What the fuck happened to ANTIFA?

Where'd these faggots go?

I haven't heard from them in a long time. It's like after Nov. 4th they just disappeared.

Other urls found in this thread:


Its for the better that we never hear of them again.

Do they just wait for the right-wing to do something so they can show up?

They are truly the reactionaries

They blew their load (e.g. Soros funding)

Sorosbux probably stopped coming in, and weren't they declared a terrorist group?

The media was starting to turn on them. People were getting sick of their shit

Orders came down from on high to cut their funding so they don't continue to make the left look bad

Watch out nazis! They are about to strike and launch their revolootshun any day now. Be scared!



but they all were white supremacists, they just defeated the more redpilled ones who weren't going to commit suicide in 20 years

Too many soyboys to actually get anything going. It was basically like spending money to fill a bottomless hole.

Antifa are diseased communist faggots

> A group of white supremacists attacking a group of German nationalists attempting to overthrow the white supremacists' overlords

Low energy. I'm interested to see what's next tho.

A lot of them got vanned by the Feds.

Here's a list of leaked Antifa names:

A benefit of having Trump and Sessions in power is that they actually do shit to stop commie/nigger terrorists.

>German nationalists
No they weren't Aryan (Europeans) Nationalist with Nordics being the master race of Aryans. They were simply using Germany as a vehicle for it, but year they also loved Germany.

The women's march is happening soon I think January 20th
Eminem is this year's guest speaker

Allegedly they planned on introducing some pretty explosive dialogue into their protests in two major cities. But some people heard about that, and those two cities had all of like 4 people show up. So instead of America waking up to the sight of hundreds of corpses and rallying behind a worthwhile anti-leftist cause, all the people who were warning about just such an incident were left to look like crazy retarded faggots. Allegedly.

November 4th was such a giant flop that they fell out of Soros' grace and are no longer relevant.


I think they were gassed.

Soros bucks dried up. Even a billionaire can’t afford to feed a mass of leeches forever

yeah the protests were a total joke in my city. and I'm in ANTIFA territory (Chicago)

What a load of faggots.

No fucking way
His lyrics fucking destroy women

I love that one of the organisers of that shit is Linda fucking Sarsour, who is an avowed Islamist who wears a hijab. The march also leaves devastation it is wake, that male garbage men need to clean up of course.

the turnout in Austin, because nothing scares imaginary Nazis like a tranny in a dirty unicorn onesie with a nerf battleaxe

soros realized that domestic terror organization with large enough number of members is a valid reason for trump to enact martial law. which is the least thing he wanted to have happened. As you know, the military is fully sided with trump, and martial law is basically a fastlane toward draining the swamp.

its not protest season anymore. Left wingers cant handle the cold

Where the alt right go?

Oh wait they stopped doing anything because the entire nation hates them

100 of them got arrested at the inauguration.

They have felony charges pending.

Cu;t suicide? who fucking cares, they must've seen their funding deadline

They weren't antifa protests.

And were you one of those fedora fat kids who came down to Daley plaza?

Yeah that was definitely you. You were the fat one that looked like kingpin

This actually. The spring and summer is usually when things heat up for protest.

In gross Oakland, there's a group of stubby little anarchists called Punks n' Sammiches or some shit. The feed snacks and Crass lyrics, presumably, to homeless rummies 'round the bay area. They're antifa, so is the guy who helms the twitter account White Genocide Now. I warn you - he's gross like Oakland, yo.

Anyway, big winners.

Duh! They stopped getting paid. That was not an organic group. Everyone was paid

they went to the moon to train in low grav grav maga

They're training and conspiring with ISIS


Well, what happened to the Alt Right? Where's Joey Gibson, Matthew Heimbach, Nathan Damigo, Kyle Chapman, Tusitala "Tiny" Toese? What's the last thing Spencer did that he didn't wind up cancelling, and getting run out of town? When's the last time Milo had a speaking engagement?

Seems like both sides just kind of got bored with the demonstrations and went back home, about the same time.

>Seems like both sides just kind of got bored with the demonstrations and went back home, about the same time.

It's winter. No one likes standing around for hours on end in the cold and wet. They'll be back come spring.

Perhaps Papa Smurf has been disappearing them. That could be.

>Where's Spence

he did that florida thing that turned out kinda weird. I don't think Antifa was there though, looked like a lot of goofy college kids.

>Where's Milo

He's still doing speeches. He just did a big Halloween show not too long ago.

They got their funding cut. "Freedom fighters" don't fight for free.

>t. salty commie failure

Lololol anyone who dissagrees with me is paid by soros

What we need to be doing to antifa

they are on pol doing damage control along with the lefty

I have a happy life and a career and do very well for myself.

You can too if you try family

Chi-Chicago b-bros???

West ridge reporting in, let's meet up next protest

Kiks? Snapchats?

i suspect something like this to be the case

Behold Chicago's finest alt right

U know that crazy bitch from berkley wont give up.. not veleatra pr whatever.. i mean that susana girl

Interesting how they ceased to exist after the vegas shooting

Fatass looks like the penguin LOL

Many of here in the midwest were ready to kill them for real if they started something. Glad they chickened out

They are on this board, circlejerking in at least 5 threads at the moment

This is true. I can't prove but its so logical I believe it. I've heard this enough times from enough different people to believe it. One day hopefully we'll get proof

They have been arrested and are now a terrorist organization.

Their current version failed again, so their puppet masters are regrouping and coming up with a new plan and brand to introduce the radical left again.

At their core, this was Occupy Wallstreet, that was rebranded into Black Lives Matter, then that got rebranded into ANTIFA. Different spins, but at their core, same thing each time. They're trying to find the version that really catches on and gains legit traction, which is why we never need to let up on mocking them.

antifa have slowly been getting V&. i'm pretty sure that bitch who always hangs around antifa and BAMN and gets them all riled up is a fed. she keeps getting released despite being taken in by cops on so many occasions.

she's always out on """bail""" despite being a head instigator in what's been admitted as domestic terrorist organizations (remember when the lefty media were disavowing ANTIFA for a while?).

i'm like really certain she's a fed, just like this bitch

Thanks for the tip. Mich militias going there in feb

I didn't even go I just saw pictures/live stream footage

I don't have snapchat or kik...what about those "MAGA meetups" at Trump tower? Are those cool or not?

it's cold stupid. wait till it warms up and some nigger breaks some laws

This angle worries me... its why a a couple buses of us are going to berkley to .."checkem"

I fucking hope.
He could 200% redeem himself if he just steals the mic and stage and does
"Kill You" from MMLP1

Shit senpai I have no idea what those are but from the sound of it sounds pretty cringey

Yeah it really doesn't make much sense with how emotional a grown asian woman is.

Asian women don't usually give a fuck about stuff like this. They just watch disney movies and hunt for a white husband

I guess they have MAGA Meetups at every Trump tower across the country and shit like that

You know Fuentes lives in the Chicago-area too?

Not much of a movement if you can't move it through snow.

I think it has something to do with the arrest the crown prince made in Saudi. That was right before the 4th, and shit just shut down from them.

>I think it has something to do with the arrest the crown prince made in Saudi.

How the fuck would that be connected?

This is getting spoopy

I didn't know that, too bad a lot of the people who are politically red pilled are lowtest. I don't know how'd I feel protesting or shit like that with guys from this pic

midterm cramming distracted them and now it's probably something on Netflix

>all skelletons and whales
yep that's pol all right

everytime stuff would come up about her, i always thought it was so fucking out of character for a flip to act like that. even the most americanized collage libshit asian grows up, gets married and has kids. you'll notice all the asian SJWs are young in comparison to a lot of the more haggard looking white/black ones.

so the angle i've been running with is that she's a fed.

LMAO what the fuck is THAT. I had seen that picture but didn't know that was Chicago.

I just hate this city (and the surrounding area, I live in the northwest burbs now). I have been trying to move but seriously cannot figure out where to go.

Everywhere else looks just as shitty. I took a long drive through some different parts of the country and the places that actually have jobs just look like a total fucking shithole.

I would like to go somewhere you can actually tell people you voted for Trump without getting fired or attacked by a fucking mob though. I think Trump broke the minds of Chicago people on November 8th, because they have never been the same since then.

Most of those people you listed don't fit under the umbrella term "Alt Right", they're just an asortment of public figures that oppose radical leftist retardation and a few actual white nationalists like Damigo and Heimbach.

The "alt right" is a creation of the leftist aligned mainstream media intended to group everyone that doesn't like their retarded shit into one cohesive unit which they can then portray in a normie repelent way by propping up schizophrenic dickheads like Cantwell as "leaders".

According to the MSM; If you don't want little kids put on hormone blockers that fuck their development up because their parents want a trendy and unique trans child, if you don't want violent mobs to prevent peaceful gatherings and speeches by rioting, if you don't want historical war monuments torn down and destroyed, if you don't want the government to be able to restrict your vocabulary with laws, if you don't want hordes of people from countries with strong ISIS presence to swarm your country with no vetting, if you don't want to be taxed out your ass so dumb women wearing thick rimmed glasses that don't actually do anything for their sight can do a "gender studies" course that teaches them to hate straight white men for free, you're "alt right" and thus a nazi that runs around spray painting swastikas everywhere and running over crowds in a Dodge challenger.

If you don't realize that you are fucked in the head. Also, Milo has a new tour kicking off here in Australia next week.

LOL look at the butthurt antifa

Look at him and laugh

somewhere someone is doing a focus group with a gender studies students to figure out what their next shitpost of rhetoric and marketing strategy should be.

didn't they get a lot of money. probably all on yachts trolling the Caribbean.

big guy looks like a detective haha

hopefully they're the reason for the sealed indictments and they're being held in custody anonymously until their leaders are brought in

They were becoming bad optics, so their funding dried up.

Optics is everything when trying to sway normie opinion. People on the far right need to understand this as well.

the only thing he could detect is a ham sandwich.

>DNC caught red handed in scamming
>left wing groups in turmoil
>YouTube loosing a lot of power from major companies because #Elsagate
>tumblr loosing its shit
>Shillary is sharting her pants cause Feds

And now I can enjoy some find pot roast and vodka while the fire from the left begins to burn everything down.

On you're definitely right about that, I'm an immigrant serbia so my support for trump is justified and no one can really talk to me about hillary after the shit show she pushed for in the 90s, but about moving I'm on the same boat. In 6 months I'm moving back to serbia after living here about 14 years, Chicago is just way to liberal to keep your sanity

shut up mutt

Fucking kek

from a mile away, he should do a web series.

>equating yourselves to American soldiers on D-Day
>chanting "Death to America"

Pick one Antifa(ggots)

And I have the same, it doesn't make it any less obvious that your commie butthurt was obvious as hell in that post. Your little "muh revuhlution" failed. Liberalism is dead, now get back to flipping burgers and thinking about what soy-meal your about to devour for dinner..

This is the truth.

Remember Occupy?

As soon as the temperatures dipped that fizzled fast.

for you

Well part of the allegations the crown prince has leveled, is that the arrested were involved with funding foreign terrorist organisations, and political groups with Saudi money. There's, also from what I've heard a faction in Saudi politics which is globalist, which means that they likely have at least some ties to (((GS))).

he could sing smashmouth songs.

I think it’s so funny that antifa tries to compare themselves to world war 2 veterans. Don’t they understand how racist they were? Most of them just wanted to kill some dirty japs, also remember that we only attacked nazi Germany because they were allied with Japan, America’s true enemy during world war 2. It had nothing to do with stopping Hitler

They are the violent mob of the Left wing, and as such they only get paid to show up during important elections. Expect their return in 2018

ok how many people were conceived in those tents.

atleast they have values unlike you

Dude, google reactionary.
It does not mean what you think it means.

Post a timestamped pic of your last foodstamps check comrad

Are you unaware that after nine11, saudi arabia teamed with NSA, CIA, FBI and agreed to let them operate on their soil to pre-empt any terrorists crossing the water and infiltrated numerous terrorist cells in their country and brought them down?