It seems like Canada is the only Anglo with a pair of balls to remove the British cuck stamp yet they get harassed for it by jealous Anglos.
Let's stop the hate and realize what this is truly about.
Australians should rise up and start fighting for freedom.
Just because NZ failed to become a fucking fern, it shouldn't discourage Australians from becoming a fucking emu or something else that represents their nation.
They can get their new flag when they stop being a shitty nanny state.
Landon Moore
Something about this screams "stereotypical leaf behind memeflag"
Hunter Anderson
It will be an abo flag no doubt because a southern cross would be racist to petty sniffers
Jeremiah Carter
>Just because NZ failed to become a fucking fern, because leaves are gay
Julian Brown
what would an abo flag look like?
Caleb Gonzalez
I miss the old flag, even the British cuck stamp. At least the old emblem had meaning and represented the founding people of Canada, the Scots, English, Potatoes and Queebs.
pretty soon it will be deemed a white nationalist flag. Leafs are gonna have to change it to a flag of a vagina. >faggots calling Canada nazi just you wait. It will happen!
Jaxson Evans
Can we just start with good internet first, then move on to lather stuff.
Liam Rivera
>emu >symbol of your oppressors when did you guys become such fucking cucks?
Hunter Edwards
>new zealand god i wish that referendum passed, then i could call them a fucking twig
Leo Parker
A receipt for a couple of goon boxes and smokes
Eli Martin
Yes.. those flags are sad but it's at least a daily reminder of what they are. Canada is just covertly cucked.
Cameron Cruz
Something like this
Xavier White
Maoris love the Jack
Jayden Collins
>"remove the British cuck stamp" >has a St Andrews' cross on his chosen flag
whew colonial
Jose King
Agreed, this is what needs to be done in le current year. Britain is being overrun by mudshits, sharia law reigns supreme and British slags are the worst coal and poo burners in the world. There is no British empire anymore, Commonwealth countries need to stop being cucked by unelected old farts and take their destiny into their own hands.
Blake King
no union jack reminds us we are part of a family of anglo bro's who will stomp the sub-humans into oblivion and bring on the golden age
Gabriel Howard
This coming from a guy who sports a flag that's a ripoff of the British flag. Riiiight.
William Hernandez
is that even their flag? or did we design it for them?
Colton Scott
I see it's time to take the cane out of the cupboard, and give you a dam good trashing!
Luke Martinez
tisk, disgusting. even the distant fucking stars are racist down there.
Bentley Sullivan
cool meme
best flag right here
Jonathan Foster
its a melon laying in the outback dirt after dark
Ayden Flores
Why did you ruin the american flag?
Cameron Gomez
Let's be real for a moment.
Evan Watson
Jordan Edwards
Landon Wilson
How manybthreads you create today ? Shitposting shill. Nice meme flag faggot
Carter Fisher
u mean improved
>fucking leaf and St George cross eww
Nathan Miller
Old flag was better
Landon Jackson
Had a bunch of them from long ago. I can only find this one. I found them pretty cool.
Ryan King
We're proud of our flag.
Noah Bailey
This. So far they're too connected to the britcuck way of government control. When they free themselves from the shackles of their nannystate, they may remove the cuck stamp
Kayden Gonzalez
Why did the flag change stall? I thought this embodied the true New Zealand spirit.
Jordan Ross
cute (((OP))) is trying to get whites to fight each other. Or OP is being a cuck thinking this is a false flag in the hope it will make whites rally against him.