Just a reminder that pol was at one point liberal

Just a reminder that pol was at one point liberal.

Just a reminder that OP is a faggot.

>using liberal to mean leftist

just a reminder fpbp

I'm still a liberal. They pushed me away. Whatever's going on with Democrats now is not liberalism.

Is calling some one a fag a vaild insult because it means nothing at this point?

Reminder that Sup Forums used to be filled with all kinds of ideologies, and funposting used to be a thing.

They never were liberal. You're just not a 15 year old retard anymore and can actually see them for what they've always been.

Im liberal

It wasn't liberal at all, it was lolbergtardian. Moot shoah'd /new/ and made Sup Forums because of all the 1488'ers and lolbergs.

Now its just filled with stormfags and edgelords.

Same thing applies to liberal.

Now look at it, you can't go one second on here without being called a kike for not being a Nazi larper.

How many anons fell for the 'it's not satire' meme?



>Sup Forums was never liberal
>/new/ was never liberal
you have always been a faggot

So orginal and very clever. Get some new insults you clod





Youre right my mistake. Faggot

>t. fag


>willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas.

I'd argue that Sup Forums is very much a liberal board in the classic sense of the word. Just look at what gets discussed here without fear or favour.

Modern-day liberals are, as has been pointed out by other anons on this thread, nothing more than leftist faggots and Marxist shills.

soy chugging poofter

Brought out the ggot. I'll one up you gasser. Try saying these things in public or are you Chicken-Hearted.

That was along time ago, before the dark times. Before the Romneytards.

I like you

back off faggot
