Would every show be better if Lelouch was the MC?

Would every show be better if Lelouch was the MC?

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He's the perfect harem mc

No, people would star complaining about the MC being generic

he looks weak and feminine and his stiyle is full of edge and autism.

Gino was better

>Would having a badly written Chuunin MC made for self inserting make a show better
Gee boss, I dunno

Light is far more interesting than lelouch

Pic related can never be topped

But every anime needs spongebob as MC: youtube.com/watch?v=l-Q8Vhk5Qjc

He can turn a mediocre premise into something good. And something good to a masterpiece. So I say yes. However rather than a MC I'd rather have him play a variety of roles. Maybe a rival master in the 5th Grail War. Or an Ishvalan freedom fighter in Brotherhood.

>Wanting to ruin a fate with a Mary sue
>implying fate isnt better than code geass

Fuck off

I never watched Code Geass and i dont even know whats it about. Why people obsess over Lelouch ?

Ebin bread

I just rewatched for the third time but I still can't understand the Gino favoritism.
Isn't it more natural to develop a keen interest in Orange than Gino? Or is the fact that he didn't side with Lelouch in the end so admirable that calls for this sympathy?

That's exactly what Shirou is, a self insert

It is. You're absolutely correct.

I didn't even like him in CG.



He's just a fun character to root for. Like the blond spear guy from thunderbolt fantasy

Fate is pretty fucking bad. I really don't know what you're talking about.

>being ruined by anything other than the fact it's just a porn game and Nasu's creation

No son, it's not good.

But Gino didn't do shit. Even with that, Jeremiah is still the better character to root for.

It's a meme you dip.

Gino is an ironic meme that rose to prominence because people thought they were serious.

Hammy MCs like Lulu should be used sparingly. Its a great type of character but if used too much in too many series you'll just get bored of them.

Nothing ironic about it, just be yourself bro :^)

It's just a meme, ofc Orange is better

You can't tell me that Fate Zero isn't an objectively good story. Yeah all the other stuff sucks but it laid the groundwork despite being porn.

I like Gino for fucking Kallen.

>wastes resources and pilots fighting potential allies
>no backup plan
>deus ex machina by waifus
>predicting an entire conversation
>such a bad leader that his soldiers betray him trusting their enemy
>still considered as a genius by his peers

>had a notebook that kills people at distance
>showed to everyone where he lived
>showed to L he had access to police files
>killed the guy tailing him

now pic related is a good example of a smart MC

I like memes too

The black knight betrayal at the very end was hamfisted as fuck

I recommended Code Geass to a friend and he didn't like it. How can anyone not like Code Geass? I don't understand...

lots of stuff in lotgh was pretty hammy. Some of it was interesting.

The buildup to the betrayal started at the end of season 1. It was pretty much inevitable and definitely didn't come out of nowhere.

I don't know, Code Geass is better than Breaking Bad
Bad bait btw

>The black knight betrayal at the very end was This is the level of comprehension of CG-haters.

People would get pretty damn sick of him fast

Pretty much this

There's only one MC I need in every show.

But I don't like leloch because because of I think he is inelegant . I like him because of his madness and the way he died and because he is sexy . I don't like light . he was edgy and wasn't funny

lelouch is basically a more theatrical version of reinhard, seeing as their motivations are pretty similar, the differences being that reinhard embodied the golden ideals of absolute monarchy and loathed democracy, while lelouch denounces monarchy but uses it as a tool to achieve democracy.

reinhard was a more pure battlefield commander and had more charisma as an autocrat and doesnt't rely on gimmicks like geass and super mechs whereas lelouch is more theatrical and since he has democracy as his end-goal, hes a more 'likeable' character in that sense.

basically, reinhard is more respectable and lelouch is more enjoyable

Reuental's betrayal was dumb too. Not as dumb, yet "I AM BEING SLANDERED BUT WILL STILL BETRAY YOU, MEIN KAISER, BECAUSE I CAN!" is pretty silly when he really could have just explained everything.

Reinhard's problem is that he's Alexander the Great except too unrealistically idealized. The real man was a military genius but an alcoholic and sex freak. Reinhard's only personal flaw is his obsession with his dead friend

Well, LOGH doesn't have magical powers so the existence of Geass radically changes the starting point of the comparison. Lelouch isn't interested in ruling or conquering either, which is a big deal for Reinhard.