Tosh will make a SnS Doujin for C91

Tosh will make a SnS Doujin for C91

Explain further.


Hisasi isn't Tosh you retard


Alice > Erina

Fuck you.

>being too autistic to get in on the joke
Upvoted right here and now

>i was just pretending to be retarded

>first word in the link is Hisasi

>This much damage control

>being retarded

>got caught being retarded
>n-no you

>literally too reddit to get the joke
>hurr durr no way i-it's not tosh waaah

Get a room already.

>got caught being retarded
>i-its a joke

Ah, so I posted the Hisasi link to pretend that it's Tosh, OK



retardation is not a joke senpai

Why reply again, autismo?

What are you looking forward for C91?


Tosh souma doujin.

being called autistic by a autist sure feels bad

>no u
Reverse (You).

>I know it hurts but others find you retarded as well

Nice Paint skills. Took you long enough.

this is getting sad

You're pathetic.

I always enjoy salty tears senpai

I'm not the one crying over a joke.


>I'm this autistic
Good for you

its ok senpai i understand

calling others autistic is not going to change anything

ITT retards calling each other retarded

Not my fault that you get this upset about an obvious bait.

>32 posts
>8 posters
great thread guys





ebin thread

I love how Sup Forums users think they are above reddit. This thread is the perfect example of what Sup Forums is like.

there's more quality in reddit than Sup Forums

Then go there and stay there.

I go wherever I like thank you

No problem


I'd fuck her