I don't know what to do. Everyday i see our society crumbling apart. I can't even describe it...

i don't know what to do. Everyday i see our society crumbling apart. I can't even describe it. It's the most profound sadness i have ever felt. How do we stop this. can we stop this? or are we doomed. Jimmy carter said it well: "In a nation that was proud of hard work, strong families, close-knit communities, and our faith in God, too many of us now tend to worship self-indulgence and consumption. Human identity is no longer defined by what one does, but by what one owns. But we've discovered that owning things and consuming things does not satisfy our longing for meaning...."

Other urls found in this thread:


Youre not alone

Ride the tiger, seize the opportunities that arise from the chaos, and trust in a higher power guiding the affairs of earth

>too many of us now tend to worship self-indulgence and consumption
What did men do before that anyway?

Remember brother, you are not alone. We are out there. Like minded people. Do not despair.

OP, what you might be feeling is the lack of social capital in modern society. When you set aside blind ideology, you realize that what most people want is friendship and community. Most of today's social ills (including the rampant bitterness on this forum) are rooted in individual alienation.

>Sometimes people describe the postwar years as a golden age in America. But even then, [theologian Paul Tillich] sensed a “feeling of meaninglessness, emptiness, doubt, and cynicism—all expressions of despair, of our separation from the roots and the meaning of our life.” That could just as easily be America in 2016. How many shrinking small towns and aging Rust Belt cities did I visit over the past two years where people felt abandoned, disrespected, invisible? How many young men and women in neglected urban neighborhoods told me they felt like strangers in their own land because of the color of their skin? The alienation cut across race, class, geography. Back in 1948, Tillich was concerned that technology had removed “the walls of distance, in time and space” but strengthened “walls of estrangement between heart and heart.” If only he could have seen the internet!

watch Jordan Petrerson

>i don't know what to do
let me give you a little advice from my 73-year-old mother:
You Just Keep Moving.

>posting this on pol
>expecting people on pol to care
>not realizing pol is only interested when the title says "Muh white genocide"

>you realize that what most people want is friendship and community
Hahahaha, no.
Most people will throw you under the bus the moment it's convenient for them.

This has been going on since before you were born. Ride the tiger, overcome and become the ubermensch, blablabla read philosophy

You're not alone. Get your Ham Radio license and meet white men who feel the same way. I'm not kidding, Hams are redpilled as fuck.

>Most people will throw you under the bus the moment it's convenient for them.
Wounded people will, but I've always found that the most well-adjusted people are not really inclined to this kind of disdain for others. Have you ever met a happy person who behaved the way you describe?

Even in the workplace, the most productive environments are those with a dose of compassion, perhaps because they encourage people to make a better effort to get and keep these sorts of jobs.

You need to find God and the universe.
You will never find them in a church or among other people.

The solution is to start burning things OP

i like this one

Lead by example. Find inner peace through belief in God. Marry someone that actually is wife-material, raise lots of children. Teach them to believe in God and combat degeneracy. Gather like-minded people around you and fight as a community instead of as an individual.

Belief in god is meaningless without meeting God and the universe. Only thing you're going to get OP to do is accrue debt and depression when the inevitable happens.


Our race will fall and we only care about "things"


W A R.....
It breeds life into the world and purges the weak

>Belief in god is meaningless without meeting God and the universe
I seriously hope you're not preaching new age bullshit, user.

See I want us to come together so that we aren't so alone.

oh and *this user

You think basic logic is new-age?

It all depends on your definition of meeting God, user.

That's not something that can be defined, logically.
Above you basically told the dude to be just another retarded American "christian" without any actual reason to live.
>but I told him to have a family and
Anyone can have a family. Animals have families. Humans are supposed to be rising above the animals.

Remember, Heaven is inside you. It's the one thing (((they))) have no control over, the only place in the Universe sovereign to you and only you. Don't give in to the Blackpill.

I wholeheartedly agree

Oh, so you'd rather elevate yourself to "Godhood"? We don't have the same definition of God, then. Yours is false, by the way.

thtas because misery attracts misery, and you must be one miserable person for you to come to such a default conclusion about people

whatever philosophy 101 brainlet wrote that chart needs to be slapped

What's the alternative you dumb shit? Am I just supposed to live in a shack and play stickball all day? I'd rather not live in Africa

I knew I'd make you fools angry with the truth.
Tell me, what's the worst things the two of you munchkins have experienced in life? Have you ever been to hell?

I once had a bird poop in my mixed drink-- I had to throw the whole thing out and get another one

you are right bro - you just gotta work harder and never despair and do it for your children. That is all.

You do realize Nietzsche makes sense up until the point he begins to justify his ubermensch rationale, right?
>Rightly points out a life without God is meaningless
>Righty points out a life without God leads to nihilism
>Rightly comes to the conclusion he should hang himself
>Oh wait he's too much of a pussy to do that
>Proceeds to elaborate a way to "fight the odds" and live with a gaping hole and proceeds to ignore the problem at hand
>Proceeds to cite examples of civilizations either long dead or decaying ones capitalizing on traditional, sacred values (aka based on God)
>Somehow this is considered logical
Should've hung himself, and you should too, senpai.

You do realize that the Councils that put together the bible compared multiple copied versions, right?

I gave up a while ago. I just focus on my wants and needs without worry for the rest of the world, and without interaction with other people.

>and without interaction with other people

By posting on Sup Forums, you're interacting with other people and implying that you want conversation.

I'm no atheist either. I take issue with Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. These religions were not created by cultures of people over many thousands of years of work. They all sprang up within 1000 years in the asshole of the world, touted by the dumbest egotistical fucks over the last two millennia, with no logical foundations, no coherent basis(Tolkien's Middle Earth universe is better thought out than anything in Abrahamism), and they lie. Original sin is as fucking retarded as white privilege and you GOD DAMN(lol) know it is.

"Be a family man".
Ever notice how modern family men can't really find meaning out of life anymore either? It because we're past that now as a species. We need more than just base animal instincts. Believe it or not, there's more to human life than fucking and breeding and children. Animals do all that bullshit. It's not some higher calling.

>Ever notice how modern family men can't really find meaning out of life anymore either? It because we're past that now as a species. We need more than just base animal instincts. Believe it or not, there's more to human life than fucking and breeding and children. Animals do all that bullshit. It's not some higher calling.
So, basically you're advocating for what these religions are advocating for, but trying to make yourself some kind of libshit tier holier than thou?

Family IS contrary to base animal instincts. Base animal instincts tell you to fuck as much as possible (as a man) and try to get the best genes (as a woman), not do what's healthy for a civilization.

Activate your own life adventure with self-improvement, exercise, proper diet, substantive media (nonfiction, documentaries), and rejection of simple materialism. Have your own lifestyle and ideals!
Do you think all this stuff is happening with Hollywood because millionaire Jews care about women? Hollywood has been weakened by consistently declining sales and cultural influence to the point where it can no longer hide this stuff. Let's do that to the rest of their system.

Nietzsche was an obsessive masturbator who was outed as such by his contemporaries (Wagner I believe) and spent a large portion of his life mocked because of it. Today he'd be an r9k poster

Sup Forums is extra woke this evening

And that KFC shitpost is going down...

OP how can you not see today is a good day?

>Base animal instincts tell you to fuck as much as possible (as a man) and try to get the best genes (as a woman), not do what's healthy for a civilization.
No. That's r-selection, not K-selection.

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