I mean seriously? Does anyone NOT think this guy is a fed? All he does is pick fights with alt-right leaders and cuck out on every possible issue.
Nicholas J. Fed-tes
Other urls found in this thread:
He's just a fourth-generation spic who preys on the dumbass alt-right to give him some shekels.
his criticism of the alt-right and their rallies are 100% valid.
yeah maybe if you're a mexican cuck! nick needs to stop punching right. what is he like a white hispanic or something? maybe he and george zimmerman can start their own movement
>All he does is pick fights with alt-right leaders
>as you do the very same thing with this thread
Lol this
Lel. How will OP ever recover?
nick isn't alt-right though. He's "America First" which means "Yeah I'm a mexican but I'm freaking BASED dude you gotta let us BASED hispanics into the tent come on man i'm BASED I swear!"
I like his eye smile, amuses me when I see it. Also do we have to ridicule every right-leaning political YouTuber? Doesn't help our cause now does it?
oh boy, can we look forward to the hourly character assassination thread for this guy too? HE DIDN'T KILL A JEW HE SAW ON THE STREET, WHAT AN ALT RIGHT FAGGOT!
my goal is that one day my low-effort shitpost character assassination threads will get noticed by nick himself and I'll finally get that sweet social validation i've been seeking
He's just a beaner, so he can't support white nationalism because he knows it would mean him being sent back to Mexico.
I've canvassed with Nick IRL. AMA.
is he secretly a national socialist or what's the deal with this based white hispanic?
umm sweetie, how 'bout literate people? Y'know, those folks that know how to read them books with the wurds in 'em? Dj'ya ever think of that? You stupid fucking dummy! HUH?!??!?!??!?!?
When does he plan on going back?
>Whites should not race mix with blacks or Hispanics.
Is literally a mix of white and Hispanic.
>being a national socialist
Why do we have to associate with the Nazis? They were for their own brand of militant German nationalism, and if you weren't German, you were generally at risk of conquest and exploitation. Don't get me wrong, the Weimar Republic was a disaster economically, politically, and socially, but the Nazi Party ultimately failed to sustainably reverse the trajectory of German society. And if you continue to seek inspiration from the past, you will be totally blind to the concerns that govern today's concerns.
To answer your question, I think he's somewhere between a civic nationalist and an ethnic nationalist, but he's definitely comfortable talking about a lot of Sup Forums-tier topics. You'd have to be an idiot to self-identify as a Nazi if you want to be relevant or enact any sort of meaningful change.
Back to where? He was born here.
>that govern today's narratives*
Fucking 18 year old student at Boston University? Sounds like a Fed to me. He's practically Jason Bourne.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
He doesn't go to BU anymore. Transferred out.
Is he an autist? I get the impression that most of his countersignaling of other figures in the alt-right is prompted by a total lack of social intelligence.
all true right-wingers have autism. To have any ideology at all you must he autistic.
get a better backdrop for America First, Nick. you're doing really really well but you know how important those optics are
muh he countersignaled richard spencer or a bunch of larping white trash that thinks socialism is a good economic policy
go read vox days 16 points and you'll understand his ideology
Canvasser here on mobile. I never got the impression he was autistic, at least not in any meaningful way. If you've immersed yourself in history and politics from a young age, then you'd probably get easily fed up with bullshit too. He likes debating but he gets along with others easily IRL. Funny story, I had no idea he was a college freshman, and for the longest time I thought he was a graduate working for the campaign or something.
Why don't you tell him that yourself?
I just did
I'm not Nick dude. I don't even see him anymore. Used to run into him occasionally through mutual friends but he's not in the area.
If you have social media just send him a message or something.
He is a Nazi but thinks he should be a sneaky Jew about it
Blatantly fighting for an ethnostate is better.
Counter-semitism in the new Constitution and death penalty for even talking about changing that section.
We need nukes to ensure MAD if these Jews try to fuck with us again. The likely location of the ethnostate already has some.
>Go read some actual faggot
Guy published a reading list. Maybe start there.
You’d be openly fighting for a lost cause. Shit is never going to happen. Best we can hope for is to become the colonial administrators of our own nations.
literally you needed to know
so fucking tired of beans behind American flags
He constantly shits on everyone actually doing things under the guise of muh optics
This. He is able to think for himself and not be a yes man for Dick Spencer. Him and Allsup are probably my favorite e-celebs.
He doesn't cuck but he is too into infighting.
Allsup and Fuentes are good as a team, their solo shit is boring t b h.
Did Nick drop out of Boston U to be an e-celeb? It'd be better for his brand if he was still in a decent college -- too many NEETs and college drop outs is bad for the america first brand
Nick should try to transfer into Northwestern's journalism school :))
yeah his and allsup's obsession with picking fights with loser e personalities is retarded. i don't follow any of those idiots so i don't care to hear about them. im glad rich spencer avoids that shit for the most part
No, AFAIK he just went somewhere else.
>le misrepresentation meme
Eat shit and die, Moarpheus.
>Back to where?
Back to his ancestral lands of Mexico
>He was born here
Tons of anchor babies are born here, but they still need to go back.
>vox day
Another mongrel spic
Another non-white mongrel. All these people are just subhumans who don't want to go back.
>b, b, but muh based mexican
I don’t hate him for any reason other than his aesthetic and demeanour. He is rather infuriating.
user., "Hate" is the Politically Correct word for Heresy.
His following is like 75% "based" beaners. As such, he'll never be called out on Sup Forums since most american flaggers are mongrel spics here. I literally feel like the last white american sometimes.
But what really grinds my gears is his fanatical catholicism.
>Is he an autist?
Nigger someone with that amount of charisma and speaking ability could never be autistic. He criticizes the alt-right because it's a clusterfuck of people who actually do lack social intelligence.
>I literally feel like the last white american sometimes.
t. Italian
kys. Nick's ahead of his time, he knows we'll win.