>can make working giant mecha
>still using old tanks
>can make working giant mecha
>still using old tanks
Other urls found in this thread:
>being able to make working giant mecha
>Still stupid enough to make giant mecha
It's cool.
Because mecha are garbage.
Just a reminder:
>those guns the mecha are carrying could be easily mounted on the tanks
>the tanks are a more accurate and stable platform to fire the guns from
>the tanks are cheaper to produce
>easier to maintain
>present a much harder to hit target
>don't have scrutural weakspots anywhere near as obvious and easy to target
>won't fall over
>can move faster
>have a much better armour to weight ratio, meaning they're much more durable
Only absolute retards like mecha.
>make a show about ridiculous gaudy mecha
>put realistic tanks on the same battlefield
Why? This only emphasizes how stupid those robots are.
Wouldn't it be better to put these techs into developing better tanks?
>those guns the mecha are carrying could be easily mounted on the tanks
>the tanks are a more accurate and stable platform to fire the guns from
>the tanks are cheaper to produce
>easier to maintain
>present a much harder to hit target
>don't have scrutural weakspots anywhere near as obvious and easy to target
>won't fall over
>can move faster
>have a much better armour to weight ratio, meaning they're much more durable
>get rammed in the first wave without giant robot support
Because fantasy weapon combined arms is cool
stop thinking brain you are going to hurt yourself
>combined arms is cool
Agreed, but that didn't answer why they don't make better tanks
>people too stupid to realize that TSFs are actually just VTOL jets with legs to make the VTOL part simpler and faster
>implying 3 medium tanks (which would only take 2% of time and budget required to create a mecha) couldn't just drive drive circles around the clumsy piece of shit robot with superior power/weight distribution and turn its legs into swiss cheese
Yeah I'm sure that tanks are gonna drive circles around that TSF that can break the sound barrier
>can make f22s
>still uses tanks
>implying you couldn't put the same sound barrier braking engines inside of the tanks and utilise them with better efficiency
But what are you going to run circles around when youtube.com
>medium tanks
Is it still ww2?
Reminder that mech can be destroyed by one AP round.
Also - these mechs are so fucking easy to destroy, what's the point of making them?
Because sometimes it's more cost effective to build 50 giant guns and mount them on wheels than to build a giant robot.
They have arms with fingers and heads with eyes, explain that
That's why you take 2% more time and budget, and build jets/missiles.
Anime!Mechs are agile enough to dodge lasers. This is special mech magic that you cannot apply to a tank or a plane.
What is combined arms?
But why using old tanks?
Why not make better tanks?
It doesn't work that way, TSFs are really just Jets with legs.
Also reminder that TSFs are Anti-BETA weapons they are not supposed to fight against tanks.
>Breaking the sound barrier
>While looking like this
Arms, not hands.
Jets with legs? Sounds like a way to make shit jets. It's going to be super unaerodynamic.
It really should have been about jets & armored vehicles vs those abominations.
I say this as a huge mech faggot
There are extremely few shows that can pull off using mechas without looking silly.
Hell, even Heavy Object with its far less outlandish mecha replacements ran into "what if they just used tanks" problem eventually.
>they are not supposed to fight against tanks
>anti-beta mechs are used mostly against military
East Germany was a mistake.
Hey now that I think about it, why only jets?
Fucking helicopters man
arguably they could hold an advantage in maneuverability but an the same token just strap whatever engines you have on the mecha that let them hover to the tanks
Well at least they had nice uniforms and knew how to march unlike the West Germans.
>Can move in any terrain
>can fly
>can be used for a ton of different tasks
>can change weapons and equipment at will without any real work
>can do well against any type of enemy
That's great. Why doesn't anyone making mecha yet?
>Can move in any terrain
Just like the vehicles that are made for that exact purpose.
>can fly
Not every mech out there can. Those that do are outclassed by jets unless they're space robots, where they're outclassed by space jets.
>can be used for a ton of different tasks
Yes, and if you make them that way they lose against specialized materiel. Like tanks.
>can change weapons and equipment at will without any real work
By having a truck haul around the rest of the equipment? Also consider that the typical mecha pilot just throws whatever gun they don't need anymore to the ground. Equipment tends to be fragile.
>can do well against any type of enemy
Long range missiles. Artillery. Flyers if they can't fly. Spamming the equivalent coat in tanks or a platoon or two armed with anti-materiel weaponry.
Mechas are cool, but they're horribly inefficient.
Just make a flying tank with a few universal attachment slots (with added benefit that enemies can't use your weapons) if you are so hanged up on versatility.
If that crap can break sound barrier pretty sure they could make hypersonic jets. What now TSFs?
Yes the enemy will note that you looked totally bitching as you exploded
Macross has jets with legs. These are just regular mechs.
The interior of a beta nest isn't really suited for aircraft, as there isn't enough space to maneuver, and it isn't suited for tanks, as there are often vertical shafts.
Helicopters might be the only currently existing vehicles that could work there but not in the most narrow tunnels.
We might discuss on the pointless design of mechs such as having arms or heads, but in that specific environment they make more sense than tanks and aircrafts.
> and it isn't suited for tanks, as there are often vertical shafts.
So apply whatever magic that makes TSFs fly to tanks?
What about this?
You can't panzer vor with no panzer
I take it he was agreeable?
So you mean add legs and jump-jets? Isn't that what you're bitching about?
Why legs? They only increase chance of failure, offer huge weakspot and make the profile much bigger. Treads, or even just wheels for lighter tanks, are plenty enough.
Oh yes. Most certainly.
wtf i hate mechas now
You do realize that those tanks are better armed than those giant mechas right?
TSF only have 36mm guns with short barrel 120mm launchers. Those tanks have much more powerful long barrel 125mm guns.
Mechas are a goddamn joke.
Looking at those tanks, is the reactive armor meant to protect from small beta? I see no other reason why it'd be mounted, so I wonder if it's ever been shown to do that.
Well, in some anime, mecha are useful. They generally only require one pilot while a tank requires a crew so if there is an insane resource surplus but a dearth of manpower, mecha might be useful. Another anime-pro is that mecha are generally able to fight in every environment in real life, they would not be good for urban or marsh warfare, just to name a couple examples so that can be useful logistically speaking, especially when space comes into play. Having a single vehicle operated by one pilot that can operate on land, air, water and space sounds pretty great if you can fudge some physics.
How exactly does shock absorption in a tank with treads work? Genuinely curious how a tank with jump jets would perform.