The first half was pretty enjoyable before Biba came along.
It wasn't some insult to humanity like everyone was making it out to be. I don't understand why this is completely reviled but SnK gets a free pass. At least the art and animation were great.
Kayden Myers
The first half was okay, it had some bullshit but they were bearable.
The second half, however, was THAT bad, and even worse from my perspective.
Owen Williams
It wasn't that bad, it just could have been something much better and interesting than what it was.
What makes me really detest the show is just how there just felt like there was something unique they could have done with it and ended up throwing it away
Joshua Nguyen
It was painfully mediocre in all aspects. There are far better action series you could be watching.
Mason Peterson
Ending was rushed but it got our boy closer to dicking moomay
David Lewis
I think it's exactly because the first half was so good that the second half totally felt lackluster
Ryan Martinez
I liked it.
Charles Lee
The second half made the entire thing retroactively shit
Lincoln Peterson
I'm glad it's getting a second season.
Ethan James
I enjoyed it either way. But I can't say I wasn't a bit disappointed, especially after watching these god-tier pvs.
Joshua Smith
>Waste of good character design: The anime
Kevin Martin
I would have liked the thing a lot more if the MC just went about using his steam punk creations to fight off the monsters. Instead we just got a jumbled mess
Sebastian Harris
Sort of like SnK eh
Kayden Clark
Name a better action series this year. There literally isn't one, meme flappers is fare to inconsistent and that's all the comes to mind.
Samuel Cook
SnK was constantly shat on too. Were you not on Sup Forums when that shit was airing.
Nathaniel Brooks
Boku no Hero Drifters
Brandon Wood
Mob Psycho I guess. I didn't really like that one either though
Daniel Nguyen
it was so fuckin pretty 11/10
Charles Walker
Easily the best show of the year. Also the only show that deserved S2 and got it.
Nolan Rogers
Would've been fine with just the loli/MC. Instead they added the shitty mcchad guy and ruined it.nleft a bad taste in my mouth.
Ian Morgan
Jacob Kelly
David Smith
>t. contrarian hipster
Thomas Reyes
I would have wanted one or the other. Their interactions just felt so forced(I hate to use that term).
Not even close
Xavier Bailey
It wasn't THAT bad, it just wasn't any good. Great first episode, then it progressively got worse. That's how you make a bad, forgettable anime. SnK is horrible too, no one still even follows that or defends it except fags and fujos for their shipping.
Robert Morgan
The first two eps were decent. The rest is mediocre at best.
Cooper Campbell
Better than reeeeeeeee:ddit zero and generated more profit too. In before twitter normalfags bawwwwwwwwwww
Jeremiah Martin
My issue was it could have been more interesting and done something different. Instead if just became a generic and bland show without me caring about any of the characters
Tyler Green
It was average at best.
The problem is when you factor in the character designs, the animation, the production values, the interesting setting that had a lot of potential and the nice artstyle and keep watching to see all of it go to waste, that's when you see it go from 6/10 to 3/10.
It's the Bleach effect.
Adrian White
t. person who only watches one anime per year
Chase Hughes
Josiah Kelly
SnK is slightly redeemed by its pretty cool fights.
Kayden Nguyen
Just 10? You fucking sure ??
Aiden Thompson
It was a serviceable mindless action series with a few interesting ideas about zombies.
Anyone who didn't like it was just far too hard on it.
Evan Phillips
Why ya'll nigga mad at me for? I dindu nuffin wong.
Jose Reed
Carson Scott
The show was fine the whole Biba thing is silly kneejerk reaction
Caleb Cook
>I dindu nuffin wong
He looks too fucking good
Luke Rivera
just watch snowpiercer if you want train action
fucking zombie SnK with lolicon pandering and forced shading. Should've spent that money on making a plot.
Blake Reyes
>forced shading
Brody Nguyen
u triggered Sup Forums?
Kayden Nguyen
>Retards being unironically angry because a villian did his job perfectly >Being mad because they didnt symphatize with the villian motivations
Fedora tippers came out of the woodwork
Adrian Russell
Lucas Morales
>The first half was pretty enjoyable before Biba came along. This meme needs to die. I challenge anyone at all to give me an actual fucking reason why you think that and I guarantee you're either wrong or retarded.
Dylan Allen
Congratulations you've said literally absolutely nothing of substance
Juan Sanchez
It depends on which aspect of a show is more important to you. It's got great character design, excellent art style, and the music was good too. However, it didn't have a story to match. Is a show worthless if it didn't have a plausible story?
Jose Fisher
>didn't have a plausible story How?
Michael Martin
It was literally the most retarded anime I've seen since Sword Art Online.
Jack Watson
Go on
Hudson Cruz
> SAO is my first anime Ok kid
Andrew Rivera
SnK gets a pass because it wasn't trying to be generic. You can write an experimental story and it can flop. Not a big deal. It is a big deal when you copy paste a shitty anime together and expect it to sell well, because that's a slap in the face of the people who enjoy it. And yeah. It was fine before Biba came along and Mumei became a shit. (she was always a shit, but became pure shit after Biba)
Matthew Turner
You are a dumb normalfag who watches 3 anime a year
Anthony Cox
You're a complete retard
Easton Gray
I can say absolutely nothing using a longer sentence than you. Beat that.
Joshua Davis
>The first 2 eps were pretty enjoyable before Mumei went full edgelord and Ikoma became your average shonen MC FTFY. Biba is just there to make it slightly worse.
Juan Morris
>Mumei went full edgelord That literally never happened. If you think a literal 12 year old putting on a blatant act is edgy then you're deeply autismal
Elijah Ortiz
She sure looks too mature to be 12 yo from the first 2 eps. It's as if the writer changed along with her attitude since ep 3.
Jaxson White
Ryder Collins
There are at least 4 considering how many action shows in the same season turned out better than BIBA's wild ride.