This extra species mixer in the new chapter really makes it seem like the no sex rule just disappeared
Monster Musume
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Smith never really said it was a rule. She just used that to scare Darling. And don't forget at one point the whole marriage thing, which would also lead to sex, which Smith pushed on Darling. She was just fucking with him.
Darling was supposed to be a test-subject on the marriage project, maybe they just gave up on him and gave it a go anyway.
>You'll never meet a qt elf girl
>You'll never meet a qt Minotaur girl
>You'll never be sandwitched between a giantess and a minotaur girl
>You'll never be wrapped in the soft tail of a lamia
So at this point, shouldn't Darling just be able to pick Miia and be done with it all? Of course there's the whole "their feelings" shite but to have the Snekfags' happy ending cockblocked from them like that is pretty nasty
At this point it's either harem or no one, Darling won't choose any of the girls.
Or Smith ending for maximum troling
Pretty much this, that is, if Crab actually ends it with some sort of marriage.
Chances are he'll go for Miia because of first girl syndrome
That is if Crab stops being the most stubborn crustacean on earth
I'm checking out now bros.
Maybe Darling is a test subject for "multiple marriage" with addition that different races mixed together to test if they can work it out.
Since we see 1v1 rule here, but there is no one with so many girls as host family. The broker might be sending more girls marked as dangerous to test the possibility even more.
It would be interesting if the vampire girl is darlings childhood friend he met somewhere as a kid but forgot or didnt knew she was a vampire.
Damn crab forcing us to wait a f...k month for next chapter to get some information.... but knowing his doing, next chapter will be all girls panic and searching for darling for the whole chapter only to let us left it hanging with 2-3 last pages as a tease with actual plot.
Didn't they do that already? Yuki was engaged, Cathyl has her bf probably?
This image should have been something miraculous, a blessing. Instead it ended up QUALITY.
Jesus christ their heads
>Tiny Asterio head
It was proven moot since a couple of girls have humans as dads
Those dads were not hosts for an exchange program.
This is like the 3rd Asterio pic with that watermark on it
I need the full pics dammit
>Smith want to use darling as a test subject and get a raise on her great advancement
>When she present it to her boss he goes "how incompetent you need to be to not know we already had a bunch of marriages?"
Is that a dwarf girl or just a tiny elf?
Dwarves don't have pointed ears. Halfling?
That's very rude to TTF.
what is a TTF?
>there are so few degenerates at the party that they have to fight over them
I love little girls.
Who's the midget on top panel? I need to know.
I need to bug TTF and see if the can hunt me this one down.
Cow knows what she wants.
Man, I'd love to get one of the japanese books just to get picked up by Crabman just to be one of those lucky guys
And we know what we want
Well it was mostly a convenient way to stir up the usual "virgin harem lead mustn't get laid" thing, it always felt kind of stupid to me.
Also this
But which one?
I'm entering. If I win and get to be with a Lamia, I'll be a happy man.
>Asterio bigger than Cathyl
This isn't a general dumbfuck
Awful joke, m8
Araya would be Small. Tiera, Lem, and splat Suu Tiny. Nancy Diminutive. Peace, Shinocha, and Unyi would be Fine.
there really should be an anime general board, the mods don't want them here, and people keep posting them that are in everything but name a series general.
This has already been discussed to death. The mod gave up, it's over. These threads are staying
>no news whatsoever about Rachnee and Lala whereabouts
w-well, at least it's a Papi episode, she really needed one
>"Having any kind of ending is the furthest thing from my mind right now. The series will probably be canceled before it ends."
I guess that Crabman was looking too much porn
How come your blood is white?
The fuck, did hiro screw up again?
>These generals are staying
>this post
>everything about this disgusting post
I think we all know what he misses
Touch the cow. Do it now.
Cathyl is likely a cuddly drunk who will force herself onto you.
Big strong cow tongue
>Reminder Ms. Smith is Best Girl.
The thought of a lovely, tall, buff cow woman bearing down on me fully intending to cuddle with all of her warm flesh and muscle is fucking glorious sounding right now.
I just want to be restrained gently and... to just feel
Ywn seduce minotaur futas just to cut their dongs off and sell them as beef futa dogs for $5 a pop
Only a few issues.
A few hundred pounds and tracts of land that could suffocate you.
And strong.
>Not selling them to Zombies who can attach them and live out their fujoshi dreams
user, I don't think you can convince anyone to cut off their dick
Even if you offered me a million dollars I wouldn't do it
>ywn see the smile of a cow with empty breasts, a full belly, and the man she loves in her arms.
You're going to need a bigger bun
All I know is that I put "gently" in there for a reason. I kinda forget just how damn big she is. Not sure straddling would be the most comfortable but like, on all fours over me... that feeling of like... being protected and dominated by something beautiful but still respectful of you. Damn.
I respect her strength. And if I ever had the chance to witness a feat of her strength or just to
catch a whiff of her scentid fucking melt.
If this is rambly, I apologize. I am tired, lonely, and rather horny.
He doesn't do it voluntarily. He goes to futa minotaur ranches and slices them off while the futas are tied to the milking machines.
As long as the cow doesn't have a dong
You ever feel like the resident futafags are the same guys who try to kill the threads?
I feel that same way.
This thread won't get back on track until we get like... new fancy scans or something
Yes. We have a new fucking chapter to discuss and these literal fags are completely ignoring it. It's very obvious at this point.
No. They've been here far longer than the wannabe thread moderators.
yeah, blood
it's been so much time that now my blood is white
and? they're still a bunch of fucking idiots who deserves a broken finger, at leas
Is there a picture of a Christmas Kii?
Nothing is stopping you from starting discussion you know. What is there to say about the chapter besides the fact that this boring arc is still continuing.
what's up with Kyuri's fancy boots?
Don't worry user, we'll probably be starting a new storyline in just four months.
This chapter was pretty shitty. There wasn't much to say yesterday either and that's saying something.
Old priest shoes? I think I've seen those in a vampire hunter animation.
What species is she
> Reminder Suezo is best girl.
Considering Elves and their bullshit lifespan she's probably legal but her body is loli.
With a million bucks you could have a better one installed
I don't know what Darling and Smith are talking about, but I want to get the conversation.
Given her ears, and skin tone I want to say Dark Elf.
Which if this is Darling's newest homestay I approve. There is a lack of brown in his harem.
Unless you count Cerea's horse part.
Vampire girl dindu nuffin and just wanted friends/it was a misunderstanding. You know that's it.
There's nothing good to talk about.
We're getting a monster boy in her father, it seems.
why it is a human male/monstergirl party only?
(also, dat ogre girl taking the initiative)
I think I saw those shoes beign used by a well known anime vampire before. Alucard, maybe?
Succubus, probably
We saw one of her species in the onsen chapter before
Has prosthetic technology progressed that much?
They probably are
This works, here's topics we can at least brainstorm, for christs sake:
>who the contractor still is
>what kyuuri is going to do with darling
>the relevancy of her father
>will she be part of the harem, even if it means being MON-tier?
Either way, it looks like Crab is trying to design her to be of the stereotypical nun/priest influence that you normally find with vampires.
>what Kyuuri is going to do with darling
What? She's staring at her locket with Papi in the other side of the building isn't she?
the human female/ monster boy section is probably being held somewhere else.
>cosplay tier vampire
For fucks sake Crab.
From what I understood, she's the one who carried him out the window, leaving his phone and shoe behind
Who would have thought a Vampire would look so much like a human? What next? An Elf that's just a human with pointy ears?
What are you on about? I meant install an upgraded one with stronger hydraulics and shit
Got it, her dad is the broker
yeah, I was expecting something like the vampire from the game, but I guess he can't use the same design
but looks like she has split personality or maybe she's chuuni
This post reeks of horse.