David Icke

He's full of shit, isn't he?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Blimey, mate. Why don't you just have a look at the evidence and see fo' ye' self?

He gathers a lot of evidence but explains it with his own hypothesis. There are other possible explanations to the phenomena but whatever.

he's right about some things.

you must seek out credo mutwa, young adventurer

I should add that I'm talking specifically about his theory of le inter-dimensional space iguanas. Some of the other stuff he talks about seems pretty spot on, though.

Was banned from using conference facilities because the ADL say he's anti-semitic for pointing out concentrations of power and wealth..

70percent truth mixed with 30 percent nonsense stops legal cases

I remember seeing him on Wogan in '91
How the audience laughed to the cued mockery.
"He's the bleedin' son of God he sais!"
"Wot a nutter"

Whatever, he was the first person to say these things he said.

Take some LSD and you shall know (Icke is full of shit).

better than cooper

Check for Michael Tsarion work as well

He seems to be 80% theory, 20% evidence. Sorry but that's not enough for me to believe. He seems to be bullshitting a lot too, like
>the evil entities operate outside the visible spectrum of light
what the fuck? so can we detect them like we do other frequencies outside of the 400 to 750 nm or whatever the spectrum is? why don't we? makes no sense. also
>humans used to be at an elevated state of being, because ancient civilizations existed and atlantis and all that was real even though i have no proof
seems like bullshit. But like others said, he's right about globalism/zionism and pedophiles/satanists though. The rest of it is too out there and seems like speculation.

Of course. Did you ever read all that shit on his site about the reptilians? Shape changers, and all that? IT is complete fairy tale stuff. The things he says are fucking ridiculous. Yeah, durrr, magical shape shifting green men from space....

He is controlled opposition to discredit Alex Jones
Alex Jones is controlled opposition to discredit Richard Spencer
Richard Spencer is controlled opposition to discredit Based Sargon
Sargon of Akkad is controlled opposition to discredit Sam Hyde.

He's partially right and prolly doesn't wanna get suicided. He uses the reptilian bit to not directly name the Jew.

He's been right about everything.

He's pretty good for a boomer! give him a break.

This is unironically correct

"Reptilians" is an ingenious metaphor for Jews. Makes the normies think he's crazy while the rest of us understand what he means.

>(Icke is full of shit)
Eat bugs, Reptile!

Student of the paranormal and esoteric for 3 decades here.
>Icke is completely full of shit.
His opinions carry no weight anywhere and anyone who even brings up his name is suspect. Therefore saging this completely shit and non-political thread. Fuck off, all of you


Call powerful people pedophiles,get sued. Call them pedo iguanas and the law can't do shit.

I see that we are ignoring the fact that the priest got shoot six times in the head point blank and lived.


As with occult stuff, people have to take it upon themselves to sort the wheat from the chaff.

I don't disagree. I think there's a dishonest underlying tone to how he presents his case. I'm only assuming here but I would imagine he has to try to present his material as fact and state it with conviction to lure people in. He's basically a used car salesman in my opinion but he's not entirely useless.

In regard to the other dimension stuff though, I think Icke and fellas like him usually imply you have to use some kind of psychoactive chemical to perceive this hidden world. There's definitely some truth to it though. In my earlier years I was pretty into the psychoactive experience and there are some strange patterns. The problem with me is that eventually I began to read Jung and his (Jung's) theory of the collective unconscious can easily explain all of that as well. Ultimately, I don't know and I like keeping it that way.

But he actually does straight up call the elites satanic pedophiles, user-kun.


It's obvious.

i like Icke. he called the pedophile rings decades ago.


3 decades is a long time to be woke. What is your power level now, user? What three-four words would you use to describe yourself? Genuinely curious.

He's wrong. There are no shape-shifting lizardmen. The bible tells us everything that got created and there's no space aliens or shape-shifting lizardmen.

There's two possibilities:
either he knows he's wrong and he's lying to mix truth with garbage because he knows he can deceive some
Or, he actually believes he's right.

Nah I read 2 of his books, reptilians really mean reptilians. Most of them are jews tho, he talks a lot about the dangers of zionism, israel and how all rothchilds and rockfellers are reptiles. It's just sad that he tries to explain every single different phenomenon with the same thing. Someone is abducted? reptiles
car exploded? reptiles
jews control the world? reptiles
you overslept? reptiles

then he says there's nothing we can do about it because they're extradiensional while at the same time there's nothing they can do against humans because we're light and pure and etc

He's been right about Egypt, Heath, ISIS, Blair, the EU, and many more things. He's even right about the reptilians.

>What is your power level now, user?
>What three-four words would you use to describe yourself?
Dude weed lmao

Can someone give me a reptile pill? I want to believe but I can't.

He calls out a lot of people for shit they've done (some of which is out in the press now).

So it wouldn't be a surprise if he mixed truth and fiction so they didn't kill him. Also mixing in crazy shit sells.

Underrated post


Nice 8's but I would suggest looking into archetypes. There's a lot of overlap between what was once considered supernatural and the modern subjective Jungian approach.

Yamcha over here...

>Jung and his (Jung's) theory of the collective unconscious
Evidence for Jung besides conformist thinking?

>what was once considered supernatural and the modern subjective Jungian approach.
Equal evidence of bullshit.

>called himself Christ
>muh arthritic Apollo hands
>sits in a mason chair as a joke or as journalism or something and i think does more apollo hands while he's in there; heel spurs and arthritis ya see

he got woke after taking DMT. says he doscovered that the universe was a pulsing entity.

all downhill after that

He's evolving back into a goalie

>conformist thinking
How many Jungians do you know?
Do you know what a theory is?

>it wouldn't be a surprise if he mixed truth and fiction so they didn't kill him
Doesn't sound legit to me. If he thought he was risking his life to send a message, why would he totally compromise the integrity of the message?

Basically if he thought the stakes were so high he wouldn't want to risk his life for a heap of dung

It's a recurrent myth in ancient cultures, it got bad rep lately due to ancient aliens, but many older cultures believed in space or inner space reptiloid creatures, and giving the nature of evolution an evolved race of dinosaurs it's not completely implausible.

>Do you know what a theory is?

>then he says there's nothing we can do about it because they're extradiensional
>there's nothing we can do about it
He never said anything of the sort. Quite the opposite even. He's saying they can be stopped if we undergo a paradigm shift and get rid of Saturn's influence by means of destroying the moon so humanity can regain its natural state as infinite consciousness.

>How many Jungians do you know?
A predominate dipshit theory behind modern psychology.

Can confirm. Was at one of his 'lectures' in london 2016. He does name the jew, the satanic pedophile. He mentions what role saturn plays into this symbolically and literally a lot. He doesn't distinctly say jew either, he calls them archons, which essentially boils down to the same.

>All cultures share myths because a magical men in the sky created them all.

>destroy moon
I'm no astrophysicist, but I just get this feeling that might be a less than stellar idea.


>>All cultures share myths because a magical men in the sky created them all.
Not only that, but these myths can be evidenced through "scientific" means, someday, with sufficient funding.

Icke says that the moon is an artificial body that was "placed" there. It functions as an amplifier for Saturn's frequencies. This keeps us imprisoned within a 3d world perception wise. He calls it the Moon matrix.

>inb4 water merchant isn't any authority
He isn't but...
Alex Jones said thing many years ago, that in my opinion explain this guy very well.
It was something like this:
>So this guy speaks about important things like governments etc, but suddenly he puts this ugly giant turd in the center. I'm talking about this reptilian stuff... It doesn't make any sense

Can't find it on yt.
Don't know how their relations looks now

I can't say it isn't; i.e. - I enjoy the crrow777 stuff here and there, which is fun to ponder.
But maybe investigate a bit more before turning the whole situation into the "blow up a whale to remove it from the beach" Benny Hill type situation. Matrix jammers, or whatever.

The moon doesn't rotate, right?
Those chances..

My buddy shared a lucid dream with someone else, and he used to be heavily into researching spiritual shit. He had a dream once, hanging out with aliens on the dark side of the moon.

Aliens confirmed?

>The moon doesn't rotate
It's the only moon we know of for which it is true. And it only matters on Earth, here, for us humans. Do I detect an ironic wink?

It does rotate - at the exact rate needed to always have one side facing the Earth. Just being pedantic, but you're right, that is highly remote. Spoopy.


alex jones pre-CIA water filter salesman tells you who david Icke is, and who alex jones will become

And it just so happens to be the perfect size for a solar eclipse. What a pair of astounding astronomical coincidences, go-guys!

Conspiracy theorists all share one thing in common. They prefer to think in terms of absolute black vs. white; good vs. evil; us vs. them; be this the Reptilians, Jews, Free Masons, etc.



probably because that's how the world actually works

>He's full of shit, isn't he?
no he is the controlled opposition aka the shape-shifters

David Icke Caught Shape-Shifting on Jun 24, 2014
Part 1 youtube.com/watch?v=ixbraxJBPKI
Part 2 youtube.com/watch?v=IFexrHqj1rc

Taken from:
ISIS: The Best Terrorists U.S. Money Can Buy
The Alex Jones Channel
Published on Jun 24, 2014

>probably because that's how the world actually works
If you choose to believe so - lots of people do.
But, in practical terms, it's hard to define objective good and evil, since these don't really exist.


not good vs evil, but us vs them is for sure how things have worked, work now, and will always work


WRONG, He is very clever person, you are probably shilling


>Red pills served up in a rich sauce of nonsense
WTF I love David Icke now!

>whites domesticate wolves
>wolves start following us around
>enter the war with jews
>at night, whites used wolves to attack jew lairs
>jews started believing that whites were literally turning into wolves at night
>jews created the myth of the Werewolf, a Cro-Magnon turning into a wolf under a full moon
>these attacks happened under a full moon because whites had poor eyesight at night and needed light
>the full moon is the Dark Sun

Hes not to far off

i watched a video of him once.
it was some sort of presentation.
he was talking about how people are being bused into cities to make them dependent on everything.
and that transportation will be autonomous so that the state can keep riots in check.
also the vast area left by those that moved to the cities will be used by the rich for their own pleasure like hunting or sight seeing etc.

See for your selves

>Get a load of this fucking guy.

>tfw you attempt to sit through his 9 hour lectures.

There is no dark side of the moon, really.

>Objective evil doesn't really exist

Reptilians are a fact, but do they shapeshift?

No better place to hide valuables in a sea of stinking crap.

The gnostics wrote about greys and reptilians 2000 years ago. Called them Archons and literally said there were two different kinds, "reptilian" and "embryonic". Essentially soulless beings that serve to distract soulled beings and keep them from moving forward. Can manifest physically as well as influencing man mentally or in a "higher dimensional" sort of way, often confused with "demons". The shapeshifter stuff is bullshit.

This is all ancient news and people think Icke invented it, which is my gripe with his material. He's fake news mixed with some truth, which tends to make people believe that the truth is tinfoil hat nonsense.

Aside from those two staggering unlikelihoods, there's a seemingly endless array of mathematical/proportional significances between the earth and the moon (and the sun). It's so astonishing it almost takes faith to just take the practical materialist position that it's all just a fluke of chance

There's a book called Who Built the Moon? That's a pretty fun easy read.

>Evil doesn't even exist goyim.

Stop replying to shitposting attention whores.

>>Evil doesn't even exist goyim.
Obvious conspiracy. Proves my point in real time.

He's a mixed bag for sure. A lot of what he talks about is pure conjecture at best but then again a lot of it is lucid and grounded. Not sure if he is a true nut, an MI6 project or just throwing shade on himself so as not to be taken too seriously for protection.

IIRC, someone posted a screenshot from his forums where a user named Jared Kushner as the Antichrist, which was pretty spooky since the date on the post was well before him entering the White House and considering what we know about Kushner.

He just doesn't have the nuts to say it

A lot of what he says is long known in astrology.

>literally said there were two different kinds, "reptilian" and "embryonic".

I fully believe in reptilians but I need a source for this nigger

No, he means reptilians. There's no ambiguity there.

This, replace what he says about reptilians with Jews and it all starts to make actual sense.

First time I've seen that name dropped on Sup Forums.

It's the same 'force'

My pseudo OCD is kicking in. Why does no one check digits anymore? I ree inside.