Federal judge rules military must allow trans military recruits starting on 01/01/18


Sounds like another time waster

Judge will be cucked as his ruling is overturned and ignored.

We need to remove these commies.

I can't understand how discrimination against mentally ill people is unconstitutional

Who is Commander in Chief? Alex for $1,000

To rule otherwise would be unconstitutional.

>female federal judge who uses maiden name rules in favor of mentally ill people

white cis male confirmed check your priv. Only black gender fluid girls will exist after depopulation confirmed.

>To rule otherwise would be unconstitutional.

This user gets it.

The federal judges exist to overrule an unconstitutional and tyrannical government that is overreaching and breaching our rights.

>We need to remove these commies.

He's a GHWB Republican judge

He's not a commie

dont expect people to sign up to be a part of this shit.

Mental illness has no place in the military or near it.

Good. They won't need strait cis privileged white males like me then.

Gonna have spotless shitters

>the military ruling people unfit to serve is unconstitutional
This literally happens every fucking day you idiot.

>Mental illness has no place in the military or near it.

Except transgenderism isn't a mental illness

Look up that definition

Words still have meanings.

So was the US military operating in an unconstitutional manner until now?

Why does the military invest money in mental health care and research?

>Hes a GHWB
>He's not a commie

Oh so he indirectly colludes with commies to force about a NWO?

Well hes sure is worse than a commie then, fucking neokike.

Oh well, that clears things up. GHWB, once the head of the most corrupt agency in the world, the (((CIA))), isn't a fucking commie.

Couple of things wrong with your post:

1. Unfit to serve based off categories that aren't discriminatory
2. A transgender personal can serve the military if they fit all the requirements to enlist

These are the same arguments I heard during Don't ask don't tell bullshit.

That's like asking if owning slaves is unconstitutional.

Fuck off trannies, go dilate yourselves somewhere that isn't at my expense

Transgender is a mental illness.
That qualifies you to be unfit to serve.

A true red pill, (and I thought I was alone in this kind of thinking)


What does that even mean?

> fucking neokike.

No need to be upset user, Trump's one of the biggest neocons there is, his whole cabinet is filled with those globalist kikes you claim to hate.

are they going to ask for time out in war for their daily dilation process? military green skirts for them? pink water guns?

CIA isn't communist, it propped up capitalist dictatorships around the world.

Well, the answer's pretty simple. The ruling talks about transgender INDIVIDUALS. So with that in mind, all we need to do is revoke the personhood of trannies.

Problem solved.

>Transgender is a mental illness.

>A mental disorder, also called a mental illness[2] or psychiatric disorder, is a behavioral or mental pattern that may cause suffering or a poor ability to function in life.

Except none of those apply to what you are saying.

Hopefully they form an all-tranny squad and send them on a suicide mission.

>personhood of trannies.

But you want personhood of fetuses

>Hopefully they form an all-tranny squad and send them on a suicide mission.

No need to be upset user, we are progressing as a society, like Truman ending segregation in the military. Your kind are dying out.

>is a behavioral or mental pattern that may cause suffering or a poor ability to function in life
Can you not read what you posted?

po-ta-to po-tah-to

Yes I did, did you?

in reality its only like half a dozen of the same communist judges that are doing the work of the Obama - Clinton crime network while out of power, their time is all nigh, as Ms English is discovering the hard way

>we are progressing as a society

>What does that even mean?
New World Order.
You shills should at least learn the language before posting.

No, I think you need to learn to read, and then read what you posted again.
Do it again and again until it clicks for you.

Only in Trump's brainwashed based couple a Obama judge and George H. W. Bush era judge be labeled communists.

Wrong again swirl brained faggot

I'm on the right side of history :)

You are on the side advocating for slavery.

>Transgender is a mental illness
According to?
>That qualifies you to be unfit to serve.
Does this apply to every mental disorder? OCD, anxiety, ADHD, insomnia, learning disorders?

They likely work desk jobs instead.

>Federal judge orders Trump to launch an invasion of Russia to further the Globalist agenda
That's not how any of this works

Pretty sure being mentally sound is a requirement to enlist

>Wrong again swirl brained faggot

If that was the case transgender people would be in mental institutions

Do you know what a mental illness is?

>Pretty sure being mentally sound is a requirement to enlist

Great but what does that have to do with transgender military service?

Gender Dysporia is a mental illness that transgender people have though.

You have a mental virus and you need to seek help.
You are born as a gender, and any kicking or screaming that you are not that gender is futile. I can't help that you didn't pay basic attention in your biology class.
My recommendation to you is to seek help. You are sick.

>If that was the case transgender people would be in mental institutions
That is indeed where they belong.

Gender dysphoria (GD), or gender identity disorder (GID), is the distress a person experiences as a result of the sex and gender they were assigned at birth. In this case, the assigned sex and gender do not match the person's gender identity, and the person is transgender.

>According to?

According to /r/the Donald and the rest of the right wing "intellectuals"

Not trans, but nice deflection.


You have literally zero right to serve in your country's army.

No, clinically significant distress/impairment is required for gender dysphoria. If a person has no distress over their gender expression it doesn't qualify.

>gender identity overrides sex
>if you don't like manly things you're not a man

>You have literally zero right to serve in your country's army.

Google US Constitution

Google 14th amendment

Get back to me.

See, right there you're trying to justify your mental illness. Justify mutilating your body. Justify changing the entire English language to suit you (and only you).
Schizos also think they are normally functioning people.
Really you're just a egotistical brat that never had good parents that put a stop to your unchecked narcissism. Which is all that being trans amounts to by the way, complete narcissism.

It's the same thing you moron

I've never met a bitch named Colleen that wasn't a raging lesbian

It's clearly in the Constitution that tranny's get free dick2hole modifications in the military. Are you people against the founding fathers or something?

>The latest president undoing a previous presidents memorandum is unconstitutional

>If a person has no distress over their gender expression it doesn't qualify.
It also means they aren't transgender, they're just an attention whore.

>justify your mental illness.

1. I'm not trans
2. Transgenderism and gender dysphoria aren't mental illness. I can get my mother who has a doctorate who can tell you this.

>Justify mutilating your body.

I was circumcised as a baby.

>Justify changing the entire English language to suit you (and only you).

Sorry user but languages always change. We don't speak like 12th century Britons now do we?

It is if it's discriminatory, which is clearly is.

The 14th amendment exists for a reason.

>Equal access is not a right


Send them on suicide missions so they can be useful before they off themselves

The APA changed their stance on homosexuality and transgenderism due to subjective democratic consensus, not objective scientific research.

It's considered a mental illness by the APA like other forms of dysporia.



You can be transgender and not feel distress.

It's a dude? Named Colleen? No wonder he sides with trannies.

>It's clearly in the Constitution that tranny's get free dick2hole modifications in the military. Are you people against the founding fathers or something?

You know the same people said the 14th amendment didn't apply to blacks and non-whites after it passed as well.

>It's a dude? Named Colleen? No wonder he sides with trannies.

No there was another judge from Maryland.

forced to by public officials who are the overseers.

Give me a page number or section in the DSM that lists transgenderism as a mental disorder.

but i thought ALL transgender people hated president trump, so why would they even WANT to join a military under HIS command?

They are saying gender dysphoria is a mental illness, but gender dysphoria is cured by sex reassignment. Therefore trannies will lie about their dysphoria, enlist, and as soon as they hit permanent party they will demand sex reassignment, private quarters and latrine time, and lowered PT standards. They will be entitled to all these things. They will spend the next few years getting surgeries and recovering, not doing PT, being generally undeployable, then they will get out and get Federal jobs under VEOA or use the GI Bill to get gender studies degrees.

Google "Transgender Service in the US Military Implementation Handbook." This thing is a clusterfuck.


>14th amendment

I wonder if you've actually read it. The 14th amendment makes no mention of serving in the army. The 14th amendment provides equal treatment against law and due process as well as equal protection for rights afforded to US citizens.

Given that serving in the army is not a right, this does not apply.

This is why, for example, the Army is allowed not to recruit any person with an IQ lower than 83, and why it is not unconstitutional to do that.

>The APA changed their stance on homosexuality and transgenderism due to subjective democratic consensus, not objective scientific research.

More like as society evolved and we found that being LGBT was something people were born with, and not a "sin"

1. You talk like a bitch so I just assumed
2. Yes they are. Your mother sounds like a useful idiot. And she really must have been, I mean to circumcise you and all.

Well, military just nailed their own coffin.

Have fun dealing with a dilating soldier during deployment.

No, no you can't.

If Trump had any balls he'd have these faggots knocked off like Obama did with Seth Rich

What would you classify it as? A disorder?

>NK Military: We will Nuke the American dogs from the face of the Earth!!! To victory!!!

>US Military: Don't write nigger on a message board... even if a nigger is the one writing it. Also, be prepared to start showering with transgender mentally ill freaks who cut their dicks off and take HRT's.

Ready to bash some cis skulls

Equal access is not a right. Equal protection against the law, equal access to due process is a right.

You do not have "access to employment in the military" as a natural right.

Again, the US military disallows anyone with an IQ lower than 83 from serving in the military. This is not unconstitutional.

If you had a seizure fucking 15 years ago, you can't be in the military...

But hey if you want to or already did chop your dick off and therefore have a 100x fold increase in the possibility that you will suicide, come on in bro.

Hell while we're at it, we will even chop your dick off for you.

What a fucking joke, SJW policies affecting the military should be a big fucking nono for fuck sake. This isn't about having fucking tranny teachers in school, we're talking about the institution that has to be when shit hits the fan and a bunch of nigs are coming to fucking rape you.

>Actually implying a judge installed by a neocon is any better

>If AMA says it, that means it's true

They also say it's okay for 8 year olds to be on long-standing regiments of amphetamines.

Do you believe that?

I need to get a gauge of how brain damaged you are.

>ancap talking about government rights

Oh, ok.

We need to line up judges like these, impeach them, try them for treason, then execute them. There's no other option, they're literal traitors

Ok user post your doctorate degree.


Scum leftists only see two teams