhodesia 2.0, it'll significantly improve their living conditions.

Everyone always seems to talk about China, but the chinks are literal bugmen. If they take over, the nigs will gain back literal farm equipment status, and not much else.

Of course they will. China is already colonizing parts. As the West collapses and white and Jewish people are bred out of existence, China will just take more and more with genetically enhanced babies and clear out the local fauna problem as they go.

they were close, once.


Europe has bigger problems than Africa competing with them. Right now they're busy dragging you down as they build themselves up by ejecting their shittiest people to the west.

Mexico and Cuba have been doing it to us for years.

They simply aren't capable of western style civilization.

Maybe China will build it up but only with chinese running the place will it ever be even close


When your collective IQ is that low even 10 points increase is a lot. Economies of scale and all that.

Chinks lack empathy, which is exactly your country failed.

Wtf is that?

Sub-saharan Africa?
Sub-saharan Africa had 40000 years of isolation and they were still stone age until colonization. Now they are stone age with AK-47s.
Every official is corrupt. The deliverymen are corrupt. Everyone is corrupt. Business as we know it is largely impossible.
North Africa?
Maybe, or at least as developed as an arab country outside of its capital.

Namibia, Ghana, and Botswana might. Seychelles will continue to sneak under the radar.

Egypt (if it isnt already) and unironically Ethiopia have the greatest chances of being a developed nation

Africa will be asian within 50 years. The chinks are currently reshaping whole countries. And because they're not white, nobody gives a shit.

Yes. Countries like Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, Botswana, Gabon etc. are developing rapidly. Unfortunately they often border unstable hell holes like Somalia, Zimbabwe etc.

When you look at the figures though, a place like Nigeria has as many "middle class" people as New Zealand, on sheer weight of populatino alone. Those umbers will continue to increase.

Don't you think Ethiopia's status will always be hampered by it's landlocked status. Every country it uses as a port is terribly corrupt. What gives you hope for Ethiopia?

Top Fucking Kek

what ISIS remnants are left are being fucked from both sides of the civil war, the day you defeat the Emu's is the day a caliphate will emerge in Libya

Tanzania, Rwanda, Mozambique, Uganda - you wouldn't believe the construction going on there. I worked in Kigali on behalf of our state, because they're partner states - the chinese are building a new country on top of the nigger country.

Subsaharan Africa was -not- stone age prior to Europeans arriving; that's just something "white man's burden" advocates told themselves to feel better.

A little bit of research you can learn a lot. See the Benin empire, or pre-Belgian Congo for that matter. The were about on par with anywhere else in the world at that time (16th century); basically late iron age with primitive muskets...

Black guy here.
I plan on singlehandedly doing so within my lifetime.

not in Algeria, lol. We sold them so many weapon they can conquer like 5 countries, and ISIS terrorists can´t do shit against helicopters and Iskander rockets.

Unlikely. At least not for the foreseeable future. There may be cities or regions that do relatively well but national success will be rare. With that said there are a few geopolitical strategist who expect Angola to do relatively well compared to all other African nations.

So to me it sounds like the white man was even more superior, cause it wasn't counquring technologically impared ppl, but ppl just culturally inferior thxs senpai. Now that's a redpill right there.

Yes, but not alone. Half the continent is moving towards Chinese colonization and governance.

The west was a fluke. Only totalitarianism can develop the third world.

what do you mean by the foreseeable future? How many years?

>muh niggers just need more foreign aid

Is that a trailer for Left 4 Dead 3?

Mate, Nigeria has about 50 times as many inhabitants as NZ.
Can`t be too proud of this, can you ?

We can only prey that the plague from Madagascar kills off most of them.

They've had natural resources out their asses for thousands of years, so answer your own question you dumbass, Cunt.

It's difficult to impossible to see more than 10 years into the future. However if we look at raw materials, resources, demographics, social and political order, Angola is believed to have potential beginning in the next decade or so and extending out to mid century. Their main problem is going to be social recovery from the recent Civil War. But their geography is outstanding being a temperate climate rather than tropical which is extraordinary for reducing the rate of tropical disease. Also it seems to have been spared the HIV epidemic does far.

>Memes aside, will they ever make it to developed status?


What do you think of Rhodesia being reconstructed by White revolt? They were cool. I like cool stuff. SA was neat too before they went full retard. Aren't these nigger posts FUN?

Now post maps!

That ship sailed after the US (rich bankers) decided to 'liberate' Libya.

hm, ok, i´ll keep an eye on them. Although i already heard that everything is expensive there for no reason.

No this story has been played out already.
Open your ass to foreign investors, they buy all variable land, all mineral resources 90% of the society becomes landless peasant while elite reap and pocket change the foreigners leave, after taking all the economic benefits back to the fatherland. Railroads highways,electricity, water etc all foreign owned. Eventually peasants can no longer take it and a nationalist movement rises which wants a few social reforms. The question is how will China deal with it since the USA called such movements communist to bolster support.