Swedecucks get shit ton of you to get out there as half-assed attempts as trannys, buy tickets and flock the damn thing
Swedes do something for once
Shit skins rape assault and molest female population and they blame all men, their is some kind of irony here.
Nice sweden ... how "PROGRESSIVE"
>Shit skins / niggers will LARP as Trannies and rape the shit out of the festival.
>The left goes on mental breakdown.
Why do you care if some broads want to have their own festival?
You're not even a real country faggot.
Look who's talking
>no mans to help quenchs the thirst for dick and alchool
it will last one edition
at least we are a white country
go back to plebbit
Latvia has a proud history you fucking retard. Riga was a major port city in the Hanseatic league.
It's not irony it's feminist extremism. On one end of the spectrum you have societies where a man rapes a woman and they execute the woman. On the other end you have this. At some point the swedes will begin killing men/mutilating their genitals at birth.
You're a fucking meme country kek Muhammad
t. butthurt noncountries.
thats pretty rich coming from a nigger and sjw infested country
if you weren't an insecure shitskin you wouldn't feel the need to put down perfectly respectable countries like Latvia.
the classic American non-argument with le 9fag maymay, cancer incarnate
>not every muslim but every man(except maybe for muslims and niggers)
makes total sense.
it's great we've finnaly figured it out
They should really just ban white men, they are the ones who sexual assault.
the people are respectable, but not the government, they still spread their cheeks when the EU overlords come and our foreign minister is literally a faggot. Though, the people will never accept force multi kulti
i'm strangely aroused by this
That's why you're banned
you cant ban what you cant see
oh look the non-country is trying to communicate
You've obviously never watched survivor. Women do the weirdest shit when they are alone together.
women don't buy shit tho. they just have men buy it for them
this is lose shitloads of money
no real arguments
amerifats just cant handle the baltic superiority
>go to swedistan
>rape woman
>it's a man
>confess to local imam
>it's a bearded woman
certified to comment
>return to free swedistan apartment
>reminisce about the simpler times
>miss your goat
the next one going be pan tranny sexual half islamic raping.
The irony belongs to Sup Forums. You guys call feminists retarded for blaming all men for sexual assault, and turn around and blame all Muslims.
what even the fuck is the local? actual swedes don't browse that site you know
I'm fairly certain this festival is illegal.
Shouldn't we buy some tickets and dress as females and when confronted just state "I identify as a woman" And when the guards drag you out you yell "Transophobia in action, End CIS privilege now"
not any more, mohammeds. now you're just islam breeding ground ruled by feminazis kek
every last one of you euroshitstains wish to God that you had Trump to care for you, jelly fags
That was literally the entire plan. Feminists couldnt meme themselves into every institution on mythical unreported rape numbers so they had to import an entire rapey sand culture.
Daily reminder that it is your patriotic duty rto absolutely destroy gender neutral toilets.
Asuming gender while committing rape.
That's like a double rape.
>cant control migrant rape
>just ban all men XD
Story on image?
>>Shit skins / niggers will LARP as Trannies and rape the shit out of the festival.
>>The left goes on mental breakdown.
We need to meme this into reality.
Probably some shitty commie (((news site))). Sup Forumsacks should read Nordfront and Fria Tider through Google Translate instead.
56% education
Female police officers posed as sunbathers to nab creepy muslim would-be-rapists, I'm not 100% sure if this is in Sweden or not but I vaguely remember the article and photo.
she was off duty sunbathing with a friend when a gypsy came up to them trying to sell them a gypsy magazine while simultaneously stealing her friends phone.she noticed and arrested him.
>Gypsy magazine
The mind boggles as to what kind of articles it would contain...
"Pickpocketing revisited"
"Latest card-skimming devices and techniques"
"Top 10 kidnap spots in the EU"
"Is YOUR petrol-siphoning up to speed?"
I love the backstory to images like this - it's always the same. The mutt meme has made someome so furious that they decide they want to make a european version to 'git back at the gosh diddly darned yuropoors' but once they've booted up photoshop they realise they lack the creativity or even the basis to come up with a counter-meme, so instead they literally just take the meme they're upset about, carefully erase the flags and replace them with EU flags, thereby completely losing the point of the meme in the first place