I’m so sick of the this phrase. How do we derail China?
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Kill yourself
Realistically by fucking them over on trade, they're like a remora to you keeping you alive though you're infested with parasites.
Um really user?? This shit is so complex that even this businessman in the Oval Office doesn't even know
>weaken dollar/competitive dollar
>increase minimum wage domestically
>new regional trade
>tax reform to incentivize foreign direct investments
>break oligopolies so technology expands
>have government subsidized industries beyond military like china and Japan do
>improve infrastructure
But no both sides Republican and Democrat just don't care.
You know it's really bad when the food in your grocery store is from China.
God I fucking hate that stamp. Especially on auto parts. You might as well just take the part, smash it against your vehicle, and throw it away, then rinse and repeat i just want to see a water pump stamped “made in Canada” that doesn’t look like it’s about to already fall apart, but no we can’t have nice things.
You first
>US manufactures heavy machinery, airplanes, etc
>China manufactures cheap plastic trinkets and gadgets
I'm OK with this
Or how about we seek prosperous trade relations to our mutual benefit. I'm sure China cares a great deal about our well being :)
quit buying their shit.
In all fairness, I've bought plenty of tools and other US made stuff that was total junk as well.
The underlying problem is more companies cutting costs and trying to maximize profits (which usually leads to production being moved to third world countries, but not always). Most stuff just isn't made to last these days.
That’s either troll talk or just ignorance. The Chinese are our enemy. They continually try to poison us and ruin our economy. Plus there are one of if not the worlds largest polluters.
That’s not accurate. China is the biggest manufacturer of electronic goods. iPhones to computers to components. Yes they do trinkets, but they’re killing us an electronics.
>How do we derail China?
Wait for them to derail and genocide and cannibalize themselves like they've always done.
Fair point. China is already becoming cost prohibitive to manufacture in with the rising standard of living, though. But there are plenty of other shitholes for businesses to move production to.
what do you mean? closing the 350~ million us market to their exports and services? I don't think they'll care when they have the rest of the world at their disposal
upset them slightly, and cause a revolutionist
Sorry, only countries with an actual GDP are invited to this discussion. BTFO and stuff your mouth with some meatballs.
>one-line one post
>incoherent gibberish
>no source, context, argument or point
>I am so stupid and racist just like you guys
When the first post is the best post.
>start company in US
>all your employees want $20/hr to do a $5/hr job
>they unionize
>reduce your profits to nothing
>going bankrupt
>move production to China
>pay gooks $1/day
Zero tax revenue for America. America suffers for some rich guys profit line. Seems like greed is how we got in bed with the Chinese. If we pay Americans better wages we’ll have a stronger country, and the Chinese can choke on their smog. Why hand them any money we could hand to our own people. Think about it.
At the end of the day what matters is what people can put into their pocket and not in the government's.
Only buy TAA compliant things
Repeal child labor laws and environmental regulations.
>You know it's really bad when....
pic related
More like by bringing back and massively inforcing key industries. Critical industries like chip foundries should have domestic production. Suddenly no Chinese firmwear fucked devices like the Lenovo laptops.
At the end of the day the US can regroup with its core economic partners and focus on stoplossing its share of the global economy.
I'm also super baked and wanted to merge "le 56% face" with Stellaris
chinas economic miracle will soon be over. their influx of super cheap labor from rural china is drying up and soon the wages of the average chinese will go way up making the rest of the world much more competitive with them.
make our own things. and buy made in usa
it's not complicated
made in china makes sense for some things. some things not, since plastic tends to break more easily. replace it 5x and suddenly not so cheap
>I'm also super baked and wanted to merge "le 56% face" with Stellaris
No clue what Stellaris is, but I endorse your enthusiasm and your bakedness.
the industrial revolution could have occured much earlier in history if it wasnt for cheap labour. same thing is holding back automation.
Gas the jews and boomers
I was out buying myself a reflex band earlier, and it was made in fuckings China. Enough is enough.
>God I fucking hate that stamp. Especially on...
pic related
the only vote that matters is the dollar vote
>Insult has to include some form of food
Amerimutt out
Oy vey this businessman used successful business practices to make money but he preaches how fucked up said practices are from personal experience.
Rly makes me think
China is a city in Jefferson County, Texas, United States. The population was 1,160 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Beaumont–Port Arthur Metropolitan Statistical Area.
The town is supported by agriculture, especially rice, and by the nearby oil and natural gas fields.
You have to get everyone in America to stop being a cheap fuck and start paying for all the expensive regulation we setup here for the same thing but slightly higher quality. It's impossible to force because the financial math favors importing from China which is stupid considering how far their boat has to travel carrying it.
Is that something we do?
Sure not by containing yourself (america first) and having bromance denial parties in the rust belt submongrellus.
The Chinese are not our enemy in fact we have been benefiting hugely from their trade.
The idea of TTIP was basically to contain China, sherlock.
>How do we derail China?
follow god emperor's sage advice given on his glorious inauguration address -
“We will follow two simple rules; buy American and hire American.”
If its a 5usd/hour job then automate it, pay people 20$/hour to keep the robots running
>I’m so sick of the this phrase. How do we derail China?
Have little or no environmental regulation - allows factories to mass produce cheaply with no regard for where the mess goes afterwards
Have lots of cheap, willing or easily forced labour - making human life cheap is the 1st step
Import raw materials at the cheapest rate you can from primary producers, sell them back secondary and tertiary produced shit at a premium.
Rinse, repeat.
>PROTIP: It's never going to happen.
war with north korea
china flooded with refugees
korea unites, becomes more competitive with china
ban all chinese immigration and send the slopes back home
China is a wait and see experiment
You have uneducated morons with money shitting up your world perception, a entire generation of psycho children with little emperor syndrome and a numbered population with massive mobile addiction
they play the import game well but in war, they have millions of sociopaths shut ins who would shoot their comrades if they lost in league of legends
don't worry! In a few years china will outsource their work to less wealthy countries like the US and you will have your "made in the USA" again.
>“We will follow two simple rules; buy American and hire American.”
- DJT inauguration address to his loyal suckers
China's government is pretty much designed for power moves and struggles, CIA could easily start a massive civil war with some well-placed assassinations and bribes following with prior trade wars and Chinese corporations being bought buy the government to be brought to America and de-monopolized
looking forward as well
Buy products made only in your country.
You can still have a choice. Be always aware of what you buy.
That's how eeveryone beat China. Through having an economy backed by manufacturing and being able to throw numbers behind it, they have destroyed their air. Without fresh air the'll die off eventually, plus we get cheap goods.
This guy fucking gets it.
too late for that, they already too strong to the point that they can maintain economy without needing foreign helps.
>boomer posting
We get cheap shit with "made In china" on it.
They get poisonous air that burns their lungs, and will only get worse until it eventually kills them all.
Good trade.
Be kind to your fellow chinese, they will rebuilt your country after it gets EMPed.
The chinese will be dead from poisonous air long before that ever happens.
Why are the chinks so fucking disgusting? Not only do they have zero respect for animals, but they have no reverence for their fellow man. They are disgusting fucking cannibals.
buy american products.
farmers market for produce
DIY or tradesmen for repairs
support local businessed and not chains who sellout to china like walmart
buy american vehicles like chevy/ford/dodge/jeep/cadillac/gmc/harleys
You forgot
>We ship the cheap shit back to them pollute their waterways and clog their landfills.
>Good trade.
Not really - they make a hell of a profit which they graciously give us as foreign debt (to them) which they then use to leverage trade deals etc. in their favor... Actually works out far better for them... in the short term.
That's why they took over america's role in the battle for climate change.
You are getting rekt at all ends, it's not even funny.
Did you know we upped the trade with China since you are no longer interested in TTIP?
Lovely how you BTFO yourself.
Rare Earth is a hoax just like Peak Oil. Just ask Elon fucking Musk where he gets all his Lithium.
top kek
every fucking time
>That's why they took over america's role in the battle for climate change.
About time. If any country needs environmental controls, China is at the top of the list.
>we upped the trade with China
Enjoy your shitty plastic trinkets.
Nothing stands in the way of profits in our society.
dumb frogposter
Get the fuck out faggot. You may not like Americans but they are preferable to chinks.
(((Climate change))) and environmental control is two different things.
America’s new moto should be:
Make cash or kiss ass!
why would I pay anyone 20/hr if I can get chinks to do it for nearly nothing?
t. niggerloving shartmarter
Ummmm aren’t your Asian, South Vietnam?
Ok, what country are you?
soon we will rule the world
America isn't in a position to do this but - trade sanctions or boycotts on the basis of unfair slave labor. If EU and Russia as well as others would import more from America and less from China, well their little "half communist" trick will come completely undone. It's very simple, they export a ton because they basically cut the labor costs out of their exports. They use citizen slave labor to flood the market with steel among many other things in order to undermine a strong middle class in non communist countries. Only other option would be Americans signing up for slave labor to counter all the chinks, which I don't consider acceptable.
whats wrong with slaves?
If China was distracted by war with North Korea, would that give us America the in it needs to break the cheap labor in any way, or would it just be more chaos for chaos sake?
We need a war with China ASAP before they get too big lol
Typed in my iphone which made in china
Get fucked stupid leaf
buy american product. oh I'm sorry I forgot that if it even exist it's overpriced as fuck and generally will have worse quality compared to chinese
25$ for drumpf maga cap what a bargain doodski america fuck yeah
USA and Russia vs China and Europe WW3 please god
jag vill ocksa ha neger kuk
OK Chang
another rare mutt into my collecton. I *tip* my fedora to you ivan
Slaves usually do shitty work.